17 research outputs found

    New electrolytes for direct methane fuel cells. Final report, January 10,1977-January 9, 1979. [Methanesulfonic acids]

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    The program is aimed at developing a fuel cell electrolyte for the direct oxidation of CH/sub 4/ and/or impure H/sub 2/ fuels. Of interest are di- and tribasic methanesulfonic acids CX/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/ and CX(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/ where X is H, F, or C1. Synthetic routes to CH/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/, CH(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/, CCl/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/, and CCl(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/ have been identified and optimized. The diphenyl ester of CF/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/ has been prepared for the first time and various approaches to CF(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/ have been investigated. In parallel with the synthetic program, apparatus was designed and fabricated for the testing of the electrolytes under fuel cell conditions. A new PTFE test cell was developed for testing small amounts of electrolyte. Electrodes with low Pt loading were developed for use in electrolyte evaluation. Optimum performance with H/sub 3/PO/sub 4/ was achieved using 1 mg Pt/cm/sup 2/ and 1 mg TFE 30/cm/sup 2/ deposited on TFE tape, supported on a Au plated Ta screen, and sintered. Preliminary half cell tests using CH/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/ and CH(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/ indicated that these acids are insufficiently stable for use as fuel cell electrolytes. However, tests using CCl/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H/sub 2/) and CCl(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 3/ were encouraging, yielding H/sub 2/ oxidation rates equal to or better than those using H/sub 3/PO/sub 4/. Stability tests were conducted by heating a sample of each acid at 130/sup 0/ for 30 days under atmospheres of N/sub 2/, O/sub 2/, and H/sub 2/. At the end of the test, each sample was analyzed for decomposition. In no case did IR analysis indicate significant decomposition and, in the case of the chloroacids, only a trace amount of free Cl/sup -/ was observed. Conductivity measurements showed the aqueous acids to be of the same conductivty as aqueous H/sub 3/PO/sub 4/. The dihydrate of CH/sub 2/(SO/sub 3/H)/sub 2/ was found to be more conductive than CF/sub 3/SO/sub 3/H.H/sub 2/O but less conductive than 100% H/sub 3/PO/sub 4/