18 research outputs found

    Physical development of hockey players aged 13-16 years

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    Aim. Identify the age features of hockey players aged 13-16 years old physical development. Material and methods. Elite hockey players (n = 83, age - 13-16 years) were surveyed. Standard anthropometric methods for measuring length and body weight were used. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Results. The average value of the body length of hockey players did not differ from peers, who do not engage in sports. The cental distribution of the absolute values of the indicator relative to nomograms has been shifted to the right. Most hockey players had average body lengths. The excess of the average body weight of hockey players was recorded in comparison with the average population values. The cental distribution of absolute values was characterized by a significant shift to the right (range 3% -90% percentile). Most hockey players had a body weight “above average” (55-66%). The group of athletes with body weight and BMI “below average” was 6% (age from 13 to 15 years). Conclusions. The physical development of elite hockey players is characterized by an average body length with a tendency to shift to values *above average*. The proportion of hockey players with mean body lengths below the mid-population is very small. Elite hockey players are characterized by large body weight and BMI compared to peers who do not engage in sports. As the age increases from the morphological criteria, the body weight and BMI have the greatest value for the hockey player’s success in sports selection

    To be folded, to be unfolded or to be aggregated with important functions: application of the directed coaggregation mechanism to combat bacterial communities

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    One of the reasons for the mortal danger to humans is the ability of pathogenic bacteria to form biofilms. The formation of biofilms is an evolutionarily conservative defense mechanism against adverse conditions. The use of this protection by pathogenic bacteria reduces the effectiveness of the main means of combating them - antibiotics, which complicates the production of new types of drugs. There are two types of antimicrobial agents that are not known antibiotics: nanoparticles and antimicrobial peptides. We demonstrated that peptides synthesized based on the amino acid sequence of proteins and capable of amyloid formation and coaggregation with the whole protein exhibit antimicrobial activity. The ability of peptides to coaggregate with target proteins can help combat biofilm-forming bacterial communities. We evaluated the antimicrobial effects of ten synthesized hybrid peptides, which were obtained based on the sequences of the S1 ribosomal protein of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. It is important that some peptides demonstrated high antimicrobial activity comparable to the antibiotic gentamicin sulfate against pathogenic strains of MRSA, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa. These peptides showed no toxicity to eukaryotic cells. Our study demonstrates the promise of hybrid peptides based on the amyloidogenic regions of the S1 ribosomal protein for the development of new antimicrobials against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria resistant to traditional antibiotic.Belgrade : Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineerin


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    The article presents the latest data on the use of E-type cylindrical longitudinal EMV technology. A sample of TV signal transmission under water in the NTV range with a power of 1 W with high image quality was developed and tested. A sample of a gas burner using an E-type longitudinal EMV plasma discharge with the calorific value of a hydrogen burner has been developed. A sample of a 915 MHz microwave amplifier with an output power of 100 kW using an E-type longitudinal EMV in a quartz water vessel was also developed. A physical model of gravity and levitation using a longitudinal H-type EMV is proposed. Bodies attract and repel as magnetic charges induced by a longitudinal H-type EMV. A photo of an installation for studying the properties of a longitudinal H-type EMV is given.Вихревое поле Е возбуждает в центре вихря продольного поля Н. С другой стороны, поле Н создает вокруг себя ЭДС Фарадея и вихревое поле Е и вихревой ток смещения. Интересна схема распространения продольной ЭМВ Н-типа от Солнца к Земле. Именно эта волна создает в теле Земли магнитные заряды в виде вихрей тока смещения, которые после интеграции по объему Земли суммировались в магнитный заряд Земли. Аналогичный магнитный заряд можно обнаружить и на Солнце. Если заряды Земли и Солнца разные, то сила притяжения описывается известной формулой Кулоновского взаимодействия, но для магнитных зарядов

    Bidirectional mass transfer-based generation of plasma-activated water mist with antibacterial properties

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    Plasma-activated water mist (PAWM) is obtained by the ignition of plasma within an air–vapor mixture. PAWM demonstrates significant antibacterial properties, decreasing loads of foodborne pathogens by a factor of 35.5 for Listeria monocytogenes, 166 for Salmonella Typhimurium, and 266 for Escherichia coli O157:H7 within 15 s. Bacterial biofilms have a similar species-dependant susceptibility. Biofilms of L. monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium, and E. coli O157:H7 are destroyed by 44%, 77%, and 71%, respectively, after being treated for 2 min. Obtained results suggest importance of short-lived radicals, because PAWM condensate is not bactericidal. A new model of PAW generation as a cyclic process of oxidation reactive nitrogen species by reactive oxygen species, which occurs during effective bidirectional mass transfer between heavily humid air and water mist in plasma discharge, is presented. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Особенности формирования активных сред бактериями Listeria monocytogenes в зависимости от температуры культивирования и вязкости раствора

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    Active matter is considered to be an object consisting of particles capable of moving due to the energy they consume from the environment, for example, suspensions of moving bacteria. The determination of the behavior patterns of active matter is a necessary condition for the creation of new “smart” devices and materials, including nanomotors based on microorganisms. In this work, we studied the peculiarities of the formation of the active matter by the bacteria of the species \textit{Listeria monocytogenes}, which unique feature is the presence of two methods of movement depending on the ambient temperature. In this regard, we obtained the velocity and trajectory of the movements of microorganisms depending on cultivation temperature, as well as the viscosity of the suspension. It was shown that Listeria with flagella (when cultivated at 25^{\circ}С ) presented active Brownian motion and formed a typical active medium. In the absence of flagella (when cultivated at 37^{\circ}С), they lost the ability to move actively, and their movement in the normal saline corresponded to the passive Brownian movements. A slight increase in the viscosity of the solution by 0,0516 μ103\mu \cdot 10^{3} Pa\cdots resulted in a decrease in the speed of movements of Listeria with flagella to the magnitudes, typical for Listeria without flagella, which indicates a possible adaptation value of this phenomenon in the life cycle of this microorganism. The obtained data can be used to regulate the speed of movement of microorganisms and, therefore, to influence the parameters of the active medium.Под активными средами понимают объекты, состоящие из частиц, способных к перемещению за счет потребляемой ими извне энергии. К ним относят суспензии движущихся бактерий. Установление закономерностей, описывающих поведение активных сред, является необходимым условием создания новых «умных» приборов и материалов, том числе нанодвигателей на основе микроорганизмов. В работе были изучены особенности формирования активной среды бактериями вида Listeria monocytogenes, особенностью которых является наличие двух способов передвижения в зависимости от окружающей температуры. Для этого была определена скорость и траектория движения микроорганизмов, выращенных при 25 ∘С (имеющих жгутики) и 37 ∘С (не имеющих жгутиков), а также при увеличении вязкости жидкости. Было показано, что имеющие жгутики листерии осуществляли активное Броуновское движение и формировали типичную активную среду. В отсутствии жгутиков (при культивировании при 37 ∘С) они утрачивали способность к активному передвижению, и их перемещение в физиологическом растворе соответствовало пассивному Броуновскому движению. Повышение вязкости раствора всего на 5% приводило к снижению скорости перемещения листерий с жгутиками в несколько раз, до скоростей, характерных для неподвижных листерий. Это говорит о возможном адаптационном значении данного феномена в жизненном цикле этого микроорганизма. Полученные данные могут быть использованы для регуляции скорости перемещения микроорганизмов и, значит, для воздействия на параметры активной среды

    Strain specific motility patterns and surface adhesion of virulent and probiotic Escherichia coli

