14 research outputs found

    Consensus protocol for EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG assessment and monitoring in neonates

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    The aim of this work is to establish inclusive guidelines on electroencephalography (EEG) applicable to all neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Guidelines on ideal EEG monitoring for neonates are available, but there are significant barriers to their implementation in many centres around the world. These include barriers due to limited resources regarding the availability of equipment and technical and interpretive round-the-clock personnel. On the other hand, despite its limitations, amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) (previously called Cerebral Function Monitor [CFM]) is a common alternative used in NICUs. The Italian Neonatal Seizure Collaborative Network (INNESCO), working with all national scientific societies interested in the field of neonatal clinical neurophysiology, performed a systematic literature review and promoted interdisciplinary discussions among experts (neonatologists, paediatric neurologists, neurophysiologists, technicians) between 2017 and 2020 with the aim of elaborating shared recommendations. A consensus statement on videoEEG (vEEG) and aEEG for the principal neonatal indications was established. The authors propose a flexible frame of recommendations based on the complementary use of vEEG and aEEG applicable to the various neonatal units with different levels of complexity according to local resources and specific patient features. Suggestions for promoting cooperation between neonatologists, paediatric neurologists, and neurophysiologists, organisational restructuring, and teleneurophysiology implementation are provided

    Le Aree Interne Italiane. Un banco di prova per interpretare e progettare i territori marginali | Inner Areas in Italy. A testbed for interpreting and designing marginal territories

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    The book “Inner Areas in Italy. A testbed for interpreting and designing marginal territories” is a timely contribution to the international academic and policy debate on ‘Inner Peripheries’ and on the possible measures to reduce inequalities among different regions in Europe. The National Strategies for the Inner Areas (SNAI), a groundbreaking experience of place-sensitive interventions addressing marginal areas, was promoted in Italy in the framework of the EU Cohesion Policies 2014-2020. Inner Areas were identified by SNAI, starting from 2012, due to their remoteness, environmental and architectural fragility, relative poverty, marginality and shrinking trends. The authors of the proposed book elaborate on the outcomes of the first funding cycle of SNAI (2014-2020) and look towards the coming cycle, thanks to the contribution of more than 150 young researchers, gathered under the umbrella of the recently born National Network of Young Researchers for Inner Areas in Italy. Through the different chapters this collective text returns the richness of the multidisciplinary discussions that took place in June and July 2020 during the workshop organized by the Network of Young Researchers for Inner Areas committee and contributes to the international debate on how to analyze, manage and design marginal territories, characterized by high degrees of fragility and exposed at various risks

    L'impiego dei fattori di crescita piastrinici e dei trapianti ossei autoplastici nelle artrodesi vertebrali

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    Le Aree Interne Italiane. Un banco di prova per interpretare e progettare i territori marginali | Inner Areas in Italy. A testbed for interpreting and designing marginal territories

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    The book “Inner Areas in Italy. A testbed for interpreting and designing marginal territories” is a timely contribution to the international academic and policy debate on ‘Inner Peripheries’ and on the possible measures to reduce inequalities among different regions in Europe. The National Strategies for the Inner Areas (SNAI), a groundbreaking experience of place-sensitive interventions addressing marginal areas, was promoted in Italy in the framework of the EU Cohesion Policies 2014-2020. Inner Areas were identified by SNAI, starting from 2012, due to their remoteness, environmental and architectural fragility, relative poverty, marginality and shrinking trends. The authors of the proposed book elaborate on the outcomes of the first funding cycle of SNAI (2014-2020) and look towards the coming cycle, thanks to the contribution of more than 150 young researchers, gathered under the umbrella of the recently born National Network of Young Researchers for Inner Areas in Italy. Through the different chapters this collective text returns the richness of the multidisciplinary discussions that took place in June and July 2020 during the workshop organized by the Network of Young Researchers for Inner Areas committee and contributes to the international debate on how to analyze, manage and design marginal territories, characterized by high degrees of fragility and exposed at various risks