5 research outputs found

    Правоприменение в условиях трансформации сферы труда и модернизации теории трудовых правоотношений

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    The subject of research is the problems of modernization of the subject of labor law and the theory of labor relations in the context of the transformation of the labor sphere The purpose of article is to confirm or disprove hypothesis thatThe methodology of research is formal legal and logical interpretation of Russian Constitution and labor legislation, analysis of the academic publications concerning labor law. Based on the historical analysis of the law structuring process, the direction of development of labor law as a private-public branch of law.The main results, scope of application. It is substantiated that the totality of elements of legal relations, characteristic of both private and public law (freely entering into labor relations on the basis of an agreement, but forced to fulfill obligations under the agreement exclusively by personal labor, obeying the employer’s will in the process of labor activity), should be a system (an interconnected integrative set having an anti-entropic character) in order to function effectively. The removal of some elements from this system entails an imbalance in the system of the labor law branch as a whole, with possible subsequent destruction. On the basis of a systematic approach, the formation and development of the theory of labor relations in domestic legal science are studied. The foundations of the convergent "theory of the plurality of unified labor relations", developed for application in the conditions of transition to new technological paradigms and growing differentiation of forms of labor organization, are proposed and substantiated. This theory was developed on the basis of the “theory of a single indivisible labor relationship” by N.G. Aleksandrov and "the theory of the complex of labor relations" V.N. Skobelkin. On the basis of the theory of plurality of unified labor legal relations, the prospects for expanding the subject of the branch of labor law are determined by including in it emerging new relations that are associated with the use of human labor on a contractual and non-contractual basis. A motivated assumption is formulated that such an expansion of the subject of labor law will make it possible to complete the process begun a century and a half ago and finally remove all contracts providing for the employment of labor from the subject of civil law in favor of labor law. A contract of personal employment between individuals, assuming the equality of the parties to the use of independent labor not with a single employer, will remain civil law. Through the institutions of labor protection, social insurance and social partnership, labor law should begin a systematic expansion to any emerging new form of organization of human labor. After that, a new form of labor organization can be subject to various sets of other industry norms and institutions, the use of which ensures the protection of the employee and an increase in production efficiency. The necessity of changing the presumption of proving the existence of labor relations to proving civil relations is substantiated.Conclusions. The article substantiates the three-subject composition of the participants in the system of legal relations arising from the use of agency labor (contract on the provision of an employee) and the need to establish joint liability of subjects on the side of the employer (solidary employer). It proves the need to release the employee from liability for offenses detected by artificial intelligence. It is proposed to continue research on the prospects for the formation of labor procedural law.Рассматриваются проблемы модернизации предмета трудового права и теории трудовых правоотношений в условиях трансформации сферы труда. Обосновывается конвергенция теории единого неделимого трудового правоотношения Н.Г. Александрова и теории комплекса трудовых правоотношений В.Н. Скобелкина. На базе теории множественности единых трудовых правоотношений предлагаются пути расширения предмета отрасли трудового права первоначально за счет распространения на новые отношения институтов охраны труда, социального страхования и социального партнерства. Предлагается смена презумпции доказывания наличия трудовых отношений. Обосновывается трехсубъектный состав участников системы правовых связей, возникающих при применении заемного труда, и солидарная ответственность субъектов на стороне работодателя

    Искусственный интеллект в правосудии: юридико-психологические аспекты правоприменения

