7 research outputs found
Summary of trappability estimates from studies of the European badger from Britain gathered from published sources.
<p>Density: badgers km<sup>−2</sup>.</p>*<p>Trappability was derived from the numbers of badgers trapped as a percentage of the minimum number alive per social group.</p
Map of the study area in Co. Kilkenny.
<p>The area is divided into three zones, A, B and C. The ‘reference area’ from the Four Area Project <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050807#pone.0050807-Griffin1" target="_blank">[12]</a> is shaded. Dots represent all known setts (both active and inactive) within the trial area. Black dots are main setts; hollow dots are non-main setts.</p
Results from a logistic mixed model with random effects of the probability of a badger being trapped in the Kilkenny study area during the study period.
*<p>Wald test of Zone A = Zone B: p = 0.96; referent Zone C.</p>∧<p>Wald test of Season (autumn/winter) x Zone A = Season (autumn/winter) x Zone B: p = 0.63.</p>$<p>Overall the model explained the variation in the dataset in comparison with a null model to a statistically significant extent (Wald χ<sup>2</sup> (df: 7) = 24.3; p = 0.001), while the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test indicated no statistically significant lack of fit (Pearson χ<sup>2</sup> (df: 4) = 7.39; p = 0.117).</p
Matrix of capture percentages for sessions one to five within the Kilkenny study area.
<p>n is the number of badgers captured per session. Values in the upper right of the matrix represent the percentage of badgers that were recaptures from a previous session (<i>i</i>−1). The lower left of the matrix represents the percentage of badgers captured during session <i>i</i> that went on to be caught during session <i>i</i>+1.</p
Percentage of unmarked badgers caught in a sequence of capture sessions in the Kilkenny study area.
<p>Solid line represents all badgers trapped; dashed line represents adult badgers only.</p
Badger numbers estimated using a multiplicative model of active main setts within the study area and estimates of badger social group sizes.
<p>Badger numbers estimated using a multiplicative model of active main setts within the study area and estimates of badger social group sizes.</p
Badger population size and trappability estimates.
<p><b>A.</b> Estimated badger population size for each full session (1–5) within the Kilkenny study area during the study period. Solid-line is the closed-subpopulation derived population estimate, the dotted line is the minimum number alive (MNA) population estimate, and the dashed line is the number of badgers trapped per session. <b>B.</b> The solid line is the estimated trappability using the closed-subpopulation model during each session with associated exact 95% confidence interval. Dotted line represents the MNA-derived trappability.</p