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    Bacterial motility provides the ability for bacterial dissemination and surface exploration, apart from a choice between surface colonisation and further motion. In this study, we characterised the movement trajectories of pathogenic and probiotic Escherichia coli strains (ATCC43890 and M17, respectively) at the landing stage (i.e., leaving the bulk and approaching the surface) and its correlation with adhesion patterns and efficiency. A poorly motile strain JM109 was used as a control. Using specially designed and manufactured microfluidic chambers, we found that the motion behaviour near surfaces drastically varied between the strains, correlating with adhesion patterns. We consider two bacterial strategies for effective surface colonisation: horizontal and vertical, based on the obtained results. The horizontal strategy demonstrated by the M17 strain is characterised by collective directed movements within the horizontal layer during a relatively long period and non-uniform adhesion patterns, suggesting co-dependence of bacteria in the course of adhesion. The vertical strategy demonstrated by the pathogenic ATCC43890 strain implies the individual movement of bacteria mainly in the vertical direction, a faster transition from bulk to near-surface swimming, and independent bacterial behaviour during adhesion, providing a uniform distribution over the surface. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Bacterial hepatocyte growth factor receptor agonist stimulates hepatocyte proliferation and accelerates liver regeneration in a partial hepatectomy rat model

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is central to liver regeneration. The Internalin B (InlB) protein is a virulence factor produced by the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. InlB is known to mimic HGF activity by interacting with the HGF receptor (HGFR) and activating HGFR-controlled signaling pathways. We expressed and purified the HGFR-binding InlB domain, InlB321/15, cloned from the fully virulent clinical L. monocytogenes strain. HGFR and Erk1/2 phosphorylation was determined using Western blotting. The capacity of InlB321/15 to bind HGFR was measured using microscale thermophoresis. Liver regeneration was studied in a model of 70% partial hepatectomy (70%PHx) in male Wistar rats. The nuclear grade parameters were quantified using manual (percentage of binuclear hepatocytes), automated (nuclear diameters), or combined (Ki67 proliferation index) scoring methods. Purified InlB321/15 stimulated HGFR and Erk1/2 phosphorylation and accelerated the proliferation of HepG2 cells. InlB321/15 bound HGFR with Kd = 7.4 ± 1.3 nM. InlB321/15 injected intravenously on the second, fourth, and sixth days after surgery recovered the liver mass and improved the nuclear grade parameters. Seven days post 70% PHx, the liver weight indexes were 2.9 and 2.0%, the hepatocyte proliferation indexes were 19.8 and 0.6%, and the percentages of binucleated hepatocytes were 6.7 and 4.0%, in the InlB321/15-treated and control animals, respectively. Obtained data demonstrated that InlB321/15 improved hepatocyte proliferation and stimulated liver regeneration in animals with 70% hepatectomy. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LL

    Magnetic force microscope tip-induced remagnetization of CoPt nanodisks with perpendicular anisotropy

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    We report on the results of a magnetic force microscopy investigation of remagnetization processes in arrays of CoPt nanodisks with diameters of 35 and 200 nm and a thickness of 9.8 nm fabricated by e-beam lithography and ion etching. The controllable magnetization reversal of individual CoPt nanodisks by the magnetic force microscope (MFM) tip-induced magnetic field was demonstrated. We observed experimentally two essentially different processes of tip-induced remagnetization. Magnetization reversal of 200 nm disks was observed when the probe moved across the particle while in case of 35 nm nanodisks one-touch remagnetization was realized. Micromagnetic modeling based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation demonstrated that the tip-induced magnetization reversal occurs through the essentially inhomogeneous states. Computer simulations confirmed that in case of 200 nm disks the mechanism of embryo nucleation with reversed magnetization and further dynamic propagation following the probe moving across the particle was realized. On the other hand one-touch remagnetization of 35 nm disks occurs through the inhomogeneous vortexlike state. Micromagnetic LLG simulations showed that magnetization reversal in an inhomogeneous MFM probe field has a lower energy barrier in comparison with the mechanism of coherent rotation, which takes place in a homogeneous external magnetic field