8 research outputs found

    Glifosato aplicado com diferentes concentrações de uréia ou sulfato de amônio para dessecação de plantas daninhas Glyphosate applied with different concentrations of urea or ammonium sulfate for weed desiccation

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    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do herbicida glifosato, para a dessecação de trapoeraba (Commelina benghalensis) e outras plantas daninhas, quando combinado a diferentes concentrações de sulfato de amônio ou uréia. Foram conduzidos três experimentos com tratamentos semelhantes: dois em campo e um em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos aplicados em campo foram: glifosato (360 g ha-1 de e.a.), isolado ou acrescido de quatro concentrações de sulfato de amônio (2,5, 5, 10 e 20 g L-1) ou uréia (1,5, 3, 6 e 12 g L-1); glifosato a 720 g ha-1 de e.a., aplicado isoladamente; e testemunha sem aplicação. Em casa de vegetação, para o controle específico da trapoeraba, as doses de glifosato foram elevadas para 720 (isolado e nas combinações) e 1.440 g ha-1 de e.a. A adição de sulfato de amônio à calda do glifosato elevou o controle das plantas daninhas em campo, para as concentrações com até 10 g L-1. O herbicida glifosato não foi eficaz no controle da trapoeraba, em nenhumas das doses usadas. A adição de uréia não promoveu incrementos de controle em condição de campo; porém, para concentrações de até 6 g L-1, melhorou o controle da trapoeraba, na avaliação conduzida aos 28 dias após aplicação.<br>This work was developed with the objective of evaluating glyphosate efficacy for Bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) and other weeds desiccation, when combined to different concentrations of ammonium sulfate or urea. Three experiments were carried out with similar treatments: two in field conditions and one in greenhouse. Treatments applied in field conditions were: glyphosate at 360 g ha-1 a.e., isolated or combined to four concentrations of ammonium sulfate (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 g L-1) or urea (1.5, 3, 6, and 12 g L-1); glyphosate at 720 g ha-1 a.e., applied isolately; and checks without application. In greenhouse, for the specific control on Bengal dayflower, glyphosate rates were increased to 720 (isolated or in combination) and to 1,440 g ha-1 a.e. Ammonium sulfate addition to glyphosate spray solution increased field weed control, when concentrations up to 10 g L-1 were used. None of the glyphosate rates were efficient to control Bengal dayflower. Urea addition to spray solution did not improve weed control in field conditions; however, it increased Bengal dayflower control for concentrations up to 6 g L-1, at the evaluation after 28 days of application

    Constant turnover of arachidonic acid and inhibition of a potassium current in Aplysia giant neurons

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    Steady-state currents at hyperpolarized membrane potentials were studied in the homologous giant neurons, LP1 and R2, of Aplysia using two-electrode voltage clamp. Nearly half of the steady-state current at voltages more hyperpolarized than −70 mV had characteristics similar to the inwardly rectifying potassium current ( I R ) described previously in Aplysia neurons. The pharmacological agents 4-bromophenacylbromide, indomethacin, and the phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate were found to modulate I R . I R was stimulated with BPB and indomethacin and inhibited with TPA. These agents altered I R by a mechanism independent of c AMP, which can also modulate I R . The effects of these modulators are consistent with their actions on arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism in Aplysia nervous system, suggesting AA may constitutively inhibit I R . When ganglia were perfused for 12 hr with medium containing BSA to absorb extracellular fatty acids, I R was increased nearly twofold. This increase was partially inhibited by addition of AA to the perfusion medium, and completely inhibited by pretreatment of ganglia with BPB. Although no direct effect of shortterm exposure to exogenous AA was observed, long term exposure to exogenous AA and several other unsaturated fatty acids was accompanied by a decrease in I R .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48022/1/232_2005_Article_BF01868465.pd

    Stomatal Behavior of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Plants

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