98 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study – to determine the peculiarities of the personality and temperament of patients with hyperplastic endometrium processes before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity, in order to detect the maladaptive qualities of the individual on the basis of the therapy proposed by us.Materials and Methods. 60 patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding on the background of hyperplastic processes of endometrium were examined. All patients defined the personality and character of the questionnaire Cloninger "Structure of temperament and character." The experimental group of patients received the therapy we proposed: drugs containing the active substance – phenibut 250 mg 2 times a day.Results and Discussion. Before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity of women who received the therapy we offered easier to cope with the situation that developed in comparison with the group of women who received the usual treatment.Conclusion. The data obtained require compulsory consideration during the development of medical and psychological support in the comprehensive system of rehabilitation of women before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity with the introduction of hyperplastic processes of endometrium.Цель исследования – определение особенностей личности и характера больных с гиперпластическими процессами эндометрия до и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки для выявления дезадаптивных качеств личности на основе предложенной нами терапии.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 60 пациенток с дисфункциональными маточными кровотечениями на фоне гиперпластических процессов эндометрия. У всех пациенток определяли особенности личности и характера по опроснику Клонинджера «Структура темперамента и характера». Опытная группа пациенток получала предложенную нами терапию: препараты, содержащие действующее вещество – фенибут по 250 мг 2 раза в сутки.Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. До и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки женщины, получавшие предложенную нами терапию, легче справляются с сложившейся ситуацией, по сравнению с группой женщин, получавших общепринятое лечение.Вывод. Полученные данные требуют обязательного учета при разработке медико-психологического сопровождения в комплексной системе реабилитации женщин до и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки по поводу гиперпластических процессов эндометрия.Мета дослідження – визначення особливостей особистості і темпераменту хворих із гіперпластичними процесами ендометрія до та після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки для виявлення дезадаптивних якостей особистості на основі запропонованої нами терапії.Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 60 пацієнток із дисфункціональними матковими кровотечами на фоні гіперпластичних процесів ендометрія. У всіх пацієнток визначали особливості особистості і характеру за опитувальником Клонінджера «Структура темпераменту і характеру». Дослідна група пацієнток отримувала запропоновану нами терапію: препарати, що містять діючу речовину – фенібут по 250 мг 2 рази на добу.Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. До і після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки жінки, які отримували запропоновану нами терапію, легше справляються з ситуацією, яка склалася, порівняно з групою жінок, які отримували загальноприйняте лікування.Висновок. Отримані дані вимагають обов’язкового врахування під час розроблення медико-психологічного супроводу в комплексній системі реабілітації жінок до і після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки з приводу гіперпластичних процесів ендометрія


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    We carried out comparative analysis of the results of microbiological researches and antibiotic resistance of main pathogens of nosocomial infections from 2005 to 2010 years. During this period quota of MRSE (65—74 %), MRSA (22,7—35 %) is stably high and. especially quota of producers of different β-lactamases among other Enterobacteriaceae pathogens (3,2—65 %) increased that caused, significant expenses for antibiotic therapy by carbapenems (22,7—40 %), glycopeptides (2,7—10 %). Monitoring of tendencies of resistance of the most important pathogens of hospital infections optimication of antimicrobial therapy and introduction, of the system of preventive measures allowed, to decrease economic expenses for antimicrobial means to 17,5 %

    Structure of alkyl 2,3-dibromo-3-nitroacrylates in solution

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    The structure of the new representatives of polyfunctional bromonitroalkenes, alkyl 2,3-dibromo-3-nitroacrylates, was examined by means of dipole moments, [B3LYP/6-31G(d)] quantum-chemical methods, and IR spectroscopy. They were found to have nontrivial Z-configuration in a solution. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Dipole moments and quantum chemical study of the structure of furan-containing gem-bromonitroethenes

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. As shown by the dipole moment method and quantum chemical calculations, 1-(furan-2-yl)-2-nitroethene and 1-nitro-2-(5-nitrofuran-2-yl)ethenes exist in solution as E-s-trans isomers while 1-bromo-2- (5-bromofuran-2-yl)-1-nitroethene and 1-bromo-1-nitro-2-(5-nitrofuran-2-yl)ethene have Z-s-cis configuration

    Analysis of the effectiveness of callusogenesis on media developed on the basis of the RZ medium

