83 research outputs found

    Anti-factor B autoantibody in dense deposit disease

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    Dense deposit disease (DDD), also known as membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type II, is a rare kidney disorder that is associated with dysregulation of the alternative pathway of complement. Autoantibodies against the C3bBb convertase termed C3 nephritic factor are common in DDD patients. Here we report an autoantibody that binds to complement factor B in a DDD patient who was negative for C3 nephritic factor. This anti-factor B autoantibody recognized an epitope within the Bb fragment and was able to bind to the C3bBb convertase. Upon binding, the anti-factor B autoantibody stabilized the convertase against both intrinsic and factor H-mediated extrinsic decay and thus enhanced C3 consumption. Functional analyses demonstrated that, in contrast to C3 nephritic factor, the anti-factor B autoantibody inhibited complement-mediated lysis in vitro due to inhibition of the C5 convertase and the terminal complement pathway. Analysis of C5a plasma levels indicated that not all C5 convertases are inhibited by the autoantibodies in the patient in vivo. Antigen array experiments confirmed the presence of anti-factor B autoantibodies and also revealed complement activating anti-C1q antibodies in the patient's plasma. In summary, the present report describes a new autoantibody in DDD that binds to factor B and to the alternative pathway C3 convertase and alters the kinetics of complement activation and regulation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Drosophila Zinc Finger Protein Trade Embargo Is Required for Double Strand Break Formation in Meiosis

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    Homologous recombination in meiosis is initiated by the programmed induction of double strand breaks (DSBs). Although the Drosophila Spo11 ortholog Mei-W68 is required for the induction of DSBs during meiotic prophase, only one other protein (Mei-P22) has been shown to be required for Mei-W68 to exert this function. We show here that the chromatin-associated protein Trade Embargo (Trem), a C2H2 zinc finger protein, is required to localize Mei-P22 to discrete foci on meiotic chromosomes, and thus to promote the formation of DSBs, making Trem the earliest known function in the process of DSB formation in Drosophila oocytes. We speculate that Trem may act by either directing the binding of Mei-P22 to preferred sites of DSB formation or by altering chromatin structure in a manner that allows Mei-P22 to form foci

    Post-meiotic transcription in mouse testes detected with spermatid cDNA clones

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    cDNA clones to poly(A) + mRNA from spermatids have been obtained to study gene transcription in post-meiotic germ cells. Four cDNA clones detect mRNAs that increase in abundance in post-meiotic germ cells. One clone, pPM459, was shown to correspond to an mRNA that is transcribed after meiosis. Pulse-labelling experiments demonstrate transcription o5 the message in spermatids. These data constitute further evidence for post-meiotic gene transcription in spermatids.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44190/1/10540_2005_Article_BF01116696.pd

    Mutagen-Induzierte Geschlechtschromosomen-Verluste

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