15,765 research outputs found

    A transceiver module of the Mu radar

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    The transceiver (TR) module of a middle and upper atmospheric radar is described. The TR module used in the radar is mainly composed of two units: a mixer (MIX unit) and a power amplifier (PA unit). The former generates the RF wave for transmission and converts the received echo to the IF signal. A 41.5-MHz local signal fed to mixers passes through a digitally controlled 8-bit phase shifter which can change its value up to 1,000 times in a second, so that the MU radar has the ability to steer its antenna direction quickly and flexibly. The MIX unit also contains a buffer amplifier and a gate for the transmitting signal and preamplifier for the received one whose noise figure is less than 5 dB. The PA unit amplifies the RF signal supplied from the MIX unit up to 63.7 dBm (2350 W), and feeds it to the crossed Yagi antenna

    Quantum Larmor radiation in conformally flat universe

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    We investigate the quantum effect on the Larmor radiation from a moving charge in an expanding universe based on the framework of the scalar quantum electrodynamics (SQED). A theoretical formula for the radiation energy is derived at the lowest order of the perturbation theory with respect to the coupling constant of the SQED. We evaluate the radiation energy on the background universe so that the Minkowski spacetime transits to the Milne universe, in which the equation of motion for the mode function of the free complex scalar field can be exactly solved in an analytic way. Then, the result is compared with the WKB approach, in which the equation of motion of the mode function is constructed with the WKB approximation which is valid as long as the Compton wavelength is shorter than the Hubble horizon length. This demonstrates that the quantum effect on the Larmor radiation of the order e^2\hbar is determined by a non-local integration in time depending on the background expansion. We also compare our result with a recent work by Higuchi and Walker [Phys. Rev. D80 105019 (2009)], which investigated the quantum correction to the Larmor radiation from a charged particle in a non-relativistic motion in a homogeneous electric field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    NMR evidence for a strong modulation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate in BaCuSi2_2O6_6

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    We present a 63,65^{63,65}Cu and 29^{29}Si NMR study of the quasi-2D coupled spin 1/2 dimer compound BaCuSi2_2O6_6 in the magnetic field range 13-26 T and at temperatures as low as 50 mK. NMR data in the gapped phase reveal that below 90 K different intra-dimer exchange couplings and different gaps (ΔB/ΔA\Delta_{\rm{B}}/\Delta_{\rm{A}} = 1.16) exist in every second plane along the c-axis, in addition to a planar incommensurate (IC) modulation. 29^{29}Si spectra in the field induced magnetic ordered phase reveal that close to the quantum critical point at Hc1H_{\rm{c1}} = 23.35 T the average boson density nˉ\bar{n} of the Bose-Einstein condensate is strongly modulated along the c-axis with a density ratio for every second plane nˉA/nˉB5\bar{n}_{\rm{A}}/\bar{n}_{\rm{B}} \simeq 5. An IC modulation of the local density is also present in each plane. This adds new constraints for the understanding of the 2D value ϕ\phi = 1 of the critical exponent describing the phase boundary

    Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate in Protoplanetary Disks with Sheared Magnetic Fields

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    We investigate the effects of magnetic-field configurations on the ionization rate by cosmic rays in protoplanetary disks. First, we consider cosmic-ray propagation from the interstellar medium (ISM) to the protoplanetary disks and showed that the cosmic-ray density around the disk should be 2 times lower than the ISM value. Then, we compute the attenuation of cosmic rays in protoplanetary disks. The magnetic fields in the disk are stretched to the azimuthal directions, and cosmic rays need to detour while propagating to the midplane. Our results show that the detouring effectively enhances the column density by about two orders of magnitude. We employ a typical ionization rate by cosmic rays in diffuse ISM, which is considered too high to be consistent with observations of protoplanetary disks, and find that the cosmic rays are significantly shielded at the midplane. In the case of the disk around IM Lup, the midplane ionization rate is very low for r ≲ 100 au, while the value is as large as a diffuse ISM in the outer radii. Our results are consistent with the recent Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observation that indicates the radial gradient in the cosmic-ray ionization rate. The high ionization rate in the outer radii of disks may activate the magnetorotational instability that was thought to be suppressed due to ambipolar diffusion. These results will have a strong influence on the dynamical and chemical evolutions of protoplanetary disks

    Phase diagram of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with dimensional regularization

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    We investigate the phase diagram on temperature-chemical potential plane in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with the dimensional regularization. While the structure of the resulting diagram shows resemblance to the one in the frequently used cutoff regularization, some results of our study indicate striking difference between these regularizations. The diagram in the dimensional regularization exhibits strong tendency of the first order phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Existence of Heavy Fermions in the Antiferromagnetic Phase of CeIn3

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    We report the pressure-dependent optical conductivity spectra of a heavy fermion (HF) compound CeIn3 below the Neel temperature of 10 K to investigate the existence of the HF state in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase. The peak due to the interband transition in the hybridization gap between the conduction band and nearly localized 4f states (c-f hybridization) appears at the photon energy of about 20 meV not only in the HF regime but also in the AFM regime. Both the energy and intensity of the c-f hybridization peak continuously increase with the application of pressure from the AFM to the HF regime. This result suggests that the c-f hybridization, as well as the heavy fermions, exists even in the AFM phase of CeIn3.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Roles of Bond Alternation in Magnetic Phase Diagram of RMnO3

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    In order to investigate nature of the antiferromagnetic structures in perovskite RMnO3, we study a Heisenberg J1-J2 model with bond alternation using analytical and numerical approaches. The magnetic phase diagram which includes incommensurate spiral states and commensurate collinear states is reproduced. We discuss that the magnetic structure with up-up-down-down spin configuration (E-type structure) and the ferroelectricity emerge cooperatively to stabilize this phase. Magnetoelastic couplings are crucial to understand the magnetic and electric phase diagram of RMnO3.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    D Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport around Spurdikes under Various Installation Conditions

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv