1,248 research outputs found

    Inertial modes in slowly rotating stars : an evolutionary description

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    We present a new hydro code based on spectral methods using spherical coordinates. The first version of this code aims at studying time evolution of inertial modes in slowly rotating neutron stars. In this article, we introduce the anelastic approximation, developed in atmospheric physics, using the mass conservation equation to discard acoustic waves. We describe our algorithms and some tests of the linear version of the code, and also some preliminary linear results. We show, in the Newtonian framework with differentially rotating background, as in the relativistic case with the strong Cowling approximation, that the main part of the velocity quickly concentrates near the equator of the star. Thus, our time evolution approach gives results analogous to those obtained by Karino {\it et al.} \cite{karino01} within a calculation of eigenvectors. Furthermore, in agreement with the work of Lockitch {\it et al.} \cite{lockandf01}, we found that the velocity seems to always get a non-vanishing polar part.Comment: 36 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (discussion added in the introduction

    Study of Chirality in the Two-Dimensional XY Spin Glass

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    We study the chirality in the Villain form of the XY spin glass in two--dimensions by Monte Carlo simulations. We calculate the chiral-glass correlation length exponent νCG\nu_{\scriptscriptstyle CG} and find that νCG=1.8±0.3\nu_{\scriptscriptstyle CG} = 1.8 \pm 0.3 in reasonable agreement with earlier studies. This indicates that the chiral and phase variables are decoupled on long length scales and diverge as T→0T \to 0 with {\em different} exponents, since the spin-glass correlation length exponent was found, in earlier studies, to be about 1.0.Comment: 4 pages. Latex file and 4 embedded postscript files are included in a self-unpacking compressed tar file. A postscript version is available at ftp://chopin.ucsc.edu/pub/xysg.p

    Inertial modes in stratified rotating neutron stars : An evolutionary description

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    With (non-barotropic) equations of state valid even when the neutron, proton and electron content of neutron star cores is not in beta equilibrium, we study inertial and composition gravity modes of relativistic rotating neutron stars. We solve the relativistic Euler equations in the time domain with a three dimensional numerical code based on spectral methods, in the slow rotation, relativistic Cowling and anelastic approximations. Principally, after a short description of the gravity modes due to smooth composition gradients, we focus our analysis on the question of how the inertial modes are affected by non-barotropicity of the nuclear matter. In our study, the deviation with respect to barotropicity results from the frozen composition of non-superfluid matter composed of neutrons, protons and electrons, when beta equilibrium is broken by millisecond oscillations. We show that already for moderatly fast rotating stars the increasing coupling between polar and axial modes makes those two cases less different than for very slowly rotating stars. In addition, as we directly solve the Euler equations, without coupling only a few number of spherical harmonics, we always found, for the models that we use, a discrete spectrum for the l=m=2l = m = 2 inertial mode. Finally, we find that, for non-barotropic stars, the frequency of this mode, which is our main focus, decreases in a non-negligible way, whereas the time dependence of the energy transfer between polar and axial modes is substantially different due to the existence of low-frequencies gravity modes.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures, published versio

    MHD of rotating compact stars with spectral methods: description of the algorithm and tests

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    A flexible spectral code for the study of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics is presented. Aiming at investigating the physics of slowly rotating magnetized compact stars, this new code makes use of various physically motivated approximations. Among them, the relativistic anelastic approximation is a key ingredient of the current version of the code. In this article, we mainly outline the method, putting emphasis on algorithmic techniques that enable to benefit as much as possible of the non-dissipative character of spectral methods, showing also a potential astrophysical application and providing a few illustrative tests.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures (new figure added, misprints corrected) Article accepted for publication in a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity "New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity

    Dipolar spin correlations in classical pyrochlore magnets

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    We study spin correlations for the highly frustrated classical pyrochlore lattice antiferromagnets with O(N) symmetry in the limit T->0. We conjecture that a local constraint obeyed by the extensively degenerate ground states dictates a dipolar form for the asymptotic spin correlations, at all N ≠\ne 2 for which the system is paramagnetic down to T=0. We verify this conjecture in the cases N=1 and N=3 by simulations and to all orders in the 1/N expansion about the solvable N=infinity limit. Remarkably, the N=infinity formulae are an excellent fit, at all distances, to the correlators at N=3 and even at N=1. Thus we obtain a simple analytical expression also for the correlations of the equivalent models of spin ice and cubic water ice, I_h.Comment: 4 pages revtex

    Effect of weak disorder in the Fully Frustrated XY model

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    The critical behaviour of the Fully Frustrated XY model in presence of weak positional disorder is studied in a square lattice by Monte Carlo methods. The critical exponent associated to the divergence of the chiral correlation length is found to be equal to 1.7 already at very small values of disorder. Furthermore the helicity modulus jump is found larger than the universal value expected in the XY model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (revtex

    Kink-Antikink Unbinding Transition in the Two Dimensional Fully Frustrated XY Model

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    We carry out the first numerical simulations to directly confirm the existence of a kink-antikink unbinding transition, T_w, along Ising-like domain walls in the two dimensional fully frustrated XY model. We comment on the possible implications of kink-antikink unbinding for the bulk phase transitions of the model.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures - expanded version of original submission as accepted by Phys. Rev. B. Some correction to the analysis lead to an increase in the value of the kink unbinding transition temperatur

    Emergent gauge dynamics of highly frustrated magnets

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    Condensed matter exhibits a wide variety of exotic emergent phenomena such as the fractional quantum Hall effect and the low temperature cooperative behavior of highly frustrated magnets. I consider the classical Hamiltonian dynamics of spins of the latter phenomena using a method introduced by Dirac in the 1950s by assuming they are constrained to their lowest energy configurations as a simplifying measure. Focusing on the kagome antiferromagnet as an example, I find it is a gauge system with topological dynamics and non-locally connected edge states for certain open boundary conditions similar to doubled Chern-Simons electrodynamics expected of a Z2Z_2 spin liquid. These dynamics are also similar to electrons in the fractional quantum Hall effect. The classical theory presented here is a first step towards a controlled semi-classical description of the spin liquid phases of many pyrochlore and kagome antiferromagnets and towards a description of the low energy classical dynamics of the corresponding unconstrained Heisenberg models.Comment: Updated with some appendices moved to the main body of the paper and some additional improvements. 21 pages, 5 figure

    Finite-size effects on the Hamiltonian dynamics of the XY-model

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    The dynamical properties of the finite-size magnetization M in the critical region T<T_{KTB} of the planar rotor model on a L x L square lattice are analyzed by means of microcanonical simulations . The behavior of the q=0 structure factor at high frequencies is consistent with field-theoretical results, but new additional features occur at lower frequencies. The motion of M determines a region of spectral lines and the presence of a central peak, which we attribute to phase diffusion. Near T_{KTB} the diffusion constant scales with system size as D ~ L^{-1.6(3)}.Comment: To be published in Europhysics Letter

    Fluctuations and vortex pattern ordering in fully frustrated XY model with honeycomb lattice

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    The accidental degeneracy of various ground states in a fully frustrated XY model with a honeycomb lattice is shown to survive even when the free energy of the harmonic fluctuations is taken into account. The reason for that consists in the existence of a hidden gauge symmetry between the Hamiltonians describing the harmonic fluctuations in all these ground states. A particular vortex pattern is selected only when anharmonic fluctuations are taken into account. However, the observation of vortex ordering requires relatively large system size L>>100000.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4, a different method is used to find which state is selected by anharmonic fluctuations, the last third of the text is completly rewritte
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