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    The subject. Artificial intelligence is considered as an interdisciplinary legal and psychological phenomenon. The special need to strengthen the psychological component in legal research of artificial intelligence and its introduction into the practice of law enforcement and justice, in particular, is substantiated.The main goal of the study is to confirm or refute hypothesis that AI may be implemented in justice and to substantiate the legal limits of such implementation.The methodology. Based on the comparison of the current legislation, the practice of its application, and other empirical data, internal and external legal and psychological factors of legal regulation and the use of artificial intelligence in jurisprudence and judicial proceed- ings are identified.The main results, scope of application. The analysis of legal and doctrinal definitions of artificial intelligence in jurisprudence has shown that their defining and integral part is relationships that are the result of psychological practices and the subject of psychological science (internal factors). Legal studies of artificial intelligence are based on a psychological conceptual apparatus, all of them legally describe artificial intelligence, first of all, as a psychological phenomenon and build an analogy between the psychology of a living intelligent subject and an inanimate object, humanizing the latter. The federal legislator is also following the path of using the psychological conceptual apparatus. Such categories like human cognitive functions and intellectual activity are applied in Russian Federal Law "On conducting an experiment to establish special regulation in order to create the necessary conditions for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow and amending Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data". The legal and psychological analysis of the practice of using elements of artificial intelligence in corporate governance, justice, labor relations, social insurance, electoral procedures has been subjected.The conclusion is substantiated that an indispensable condition for the introduction of arti- ficial intelligence and its elements into justice is trust on the part of the disputing parties and the court. Such trust is provided with a real possibility of verifying the actions and decisions made with artificial intelligence by psychologically acceptable and legally formalized methods (external factors). The use of artificial intelligence in law enforcement in general and justice in particular is possible in two directions: (1) solving problems related to the approximation of specialized artificial intelligence systems in legal proceedings to human capabilities and their integration to enhance intelligence; (2) creating artificial intelligence, which is the integration of already created elements of artificial intelligence into a single system capable of participating in justice, but does not have the properties of free will and does not acquire legal personality. Law enforcement using artificial intelligence should comply with the principles enshrined in the European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems and their environment, the provisions of which should be implemented in domestic legislation, having previously been revised in accordance with the national legal tradition.Искусственный интеллект рассмотрен как междисциплинарное юридико-психологическое явление. Обоснована особая потребность усиления психологической составляющей в юридических исследованиях искусственного интеллекта и внедрения его в практику правоприменения, и правосудия в частности. На основе сопоставления действующего законодательства, практики его применения, иных эмпирических данных выделены внутренние и внешние юридико-психологические факторы правового регулирования и применения искусственного интеллекта в юриспруденции и судопроизводстве. Предпринятый анализ легальных и доктринальных определений искусственного интеллекта в юриспруденции показал, что определяющая и неотъемлемая их часть – терминология и отношения, являющиеся следствием психологических практик и предметом изучения психологической науки (внутренние факторы). Непременным условием внедрения в правосудие слабого искусственного интеллекта и его элементов является доверие со стороны спорящих сторон и суда, обеспечиваемое реальной возможностью верификации совершаемых им действий и принимаемых решений психологически допустимыми для человека и юридически оформленными методами (внешние факторы). Правоприменение искусственного интеллекта должно соответствовать принципам, закрепленным в Европейской этической хартии о применении искусственного интеллекта в судебных системах, положения которой следует имплементировать в отечественное законодательство, предварительно переработав в соответствии с национальной правовой традицией.

    Цифровая трансформация инструментов управления современными корпорациями: состояние и пути развития

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    The subject. Digital technologies have been integrated into all aspects of public life, including politics, law, finance, business, education, science, and society. Yet, digitalization exerts an even greater impact on the economy, which should prompt the State, represented by its legislative and executive bodies, to take timely action to ensure the legal regulation of diverse aspects of the digital economy. Digital transformation of the economy has redefined the approaches to the issues of legal capacity, corporate governance and management of business processes. Traditional management mechanisms are no longer competitive, unless used in conjunction with dynamically developing digital technologies.This article explores the issues related to digital legal personality of a corporation (online registration (e-residency) of corporations and the digital footprint that companies leave in public registers), digital corporate governance, and discuss the operation of digital corporations, including networked and decentralized autonomous organizations. The authors distinguish three types of digital corporate governance: remote management (exercised by human individuals), smart management (based on algorithms designed by human engineers), and artificial intelligence (AI) management (that does not require human involvement). Some tools of digital corporation management are illustrated, replacing traditional forms of management of the human cognitive system. Finally, we provide an overview of the operational characteristics of decentralized autonomous organizations.Purpose of the research. This article is devoted to the transformation of management tools for modern corporations in the digital economy. In order to comply with the Russian corporate legislation of the existing digital reality, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive scientific and legal concept of corporate governance, ensuring the balance and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of all participants in corporate relations and others related to corporate relations, as well as increasing the transparency and efficiency of corporations.Methodology. The methodology of this study was based on the following methods of scientific knowledge: general scientific empirical methods (observation (over the course of development of the use of digital technologies in corporate law), comparison (of the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in corporate law of different countries)); methods of theoretical knowledge (analysis (of advantages and disadvantages of digitalization of individual institutions of corporate law), formal legal method (in the formulation and research of various concepts, determination of their characteristics and classification), theoretical modeling (of the prospects and areas of possible application of digital technologies in corporate law).The main results. Digitalization of corporate management is bound to increase business profitability and improve competitiveness on the market. We believe that in the coming years science will have to tackle the issues of assessing the implications of the introduction of digital technologies, determining technical, economic and legal prerequisites for their implementation, and identifying their limits. In addition, issues related to professional training / retraining of personnel capable of working with modern technologies are of importance.Conclusions. The authors came to the conclusion that the main direction of improving corporate legislation in the context of digitalization is currently the creation and provision of conditions for effective interaction between corporate actors and persons directly associated with them in the digital environment.Развитие и активное внедрение информационных технологий в современную экономику потребовало оценки трансформации сознания цифрового общества. Цифровая трансформация экономики изменила подходы к вопросу правоспособности, управления корпорациями и бизнес-процессами. Традиционные механизмы управления утрачивают свою конкурентоспособность при их использовании в отрыве от динамично развивающихся цифровых технологий.В статье исследуются вопросы, связанные с цифровой правосубъектностью корпорации (онлайн-регистрация корпораций (электронное (цифровое) резидентство корпораций), а также «цифровой отпечаток» компании в публичных реестрах), цифровым корпоративным управлением, а также деятельностью непосредственно цифровых (сетевых или децентрализованных автономных организаций) корпораций. Выделяются три типа цифрового корпоративного управления: дистанционное управление (с участием человека), смарт-управление (по алгоритмам, установленным человеком) и управление искусственным интеллектом (без участия человека). Иллюстрируются отдельные инструменты цифрового управления корпорацией, вытесняющие традиционные формы управления когнитивной системой человека. Раскрываются особенности функционирования децентрализованных автономных организаций

