158 research outputs found

    Quantum cosmology of 5D non-compactified Kaluza-Klein theory

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    We study the quantum cosmology of a five dimensional non-compactified Kaluza-Klein theory where the 4D metric depends on the fifth coordinate, x4≡lx^4\equiv l. This model is effectively equivalent to a 4D non-minimally coupled dilaton field in addition to matter generated on hypersurfaces l=constant by the extra coordinate dependence in the four-dimensional metric. We show that the Vilenkin wave function of the universe is more convenient for this model as it predicts a new-born 4D universe on the l≃0l\simeq0 constant hypersurface.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Examples of q-regularization

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    An Introduction to Hopf algebras as a tool for the regularization of relavent quantities in quantum field theory is given. We deform algebraic spaces by introducing q as a regulator of a non-commutative and non-cocommutative Hopf algebra. Relevant quantities are finite provided q\neq 1 and diverge in the limit q\rightarrow 1. We discuss q-regularization on different q-deformed spaces for \lambda\phi^4 theory as example to illustrate the idea.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, to be published in IJTP 1995.1

    Solutions of Klein--Gordon and Dirac equations on quantum Minkowski spaces

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    Covariant differential calculi and exterior algebras on quantum homogeneous spaces endowed with the action of inhomogeneous quantum groups are classified. In the case of quantum Minkowski spaces they have the same dimensions as in the classical case. Formal solutions of the corresponding Klein--Gordon and Dirac equations are found. The Fock space construction is sketched.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX file, minor change

    Gravity on a fuzzy sphere

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    We propose an action for gravity on a fuzzy sphere, based on a matrix model. We find striking similarities with an analogous model of two dimensional gravity on a noncommutative plane, i.e. the solution space of both models is spanned by pure U(2) gauge transformations acting on the background solution of the matrix model, and there exist deformations of the classical diffeomorphisms which preserve the two-dimensional noncommutative gravity actions.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Braided Hopf Algebras and Differential Calculus

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    We show that the algebra of the bicovariant differential calculus on a quantum group can be understood as a projection of the cross product between a braided Hopf algebra and the quantum double of the quantum group. The resulting super-Hopf algebra can be reproduced by extending the exterior derivative to tensor products.Comment: 8 page

    Noncommutative Chiral Anomaly and the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson Operator

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    It is shown that the local axial anomaly in 2−2-dimensions emerges naturally if one postulates an underlying noncommutative fuzzy structure of spacetime . In particular the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson relation on SF2{\bf S}^2_F is shown to contain an edge effect which corresponds precisely to the ``fuzzy'' U(1)AU(1)_A axial anomaly on the fuzzy sphere . We also derive a novel gauge-covariant expansion of the quark propagator in the form 1DAF=aΓ^L2+1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{AF}}=\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2}+\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} where a=22l+1a=\frac{2}{2l+1} is the lattice spacing on SF2{\bf S}^2_F, Γ^L\hat{\Gamma}^L is the covariant noncommutative chirality and DAa{\cal D}_{Aa} is an effective Dirac operator which has essentially the same IR spectrum as DAF{\cal D}_{AF} but differes from it on the UV modes. Most remarkably is the fact that both operators share the same limit and thus the above covariant expansion is not available in the continuum theory . The first bit in this expansion aΓ^L2\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2} although it vanishes as it stands in the continuum limit, its contribution to the anomaly is exactly the canonical theta term. The contribution of the propagator 1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} is on the other hand equal to the toplogical Chern-Simons action which in two dimensions vanishes identically .Comment: 26 pages, latex fil

    Duality Principle and Braided Geometry

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    We give an overview of a new kind symmetry in physics which exists between observables and states and which is made possible by the language of Hopf algebras and quantum geometry. It has been proposed by the author as a feature of Planck scale physics. More recent work includes corresponding results at the semiclassical level of Poisson-Lie groups and at the level of braided groups and braided geometry.Comment: 24 page
