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    The isolation rate of herpes simplex virus (HSV) was investigated in relation to the stage of herpetic disease in 186 patients from the Varna region. It was proved that HSV was isolated most success filly during the first 1-2 days after the appearance of herpetic vesicles. Isolation of HSV in the later stages of the illness was rather difficult. An analysis of the correlation between the type of the isolated HSV and the location of the disease was performed, too. It was established that HSV-1 was isolated from all patients with labial and facial herpes, HSV-2 was isolated from patients with genital and gluteal herpes while both types were isolated from cases with herpes of the extremities. The earlier established correlation between the HSV type and location of the herpetic disease remains unchanged in Bulgaria in contrast to many European countries and USA


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    In order to determine the total content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in natural and waste waters the sum of HCs was extracted, and the possibility of incomplete extraction of most soluble and most toxic HCs – monocyclic arenes – was neglected. The recommendations on the optimal extraction conditions were found to be quite contradictory, while the data for arenes losses was not studied. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibility of quantitative extraction of arenes during HCs determinations. We have measured the extraction degree (R, %) for the most soluble C6 - C9 arenes from model aqueous solutions in optimized conditions by IR and UV spectrometry with hexane and carbon tetrachloride as extractants. The influence of different factors on the extraction degree was investigated. It was established that the optimal phases contact time was 5 minutes. R values for a single extraction made up 30% - 80% depending on the arenes and the extractants nature. The influence of the initial concentration of arenes on R value was not statistically significant. The introduction of salting-out reagents, the increase of extractants volume and the repeated treatment of the sample reduced the losses of arenes, but did not lead to their complete elimination (in all cases R 90 %). The incompleteness of arenes extraction led to the underestimated results of water analysis.  The bigger was the share of arenes in the sum of HCs the bigger was the error value by modulus.Keywords: hydrochemical analysis, aromatic hydrocarbons, extraction, extent of extraction, systematic errors of the analysis(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.004T.V. Antonova, S.V. Usova Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation, 644077, Omsk,Mira str., 55a Для определения углеводородов (УВ) в природных и сточных водах сумму УВ экстрагируют, пренебрегая потерями наиболее растворимых в воде и самых токсичных УВ – моноциклических аренов. Рекомендации по условиям экстракции противоречивы, потери УВ не изучались. Цель работы – оценить возможность количественного извлечения аренов при определении УВ в водах. Для этого методами ИК- и УФ-спектрометрии определяли степень извлечения (R, %) наиболее растворимых аренов С6 -С9  из модельных водных растворов, используя обычно применяемые экстрагенты (гексан, тетрахлорметан) и варьируя условия экстракции. Установлено, что оптимальное время контакта фаз при извлечении аренов равно 5 минутам. Значения R при однократной экстракции составляют 30-80 % в зависимости от природы арена и экстрагента. Влияние начальной концентрации аренов на величину R незначимо. Введение высаливателей, увеличение объема экстрагента и повторная обработка пробы экстрагентом уменьшают потери, но не приводят к их исключению (во всех случаях R 90 %). Таким образом, экстракция суммы УВ даже в оптимальных условиях ведет к заниженным результатам анализа. Систематические погрешности будут тем выше (по модулю), чем выше доля  аренов в смеси УВ.Ключевые слова: гидрохимический анализ, ароматические углеводороды, экстракция, степень извлечения, систематические погрешности анализаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.00

    «Cities are Good for Us»: Assessment of Urban Attractiveness by Students

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    The article reveals the foundation of attractiveness of the city as a place of residence, as a place of realization of needs of student youth. The city, as a high-resource territory, becomes a factor in the formation of migration attitudes of the young generation, which acts as a driver for its successful functioning and development. Cities engage in global competition for human resources. The lack of competitive advantages (such as a favourable environment, high level of income, quality of life, developed infrastructure) is becoming a factor of outflow of youth to more attractive areas. In 2017, we conducted a sociological study of students of the city of Yekaterinburg (Russia). Based on a standardized survey of 200 students (71 men and 129 women), as well as on 8 in-depth interviews with 4 women and 4 men, the article argues that the factors of the city's attractiveness are the conditions contributing to the upward vertical mobility. The most attractive characteristic of the urban environment is the economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability, which creates the conditions for the successful implementation of life plans, initiative and innovation. When choosing a city for the realization of their interests, students consider the territory's ability to provide opportunities for informal interaction and free choice of everyday practices. These indicators of attractiveness demonstrate that students claim their right to the city: they change themselves by changing the city. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.19-011-31151Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRThe reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR according to the research project 19-011-31151

