3,694 research outputs found

    Transnational migrants and the socio-spatial superdiversification of the global city Tokyo

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    Tokyo illustrates a particularly interesting case of differential inclusions of transnational migrants in urban spaces, as the novel turn in migration policy in coordination with urban economic devel- opment has induced the arrival and diversification of migrant populations into the city. With the recent historic opening of the country to lower-skilled labour migration as well as measures to (re-) attract the global economy, thus incentivising transnational corporate professionals to relo- cate to specific national economic zones within the city, Tokyo is in a new socio-spatial diversifica- tion process. With a non-ethno-focal lens on transnational migration and focusing on upper-class transnational corporate migrants, this article discusses diversification regarding the newer arrivals of migrants who are differently included in the urban spaces as compared to older generations of migrants. It delivers novel accounts of a diversifying transnational migrant groups’ socio-spatial pat- terns within Tokyo, which illustrate the dynamics of differential inclusions resulting from the super- diversification of urban societies. The article gives new insights into the socio-spatial diversification dynamics of transnational urban spaces in a long-neglected but highly topical Asian arrival city, and conceptually reflects such localised superdiversification of urban spaces on a global scale在城市空间为跨国移民提供多元化包容方面,东京是一个特别有趣的案例,其与城市经济发展相协调的移民政策的新转变吸引了移民人口纷纷进入,形成了多元化的移民人口结构。日本最近历史性地放开对低技能劳动者的移民限制,并采取措施(重新)吸引全球经济,以此激励跨国公司专业人员移民到位于东京的一些特定的国家级经济区,因此,东京正在经历一个新的社会空间多元化进程。本文关注的是上层跨国公司移民,并不区分这些跨国移民的族裔。与老一辈移民相比,这些新移民融入了不同的城市空间。本文对这种多元化进行了讨论,对东京地区多元化的跨国移民群体的社会空间格局进行了全新的描述,说明了城市社群超级多元化所带来的多重包容性的新趋势。本文选取了一个长期被忽视的亚洲移民优选城市作为研究对象,对城市移民区的社会空间多元化趋势提出了新的见解,并从概念上反映了全球范围内城市空间的这种局部超级多元化现象

    Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the transnationalization of LGBT* activism in Japan and beyond

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    The global Covid-19 pandemic has strongly impacted social practices, relocating communications and social networks into the digital space. Contextualized in such impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the local LGBT* activism in Japan achieved a special momentum: both the acceleration of the socio-spatial relocation of LGBT* activism to the digital space and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 by 1 year enabled activists to mobilize people domestically and globally. The pandemic was not the actual cause or driver of the local LGBT* activism, yet it has been an important catalyst for the transnationalization of the local movement in Japan, pushing evidently the spatial boundaries to achieve broader public outreach but in turn also receiving stronger support from the global community through transnational networks. This study explores novel dynamics of spatiality and temporality of social transformations through the Covid-19-induced increase in global digital connectedness as well as transnationalization of local actions

    The multi-scalar embeddedness of support policies for migrant entrepreneurship in Japan

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    Contextual entrepreneurship and mixed embeddedness approach alike emphasize the importance of the political- institutional embeddedness next to social embeddedness along with further contexts for migrant entrepreneur-ship, yet the aspect of international migration policies as an important institutional framework has been somewhat neglected. This paper introduces the case of political- institutional embeddedness of migrant entrepreneurship in Japan from an international migration policy perspective, discussing embeddedness of migrant entrepreneurs and their support institutions from a multi-scalar perspective. By analysing the migration policy context of migrant en-trepreneurship at different policy levels, that is, national, regional and urban scales, it demonstrates the analytical value of differentiating policies along these scales and also their inter-connectedness, conceptually proposing the in-ter- and trans-scalarity of these policy contexts. By bring-ing issues of migration regimes and particularly the East Asian developmental state as a lens to analyse migrant entrepreneurship, it brings further approaches in compara-tively analysing different entrepreneurial contexts for fu-ture research

    From global city makers to global city-shapers: Migration industries in the global city networks

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    Recently, increasing migrant-led diversity of urban spaces can be expected to be especially observed in global cities, where global flows of capital, goods and people are concentrated. Although this connection between the global phenomenon of transnational migration and the local socio-spatial impacts on the cities appears evident, empirical research on the ‘relationship of migrants and cities’ remains underexplored. Discussions on global city makers have focused pri- marily on global economic actors, and have paid little attention to actors involved in shaping these global cities locally. This paper sheds new light on the role of migration industries in shaping global cities on the local level, being based empirically on qualitative interviews with transnational migrants and service providers in Tokyo. It discusses how the novel constellation of service firms for the transnational migration from above and below, that is, corporate migration industry in contrast to the conventional migration industry of labour migration, not only contributes to the global flow of transnational migrations into specific cities, but also draws them into specific socio- spatial patterns within the local urban space. By bringing these different types of migration indus- tries conceptually together, it illustrates how socio-spatial diversification processes within global cities are embedded in the global economy (global city makers) but also locally directed by inter- mediary actors of migration industries (global city shapers). Embedding migration industries into the global cities perspective, it bridges the gap on urban transformation from the global to the local

    On the Eigenvalue Problem of the su(1,1)-Algebra and the Coupling Scheme of Two su(1,1)-Spins

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    After recapitulating the eigenvalue problem of the su(1,1)-algebra in the conventional form, the same problem is treated in an unconventional form, in which the eigenvalue is pure imaginary. Further, the coupling scheme of two su(1,1)-spins is discussed in the framework of two possibilities, in which certain new aspects appear. Finally, the coupling scheme developed in this paper is applied to a concrete example, which will serve boson realization of the so(4)- and the so(3,1)-algebra presented in the next paper.Comment: 19 pages, No figur

    A Note on the Eigenvalue Problem in the su(1,1)-Algebra

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    Normalization constant in the eigenstate appearing in the eigenvalue problem of the su(1,1)-algebra is discussed. This normalization constant is expressed in terms of the Gauss' hypergeometric series which is not absolutely convergent. It is proved that this series is obtained as a certain limit of an absolutely convergent series, which was conjectured in the previous paper.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in R And

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    We report the identification of SH Δv=1\Delta v=1 ro-vibrational lines in the published high-resolution infrared spectrum of the S-type star, R And. This is the first astronomical detection of this molecule. The lines show inverse P-Cygni profiles, indicating infall motion of the molecular layer due to stellar pulsation. A simple spherical shell model with a constant infall velocity is adopted to determine the condition of the layer. It is found that a single excitation temperature of 2200 K reproduces the observed line intensities satisfactory. SH is located in a layer from 1.0 to ~1.1 stellar radii, which is moving inward with a velocity of 9 km s-1. These results are consistent with the previous measurements of CO Δv=3\Delta v=3 transitions. The estimated molecular abundance SH/H is 1x10^-7, consistent with a thermal equilibrium calculation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter