136 research outputs found

    Does Domestic Regulation Promote Globally Competitive Filipino Professionals and Educational Services?

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    Almost every country has its own set of domestic regulations that determine how easy or difficult it is to pursue a freer movement in the trade of services. In the Philippine setting, how do the functions and powers of the country's two major regulatory bodies for professional and educational services affect the movement of these services as well as the quality of global competitiveness of Philippine higher education and professionals? This Notes discusses more on this.professional services, domestic regulation, educational services, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

    Enhancing the movement of natural persons in the ASEAN region: Opportunities and constraints

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    The overall objective of the movement of natural persons (MNP) in the ASEAN region is to contribute to expanding trade in services and to deepening economic integration. However, the regional movement of human resources has proceeded beyond the expansion of trade and has persisted in response to labor market imbalances.Movement of Natural Persons (MNP),ASEAN Framework Agreements on Services (AFAS)

    Malformação das omoplatas de um indivíduo feminino exumado da necrópole medieval / moderna do Largo Cândido dos Reis (Santarém, Portugal)

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    X Congreso Nacional de PaleopatologĂ­a. Univesidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Can the Philippines' Human Resource Base Meet the Challenge of a Liberalized Financial Sector?

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    Is the Philippines ready to face foreign competition in the financial sector? Does it have enough supply of professionals who are capable of meeting the human resource requirements of domestic and foreign financial corporations in this kind of liberalized environment? Professor Tullao seeks to provide the answers in this Policy Notes.financial sector, financial liberalization, human resource development

    Industry Career Guide: Banking and Finance

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    The banking and finance sector performs a critical function in the Philippine economy as it is primarily responsible for the mobilization of domestic savings and the conversion of these funds into directly productive investments. Financing the needs of firms which desire to raise productive capacity by purchasing additional capital equipment, acquiring or leasing idle property, building and expanding factories, and increasing inventory are responsible for sustaining economic growth in the long term, alongside the creation of new jobs. It is very important for the banking and finance sector to continue finding ways to encourage households to save their unspent income in various financial assets so that these resources could be used and transformed into loans that will finance the expansion of directly productive business ventures

    Resurgence of Bundling Mechanisms in Digital Services Trade

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    The expansion of trade through centuries was pushed through a great extent by the unbundling of commodities from various factors that prevent them from being traded globally. The use of the steam engine in shipping, for example, ushered in the rapid expansion of 19th-century trade as transport cost was drastically reduced and countries realized interspatial cost differences across the Atlantic. The previous untradability of services, on the other hand, was broken by various dimensions of globalization that separated the simultaneous production and consumption of services. This unbundling rapidly boosted global trade in recent decades. However, growing developments and innovations in ICT are creating new bundling mechanisms. The essay will identify how these new bundling mechanisms have emerged and their implications on services trade and other dimensions of human development

    Research Performance of the ASEAN University Network Member Universities

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    The purpose of this research paper is to describe the research outputs of the member universities of the ASEAN University Network (AUN). The paper is an inductive type of research that used a variety of information from Scopus to determine what AUN member universities are actively writing about. The author captured data from 1997 to 2017 from scopus.com to analyze what the AUN member universities and their respective countries have been studying. Results show that almost 50% of the total research outputs of all the ASEAN nations are contributed by the AUN member Universities, with Singapore’s NUS and NUT contributing 76% of Singapore’s total research outputs, while the Philippines’ DLSU, ADMU, and UP contributes 50%. Wealthy nations such as Singapore and Malaysia have been focusing their researches on engineering and computer sciences while countries like the Philippines, Laos, and Cambodia have been researching about agriculture and biological sciences. Another study can be conducted to show research activities of the different universities all over Asia, including those that are not part of the ASEAN University Network

    Role of the Commission on Higher Education in Promoting Quality Education

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    Quality education is seen as an important contributor to the country’s economic development. The role of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in promoting this quality education is embodied in its legal mandate. As a government agency mandated to ensure that the delivery of quality education is observed by schools of higher learning to ultimately attain the national development goals and improve the economic condition of the Philippines, CHED was given enough authorities to perform its bi-focal roles of being regulatory or developmental. Acknowledging the significance of accreditation in promoting quality education, quality assurance activities and the different accrediting bodies recognized by CHED are also presented in this paper. Further, this study also identified different role indicators that were used in the development of an instrument that can be used to hasten the classification process of the policies and guidelines issued by CHED through its CHED Memorandum Orders (CMOs). Acknowledging the limitation that this paper analyzed only the CMOs issued from 2013 to 2017, this study recommends further analysis of other CMOs issued in the past or will be issued in the future so that CHED’s performance can be gauged more appropriately

    Linking Global Competitiveness, Higher Education, and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows

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    Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has contributed to the accumulation of capital and the improvement of the economy’s productive capacity through the incorporation of new inputs and modern technologies in the production process. Neoclassical and endogenous growth models have been widely used to empirically test the benefits of FDI (Almfraji & Almsafir, 2014). However, results of testing theoretical benefits are varying from regions, countries, and industries. Conflicting relationships and impacts range from significant to non-significant, positive to negative impacts, directly or indirectly. Despite that, FDI inflows have still been recognized to influence employment and wages, infrastructure development, human capital development, technology transfer, and promotion of trade which could have a short and long-term effect on economic of growth of a country. Recognizing the impact of FDI on the development of an economy, many researchers tried to elucidate the factors that encourage foreign countries to invest in a specific economy

    Explaining the Sociological Factors Associated with the Children\u27s School Participation in Elementary Level

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    This paper identifies the factors such as demographic, economic, and sociological factors that influence the children’s school participation in elementary level. Highlight of this study is explaining the context of mother’s absence in a household as it influences the children’s school participation. This paper utilized both quantitative and qualitative techniques in the data collection and analysis. The data set from Annual Poverty Indicators Survey 2011 was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis. Selected families with 6-11 years old children whose mothers are working abroad were also interviewed to provide an understanding of the relevance of social resource within families in the children’s school participation
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