    Influence of ripening in mother solution on characteristics of magnesium-substituted calcium phosphate powders

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    Effect of ripening in the mother liquor on the degree of crystallinity and dispersity of mixed powders of calcium and magnesium phosphates is studied as a function of magnesium content with the elemental composition such that (Ca + Mg)/P = 2. Ripening is found to have a positive effect on crystallinity of the apatite phase of powders. Nanocrystals with lowered tendency to aggregation are formed during the ripening period, which affords the powders with specific surface area as high as 80 m2/g. The morphology of the constituent particles depends on the magnesium content. Crystallization processes are essentially completed by the 21st day of ripenin


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    The role of the state in the development of the agricultural sector and the basic forms of its ensuring defined in the article. The state financial support agricultural complex of Ukraine is analyzed. The questions of state crediting of agriculture are considered.В статье определено роль государства в развитии аграрного сектора и основные формы его обеспечения. Проанализировано государственную финансовую поддержку агропромышленного комплекса Украины. Рассмотрены вопросы государственного кредитования сельского хозяйства.В статті визначено роль держави у розвитку аграрного сектора та основні форми його забезпечення. Проаналізовано державну фінансову підтримку агропромислового комплексу України. Розглянуто питання державного кредитування сільського господарства

    Functions of Texts of Instructions for Use of Medicines

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    The article is devoted to the problem of studying the texts functioning in the field of special communication, namely - the document texts used in medicine and pharmacy. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of correct and effective informing the patient, providing him / her with the necessary information at the stage of treatment and prevention of diseases. The material for the study are the texts of instructions on the use of drugs in Russian language. The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and semantic structure of these texts, as well as to identify and describe the communicative and pragmatic functions implemented in them (descriptive, prescriptive, informative, regulatory). The existence of a rigid unified structure of the studied texts with a strictly fixed arrangement of sections and subsections is stated. It is shown that from the point of view of the content-semantic structure, these units can be interpreted as communicative and pragmatic blocks, in which from one to several communicative and pragmatic functions can be implemented. The relationship between communicative and pragmatic functions of the texts of instructions on the use of drugs and the nature of perception and understanding of these texts is revealed. It is concluded that, along with other functions, the regulatory function to the greatest extent reflects the communicative and pragmatic orientation of the studied texts to the addressee who does not have special medical and pharmaceutical knowledge

    Reframing Bodies: New Coordinates of the Body Image

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    Received 25 January 2023. Accepted 1 June 2023. Published online 3 July 2023.The article analyzes the results of a sociological survey of urban residents’ perceptions of the beauty standards and their most desired body models. The survey was conducted in three cities of a large industrial Russian region (n = 1,077). The body as a bio-social construct is now undergoing significant transformations in public consciousness. As our survey shows, however, beauty standards in Russia are fairly stereotypical: the ideal female body is expected to be sexual, well-groomed, and slender (we refer to this body type as an aesthetic body model or body as an object) and the male body to be physically strong, resilient, and fit (the functional body model or body as a process). Describing their desired body model, male and female respondents of different age groups often choose the functional body model, that is, they prioritize what the body can do over what it looks like. The survey shows mixed results regarding the effects of the pandemic on people’s attitudes to their bodies and body care practices. Only a third of the respondents directly associate their individual bodily experience of disease with the change in their body care practices. Two-thirds of the respondents reported that during the lockdown they started taking better care of their bodies, paying more attention to personal hygiene, physical exercise, and sleep.The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 22-28-20365, https://rscf.ru/project/22-28-20365