    Convalescent plasma in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised controlled, open-label, platform trial

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    Background: Many patients with COVID-19 have been treated with plasma containing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. We aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma therapy in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Methods: This randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial (Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy [RECOVERY]) is assessing several possible treatments in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in the UK. The trial is underway at 177 NHS hospitals from across the UK. Eligible and consenting patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive either usual care alone (usual care group) or usual care plus high-titre convalescent plasma (convalescent plasma group). The primary outcome was 28-day mortality, analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. The trial is registered with ISRCTN, 50189673, and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04381936. Findings: Between May 28, 2020, and Jan 15, 2021, 11558 (71%) of 16287 patients enrolled in RECOVERY were eligible to receive convalescent plasma and were assigned to either the convalescent plasma group or the usual care group. There was no significant difference in 28-day mortality between the two groups: 1399 (24%) of 5795 patients in the convalescent plasma group and 1408 (24%) of 5763 patients in the usual care group died within 28 days (rate ratio 1·00, 95% CI 0·93–1·07; p=0·95). The 28-day mortality rate ratio was similar in all prespecified subgroups of patients, including in those patients without detectable SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at randomisation. Allocation to convalescent plasma had no significant effect on the proportion of patients discharged from hospital within 28 days (3832 [66%] patients in the convalescent plasma group vs 3822 [66%] patients in the usual care group; rate ratio 0·99, 95% CI 0·94–1·03; p=0·57). Among those not on invasive mechanical ventilation at randomisation, there was no significant difference in the proportion of patients meeting the composite endpoint of progression to invasive mechanical ventilation or death (1568 [29%] of 5493 patients in the convalescent plasma group vs 1568 [29%] of 5448 patients in the usual care group; rate ratio 0·99, 95% CI 0·93–1·05; p=0·79). Interpretation: In patients hospitalised with COVID-19, high-titre convalescent plasma did not improve survival or other prespecified clinical outcomes. Funding: UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council) and National Institute of Health Research

    Конституционализация и расширение юридического содержания понятия социального партнерства в Российской Федерации

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    The subject of research is the concept of social dialogue in labor and relations directly related to them that was enshrined by Russian Constitution for the first time in Russian history in 2020.The purpose of article is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the constitutionalization of social dialogue, the unprecedented expansion of the legal content of the concept to a much wider range of social relations (that are no longer associated exclusively with the social and labor sphere) requires a new definition of the social significance of social dialogue, its connection with other social processes and institutions.The methodology of research is formal legal and logical interpretation of Russian Constitution and labor legislation, analysis of the academic publications concerning labor law.The main results, scope of application. The constitutionalization of social dialogue requires to identify it’s interrelation with other social processes and institutions - economic, political and social solidarity, social responsibility of business, civil society, the social state. The author tries to trace the transformation of the conceptual apparatus, content and regulatory framework of social dialogue and develops recommendations for improving its legal regulation.Based on the analysis of the practice of applying articles of the amended Russian Constitution, it is proposed to amend Art. 23 of Russian Labor Code. At the same time, the content of the elements of this system of social dialogue in the field of labor relations will be disclosed in articles of the second and thirteenth sections of Russian Labor Code. It is proposed to amend the normative acts adopted in accordance with the Russian Labor Code containing the appropriate terminology. Normative acts of social dialogue (sectoral tariff agreements and collective agreements), the effect of which is limited in time, can be updated simultaneously with the planned measures for the development and conclusion of relevant acts for the future period.Conclusions. Ensuring the implementation of the principles of social dialogue is entrusted by the Constitution to the Government of the Russian Federation. The content of these principles is disclosed in the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. With the entry into force of amendments to the Constitution, these scientifically grounded and legislatively enshrined principles do not need a radical revision based only on the very fact of the appearance of the corresponding constitutional provision. At the same time, the work on their analysis and filling with new legal meaning based on the rule-making and current law enforcement practice is not excluded and can be useful.Конституционализация социального партнерства, беспрецедентное расширение юридического содержания данного понятия требует по-новому определить общественное значение социального партнерства, его связь с другими социальными процессами и институтами, проследить трансформацию понятийного аппарата, содержания и нормативно-правовой базы. Автором обосновывается необходимость изменения ст. 23 Трудового кодекса РФ, при этом содержание элементов системы социального партнерства в сфере трудовых и непосредственно связанных с ними отношений будет раскрываться статьями второго и тринадцатого разделов Трудового кодекса РФ. Отмечено, что нормативные акты социального партнерства могут быть обновлены одновременно с плановыми мероприятиями по разработке и заключению соответствующих актов на предстоящий период