10 research outputs found

    End-User Recommendations on LOGOMON - a Computer Based Speech Therapy System for Romanian Language

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    Toward Automatic Recognition of Children's Affective State Using Physiological Parameters and Fuzzy Model of Emotions

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    Affective computing � the ability of a system to recognize, understand and simulate human emotional intelligence � is one of the most dynamic fields of HCI � Human Computer Interaction. These characteristics find their applicability in those areas where it is necessary to extend traditional cognitive communication with emotional features. That is why, Computer Based Speech Therapy Systems (CBST), and especially those involving children with speech disorders, require this qualitative shift. So in this paper we propose an original emotional framework recognition as an extension for our previous developed system � Logomon. A fuzzy model is used in order to interpret the values of specific physiological parameters and to obtain the emotional state of the subject. Moreover, an experiment that indicates the emotion pattern (average fuzzy sets) for each therapeutic sequence is also presented. The obtained results encourage us to continue working on automatic emotion recognition and provide important clues regarding the future development of our CBST

    Modeling Shapes for Pattern Recognition: A Simple Low-Cost Spline-based Approach

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    We present a simple procedure for modeling shapes and trajectories of points using cubic polynomial splines. The procedure may prove useful for researchers working in the field of pattern recognition that are in the search of a simple functional representation for shapes and which are not particularly interested in diving into the hightheoretical aspects of more complex representations. The use of splines brings in a few advantages with regards to data dimensionality, speed and accuracy of processing, with minimal effort required for the implementation part. We describe several algorithms for data reduction, spline creation and query for which we provide pseudo code procedures in order to demonstrate the ease of implementation. We equally provide measurements on the approximation error and rate of data reduction

    Програмне забезпечення з вправами для терапії дітей з дислалією

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    In this paper we present a consistent set of exercises for children with dyslalia (dyslalia is a speech disorder that affect pronunciation of one ore many sounds). The achievement has gone from “Therapeutic Guide" made available by the team of researchers led by Professor Mrs. Iolanda TOBOLCEA from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. The specifications of the "Therapeutic Guide" have been fully complied with, such exercises being adapted both age and level of children. To achieve these exercises were recorded, processed and used more than 10000 voice production. They also have been made over the 2000 corresponding recorded nouns. These exercises are being tested by Interschool Regional Logopaedic Center of Suceava - Romania.У цій статті ми представляємо певний набір вправ для дітей з дислалия (дислалія є розлад мови, які впливають на вимову одного або багатьох звуків). Досягнення пройшла шлях від «Терапевтичні Guide", наданих командою дослідників під керівництвом професора пані Іоланда TOBOLCEA від "Александру Іоан Куза" Університет Ясси. Специфікації "терапевтичне керівництво" були повністю виконані, такі вправи адаптується як вік і рівень дітей. Для досягнення цих навчань були записані, обробляється і використовується більше 10000 голоси виробництва. Вони також були зроблені протягом 2000 відповідних записаних іменників. Ці вправи в даний час проходять перевірку Міжшкільний Логопедичний регіонального центру міста Сучава - Румунія

    Middleware Based Model of Heterogeneous Systems for SCADA Distributed Applications

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    Infrastructure underlying the distributed information systems is heterogeneous and very complex. Middleware allows the development of distributed information systems, without knowing the functioning details of an infrastructure, by its abstracting. An essential issue on designing such systems is represented by choosing the middleware technologies. An architectural model of a SCADA system based on middleware is proposed in this paper. This system is formed of servers that centralize data and clients, which receive information from a server, thus allowing the chart displaying of such information. All these components own a specific functionality and can exchange information, by means of a middleware bus. A middleware bus signifies a software bus, where more middleware technologies can coexist

    An Efficient Solution for Hand Gesture Recognition from Video Sequence

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    The paper describes a system of hand gesture recognition by image processing for human robot interaction. The recognition and interpretation of the hand postures acquired through a video camera allow the control of the robotic arm activity: motion - translation and rotation in 3D - and tightening/releasing the clamp. A gesture dictionary was defined and heuristic algorithms for recognition were developed and tested. The system can be used for academic and industrial purposes, especially for those activities where the movements of the robotic arm were not previously scheduled, for training the robot easier than using a remote control. Besides the gesture dictionary, the novelty of the paper consists in a new technique for detecting the relative positions of the fingers in order to recognize the various hand postures, and in the achievement of a robust system for controlling robots by postures of the hands

    Взаємодія інформації та робототехнічної системи

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results obtained during the project 131-CEEX/2006, INTEROB: Interacting by Gestures with Information and Robotics Systems for the time frame 2006-2008. The project focused on natural interaction using gesture recognition technology applied in various applications such as: virtual environments, augmented reality, collaborative working and interaction with robotics systems.Мета цього документа полягає в представленні результатів, отриманих в ході реалізації проекту 131-CEEX/2006, INTEROB: Взаємодія за допомогою жестів з інформаційно-робототехнічних системах на інтервалі 2006-2008 років. Проект був спрямований на природної взаємодії з використанням технології розпізнавання жестів, що застосовуються в різних додатках, таких як: віртуальні середовища, доповненої реальності, спільної роботи і взаємодії з робототехнічних систем

    Novel Interface for Simulation of Assembly Operations in Virtual Environments

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a new interface based on human gestures for simulation of assembly operation inside virtual environments. Using as a guide the current context for assembly simulation, we have analyzed the existing techniques used in developing gesture-based interface and extracted the constituent elements for an assembly gesture interface. The interface we propose offers support for assembly/disassembly operation, replace or delete components inside a virtual scene. To improve the current practice in virtual assembly simulation, our interface is an efficient method for assembly operations and a competitive approach for the current assembly simulation techniques