1,239 research outputs found
Existence of a Semiclassical Approximation in Loop Quantum Gravity
We consider a spherical symmetric black hole in the Schwarzschild metric and
apply Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization to determine the energy levels. The
canonical partition function is then computed and we show that the entropy
coincides with the Bekenstein-Hawking formula when the maximal number of states
for the black hole is the same as computed in loop quantum gravity, proving in
this case the existence of a semiclassical limit and obtaining an independent
derivation of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. Final version accepted for publication in
General Relativity and Gravitatio
The staggered domain wall fermion method
A different lattice fermion method is introduced. Staggered domain wall
fermions are defined in 2n+1 dimensions and describe 2^n flavors of light
lattice fermions with exact U(1) x U(1) chiral symmetry in 2n dimensions. As
the size of the extra dimension becomes large, 2^n chiral flavors with the same
chiral charge are expected to be localized on each boundary and the full
SU(2^n) x SU(2^n) flavor chiral symmetry is expected to be recovered. SDWF give
a different perspective into the inherent flavor mixing of lattice fermions and
by design present an advantage for numerical simulations of lattice QCD
thermodynamics. The chiral and topological index properties of the SDWF Dirac
operator are investigated. And, there is a surprise ending...Comment: revtex4, 7 figures, minor revisions, 2 references adde
Precision neutron interferometric measurements of the n-p, n-d, and n-3He zero-energy coherent neutron scattering amplitudes
We have performed high precision measurements of the zero-energy neutron
scattering amplitudes of gas phase molecular hydrogen, deuterium, and He
using neutron interferometry. We find
fm\cite{Black03,Schoen03}, and
fm\cite{Huffman04}. When combined with the previous world data, properly
corrected for small multiple scattering, radiative corrections, and local field
effects from the theory of neutron optics and combined by the prescriptions of
the Particle Data Group, the zero-energy scattering amplitudes are:
fm, fm, and fm. The precision of
these measurements is now high enough to severely constrain NN few-body models.
The n-d and n-He coherent neutron scattering amplitudes are both now in
disagreement with the best current theories. The new values can be used as
input for precision calculations of few body processes. This precision data is
sensitive to small effects such as nuclear three-body forces, charge-symmetry
breaking in the strong interaction, and residual electromagnetic effects not
yet fully included in current models.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physica B as part of the Festschrift
honouring Samuel A. Werner at the International Conference on Neutron
Scattering 200
Chasing the identification of ASCA Galactic Objects (ChIcAGO): An X-ray survey of unidentified sources in the galactic plane. I : Source sample and initial results
We present the Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects (ChIcAGO) survey, which is designed to identify the unknown X-ray sources discovered during the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey (AGPS). Little is known about most of the AGPS sources, especially those that emit primarily in hard X-rays (2-10 keV) within the Fx 10-13 to 10-11 erg cm -2 s-1 X-ray flux range. In ChIcAGO, the subarcsecond localization capabilities of Chandra have been combined with a detailed multiwavelength follow-up program, with the ultimate goal of classifying the >100 unidentified sources in the AGPS. Overall to date, 93 unidentified AGPS sources have been observed with Chandra as part of the ChIcAGO survey. A total of 253 X-ray point sources have been detected in these Chandra observations within 3′ of the original ASCA positions. We have identified infrared and optical counterparts to the majority of these sources, using both new observations and catalogs from existing Galactic plane surveys. X-ray and infrared population statistics for the X-ray point sources detected in the Chandra observations reveal that the primary populations of Galactic plane X-ray sources that emit in the Fx 10-13 to 10-11 erg cm -2 s-1 flux range are active stellar coronae, massive stars with strong stellar winds that are possibly in colliding wind binaries, X-ray binaries, and magnetars. There is also another primary population that is still unidentified but, on the basis of its X-ray and infrared properties, likely comprises partly Galactic sources and partly active galactic nuclei.Peer reviewedSubmitted Versio
Альтернативный метод лечения феномена Попова-Годона
Teeth not exposed to chewing forces have a capacity for physiological tooth movement or tooth migration. The erupting tooth will erupt until it reaches occlusal contact and the final positioning of the teeth depends on the equilibrium between forces e. g. forces from the occlusion, tongue, lips and eruption. Therefore, overeruption is accommodation process. There are several methods to treat the disease: the intrusion by means of orthodontics appliances, selective alveolar corticotomy for intruding overerupted teeth, prosthetic crowns, tooth extraction. Surgical or orthodontic therapy may be inconvenient and they are not always as effective as desired. Available prosthetic options for restoration of occlusion include selective root canal treatment with invasive tooth reduction to reconstruct the occlusal plane and make enough places for porcelain fused to metal crowns. The alternative treatment was proposed by department of prosthodontics of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The only destroyed tooth is restored by ceramo-composite pinlay, thus making no changes in occlusion line. The indications for this method: orthodontic therapy is not effective, no blockage of jaw motions, no pathologic changes in temporomandibular joints.Наиболее распространенным способом лечения феномена Попова-Годона на сегодняшний день остается метод сошлифовывания. Для определения степени сошлифовывания изучают диагностические модели или боковые внеротовые рентгеновские снимки, а также боковые телерентгенограммы. Проведя окклюзионную плоскость, определяют, на сколько зуб сместился за нее: от этого зависит величина снимаемых по окклюзионной поверхности тканей. На рентгенограммах положение линии определяет показание к депульпированию, если линия пересекает полость зуба. Если смещение произошло на малую величину, то достаточно сточить ткани в пределах эмали. После этого необходимо провести курс фторлактерапии. Если при стачивании необходимо снять и часть дентина, то зуб требует обязательного покрытия коронкой. В случаях, когда вертикальное выдвижение зуба произошло в результате наличия сильно разрушенного зуба-антагониста, металлокерамическими коронками покрывают как разрушенный зуб, так его антагонист. Таким образом создается достаточная высота для будущей коронки и устраняется блокирование движений нижней челюсти в сагиттальном направлении. Кафедрой ортопедической стоматологии Российского университета дружбы народов был предложен альтернативный способ лечения данной патологии. Протезированию подлежит только разрушенный зуб, коронковая часть которого восстанавливается керамокомпозитной вкладкой без изменения сложившейся окклюзионной кривой
Lattice Sigma Models with Exact Supersymmetry
We show how to construct lattice sigma models in one, two and four dimensions
which exhibit an exact fermionic symmetry. These models are discretized and
{\it twisted} versions of conventional supersymmetric sigma models with N=2
supersymmetry. The fermionic symmetry corresponds to a scalar BRST charge built
from the original supercharges. The lattice theories possess local actions and
in many cases admit a Wilson term to suppress doubles. In the two and four
dimensional theorie s we show that these lattice theories are invariant under
additional discrete symmetries. We argue that the presence of these exact
symmetries ensures that no fine tuning is required to achieve N=2 supersymmetry
in the continuum limit. As a concrete example we show preliminary numerical
results from a simulation of the O(3) supersymmetric sigma model in two
dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, formalism generalized to allow for explicit
Wilson mass terms. New numerical results added. Version to be published in
Scattering of scalar particles by a black hole
The absorption cross section for scalar particle impact on a Schwarzschild
black hole is found. The process is dominated by two physical phenomena. One of
them is the well-known greybody factor that arises from the energy-dependent
potential barrier outside the horizon that filters the incoming and outgoing
waves. The other is related to the reflection of particles on the horizon
(Kuchiev 2003). This latter effect strongly diminishes the cross section for
low energies, forcing it to vanish in the infrared limit. It is argued that
this is a general property, the absorption cross section vanishes in the
infrared limit for scattering of particles of arbitrary spin.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, 1 figur
Antiflow of kaons in relativistic heavy ion collisions
We compare relativistic transport model calculations to recent data on the
sideward flow of neutral strange K^0_s mesons for Au+Au collisions at 6 AGeV. A
soft nuclear equation of state is found to describe very well the positive
proton flow data measured in the same experiment. In the absence of kaon
potential, the K^0 flow pattern is similar to that of protons. The kaon flow
becomes negative if a repulsive kaon potential determined from the impulse
approximation is introduced. However, this potential underestimates the data
which exhibits larger antiflow. An excellent agreement with the data is
obtained when a relativistic scalar-vector kaon potential, that has stronger
density dependence, is used. We further find that the transverse momentum
dependence of directed and elliptic flow is quite sensitive to the kaon
potential in dense matter.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 4 figure
Vlasov-Maxwell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations in the solar corona
1.5D Vlasov-Maxwell simulations are employed to model electromagnetic
emission generation in a fully self-consistent plasma kinetic model for the
first time in the solar physics context. The simulations mimic the plasma
emission mechanism and Larmor drift instability in a plasma thread that
connects the Sun to Earth with the spatial scales compressed appropriately. The
effects of spatial density gradients on the generation of electromagnetic
radiation are investigated. It is shown that 1.5D inhomogeneous plasma with a
uniform background magnetic field directed transverse to the density gradient
is aperiodically unstable to Larmor-drift instability. The latter results in a
novel effect of generation of electromagnetic emission at plasma frequency.
When density gradient is removed (i.e. when plasma becomes stable to
Larmor-drift instability) and a density, super-thermal, hot beam is
injected along the domain, in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic
field, plasma emission mechanism generates non-escaping Langmuir type
oscillations which in turn generate escaping electromagnetic radiation. It is
found that in the spatial location where the beam is injected, the standing
waves, oscillating at the plasma frequency, are excited. These can be used to
interpret the horizontal strips observed in some dynamical spectra. Quasilinear
theory predictions: (i) the electron free streaming and (ii) the beam long
relaxation time, in accord with the analytic expressions, are corroborated via
direct, fully-kinetic simulation. Finally, the interplay of Larmor-drift
instability and plasma emission mechanism is studied by considering
electron beam in the Larmor-drift unstable (inhomogeneous) plasma.
http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie1.mpg *
http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie2.mpg *
http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie3.mpgComment: Solar Physics (in press, the final, accepted version
Reflection, radiation and interference for black holes
Black holes are capable of reflection: there is a finite probability for any
particle that approaches the event horizon to bounce back. The albedo of the
black hole depends on its temperature and the energy of the incoming particle.
The reflection shares its physical origins with the Hawking process of
radiation, both of them arise as consequences of the mixing of the incoming and
outgoing waves that takes place on the event horizon.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, Revte
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