70 research outputs found

    Сytokine markers for different variants of sclerotic lichen in women

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    Our work was aimed for studying the role of systemic of IL-23 and IL-20 levels in different clinical variants of sclerotic lichen in women. The study was based on results of clinical data (anamnesis, examination, palpation, vulvoscopy) and immunological studies (determination of IL-20 and IL-23 cytokines in peripheral blood) in the patients with sclerotic lichen (114 patients aged 42.5±15.1 years). Group I included patients with atrophic variant of sclerotic lichen (n = 58); group II, with sclerotic variant of sclerotic lichen (n = 34). Group III included women with a sclero-atrophic variant of this disorder (n = 22). The control group consisted of conditionally healthy women without present, or previously documented vulvar pathology (30 persons). Criteria for inclusion were as follows: women 20 to 60 years old, the presence of a benign vulvar disease, absence of treatment with immunotropic drugs over past year. Exclusion criteria: presence of viral infection (HPV, HSV), detection of STI, presence of acute inflammatory process (including vulvitis and vaginitis), cancer diagnosis, symptoms of autoimmune disorders, pregnancy, and the patient’s reluctance to participate in the study.Predominant increase of IL-23 was revealed in all clinical groups of the examined patients, the most pronounced increase (2.7 times) was in severe sclerotic lichen (p < 0.0001). IL-23 concentration in the 2nd clinical group corresponded to the reference age-matched values. There was a significant increase in the blood content of IL-20 in subgroup 2.2 of the patients with sclerotic lichen (p < 0.0001), as well as in patients from group 3 with a mixed clinical course of its disorder (p < 0.0001). Meanwhile, the absence of pronounced vulvar tissue sclerosis in sclerotic variant of sclerotic lichen (subgroup 2.1) was accompanied only by a tendency for increased IL-20 concentration (p = 0.502), and only a trend for decrease in atrophic variant of sclerotic lichen (p = 0.288). In general, analysis of these data presumes a significant role of IL-20 and IL-23 in pathogenesis of sclerotic lichen in women. The cytokine assays in various clinical variants of this vulvar disorder may provide additional differential diagnostics (IL-20), and to assess severity of atrophic and sclerotic changes in vulvar tissues (IL-23) in women with sclerotic lichen

    Эффективность и безопасность тройной терапии с использованием рекомбинантного интерлейкина-1β, рекомбинантного интерферона-α и рибавирина у пациентов с хроническим гепатитом C, инфицированных генотипом 1, с отсутствием ответа на предшествующее лечение инт

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    To assess the efficacy and safety of an experimental course of antiviral therapy with recombinant IL-1β in combination with recombinant interferon-α2b and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C infected with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus in lacking the virologic response to previous dual therapy pegIFN-α or standard IFN-α and ribavirin has been formed by a group of 50 patients. All patients were treated with recombinant IL-1β – 10 subcutaneous injection at a dose of 0.005 mg/kg every other day, the course of 3 weeks, with 5 courses, recombinant IFN-α2b – subcutaneous injections of 3 million IU every other day for 48 weeks. Ribavirin 1000–1200 mg per day (depending on body weight) for 48 weeks. The duration of follow-up after the end of therapy was 24 weeks. Estimated sustained virologic response (SVR). Comparison of SVR according to the version of virologic response in primary treatment showed that the use of the pilot treatment scheme is most effective at relapse (63%) than in the «null-responders» (33%) and partial (23%) responses to the preceding treatment. In the present study did not reveal a single case of serious adverse events or unexpected adverse events. Thus, the inclusion of proven safety of recombinant IL-1β in the scheme of antiviral therapy in combination with standard interferon-α and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C, and demonstrated the effectiveness of using recombinant IL-1β (in combination with standard interferon-α and ribavirin), especially in patients with recurrent HCV-infection.С целью оценки эффективности и безопасности экспериментального курса противовирусной терапии рекомбинантным ИЛ-1β в комбинации с рекомбинантным интерфероном-α


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    Amidst the current shift towards sustainable development and a low-carbon economy, it is important to assess the preparedness of mining companies for implementing large-scale technology modernization programs. The extent of modernization and the level of the company’s involvement are the factors determining the nature of modernization transformations. Major modernization of production makes it possible to address the challenges of improving corporate social and environmental responsibility, including industrial safety issues in mining operations. When implementing technology modernization programs, it is important to focus on environmentally-oriented objectives while improving operational efficiency. The mining industry, characterized by unique technological solutions, often necessitates unconventional modernization measures, entailing substantial investments in research and development (R & D). In Arctic deposit development, a higher level of technological advancement, including digital technologies and automated control systems, is imperative. Digital solutions, automation, and robotization should be integrated into modernization programs in the mining sector. Our research methodology is based on the summary and synthesis of theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of modernization measures and developing a typology of technology modernization models. This study aims to refine conceptual approaches to the typology of organizational and economic models of technology modernization and to assess the effectiveness of modernization programs in the context of mining in the Arctic. The article delineates the fundamental principles of technology modernization and substantiates the effects arising from modernization measures, using mining companies functioning in the Arctic economic zone as an illustrative case study. The article proposes a typology of technology modernization models based on criteria developed by the authors, among which are key technology, management effects, and key approaches to efficiency assessment. It is emphasized that advanced technology modernization models should holistically reflect both economic and socio-ecological effects


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    Uterine cervical cancer is among the main items of modern oncology. Determination of SCCA levels in blood serum of women with locally disseminated forms of uterine cervical cancer has a great significance for estimation the extent of lesions, tumor progression patterns, as well as treatment monitoring. During our study, we have determined that, before starting a specific treatment, all the patients with locally disseminated forms of cervical cancer had high serum levels of SCCA, along with suppressed anti-tumor immunity.Interestingly, high SCCA levels in blood serum proved to correlate with a decrease in anti-tumor immunity factors in those patients who showed a negative dynamics of tumor progression within one year after the therapy was performed. Meanwhile, the patients with positive post-treatment dynamics exhibited a significant decrease of SCCA levels over a year after therapy, as compared with appropriate pre-treatment values, accompanied by increase in anti-tumor immunity markers in these cases