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    There is still no consensus on the composition of nutrient media for various genotypes, and the improvement of their composition is still an urgent problem, the solution of which can significantly speed up and facilitate the breeding process, both in traditional and heterotic breeding. In this regard, the main goal of the study was to compile new variants of nutrient media and establish the relationship between changes in the components of the medium and the efficiency of callus formation. Previously, we showed the advantage of the RZ nutrient medium (Raina, Zapata. 1997) over the N nutrient medium (Nitsch, Nitsch 1969) for domestic varieties and hybrids, but to further increase the efficiency of callusogenesis, 5 variants based on the RZ nutrient medium were developed. The nutrient medium R1 was characterized by a reduced content of CaCl2·2H2O by almost three times, however, the results obtained on it were significantly better than on the initial nutrient medium RZ

    Determination of Cerium in Filtrates After Sorption by Stripping Voltammetry on Solid Electrodes

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    Разработана методика определения церия (III) в водных растворах методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии на графитовом электроде в виде малорастворимого соединения. Зависимость аналитического сигнала церия (III) от его концентрации в растворе линейна в диапазоне 0.5–10 мг/л и описывается уравнением I = (0.56±0.03)с + (0.54±0.10) [коэффициент корреляции > 0.99]. Предел обнаружения церия (III) составляет 0.1 мг/л. Методом «введено-найдено» показано отсутствие значимой систематической погрешности. С использованием разработанной методики определено содержание церия в фильтратах после его сорбцииА stripping voltammetry method was developed for the determination of cerium (III) on graphite electrode as a poorly soluble compound in filtrate after sorption. The cerium (III) concentration presents a good linear relationship over the range of 0.5–10 mg/l. Its linear equation is I = (0.56±0.03)с + + (0.54±0.10), with a correlation coefficient >0.99. The detection limit of cerium (III) is 0.1 mg/l. The absence of a significant systematic error is shown by the added-found method. Using the developed technique, the concentration of cerium (III) in the filtrates after sorption has been determine

    Safety and Tolerability of Implanted Subcutaneous Cardioverter-Defibrillator Systems

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    Aim. To study the safety and tolerability of the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) after implantation.Material and methods. The results of 33 patients with implanted S-ICD 6 months follow-up. The criteria for inclusion in the observational study were: age over 18 years, indications for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. The exclusion criteria were indications for implantation of transvenous ICD (patients with sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, the need for anti-bradycardia or resynchronization therapy), as well as patients with a QRS complex of more than 130 msec. All patients underwent a standard preoperative examination (routine blood tests, chest X-ray, transthoracic echocardiography), quality-of-life questionnaires and transesophageal echocardiography. At follow-up, patients were examined after 6 months after implantation, the device was interrogated and a quality-of-life questionnaire was completed. All episodes of shock therapy and complications were documented.Results. Male patients predominated (84%), with a mean age of 57 [43;62] years. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 30% [26;34]. The mean QRS duration was 100 [94;108] msec. According to the of 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, episodes of unstable VT were recorded in 42.4% of patients. The most common indications for S-ICD implantation were dilated (33%) and ischemic cardiomyopathy (42%). Primary prevention was indicated in 97% of patients. At the end of the implantation of the S-ICD, the patients underwent a defibrillation test and device configuration. In 63.6% of cases, during automatic tuning, the device selected the primary perception vector. In 27.2% of patients, optimal recognition of the subcutaneous signal was observed in the secondary vector, and in 9.2% of patients, the alternative vector was favorable. All patients underwent two-zone programming. The conditional shock zone was programmed at an average rate of 192 beats/min (range 180-210 beats/min) and the shock zone was programmed at an average rate of 222 beats/min (range 220-240 beats/min). Perioperative complications occurred in two patients. During the follow-up period, no shocks were recorded in 27 patients. Adequate shocks for 6 months were recorded in two patients. During 6 months of observation, one lethal outcome was noted due to complications of viral pneumonia. During the observation period, there were no rehospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases.Conclusion. The use of S-ICD, even in patients with structural myocardial disease who do not require antibradycardia pacing, is effective in preventing SCD. The number of inadequate discharges and the number of complications in clinical practice is comparable to the data of multicenter studies. S-ICD implantation was not accompanied by a decrease in quality of life. Careful selection of candidates, along with state-of-the-art device programming, is an important parameter for the selection and success of S-ICD application