43 research outputs found

    A time-motion analysis of lightweight women’s judo in the 2010 World Championships

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    The Olympic sport of judo has a growing base of performance analysis research considering the technical aspects, the tactical aspects and time motion analysis. This study aimed to further analyse this sport by specifically considering the time motion aspects of work, rest, kumi-kata and ne-waza in lightweight women's judo to establish if there are differences in this specific population of judo athletes. Pre-recorded footage of the women's u48kg, u52kg and u57kg weight divisions (143 contests) from the 2010 world judo championships were coded into temporal sequences. The coding of five KPIs across the three weight groups produced a total of 1756 hajime to matte blocks (work), 1422 matte to hajime blocks (rest), 1786 kumi-kata sequences (gripping sequences), and 516 ne-waza sequences (ground work). The results suggest the time spent in hajime to matte (work) and in matte to hajime (rest) are similar to those seen in other studies. This suggests there is little difference in the work to rest segments for lightweight women's judo compared to heavier weights and males

    Estudos em modalidades esportivas de combate: estado da arte

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    Relationship of maximal isometric torque produced in flexors and extensors rate to technique by judo athletes

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    Purpose: Development of strength is one of essential elements of motor preparation of judo athletes. The aim this study was to examine the influence of body composition and the joint torques on successful performance of various judo techniques. Methods: Twentyfive judo athletes participated in 175 judo bouts, which were video-recorded during the All-Polish competitions. Biomechanical classification of technical actions was used. The age and athletic experience of the subjects were 18 and 8.8 years, respectively. Their body height was 179.4 cm (Martin’s type anthropometer) and body mass was 80.3 kg (Sartorius F 1505 – DZA scales). Percentage of fat (10.6%) was estimated using skinfold result measurements. BMI (24.9 kgm–2), fat-free mass index (21.9 kgm–2) and fat mass index (3.0 kgm–2) were calculated. Maximum torques measured under static conditions were evaluated 2–3 days after the tournament. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were conducted ( p 0.05). Results: Balancing of maximum torques in the muscles of the pelvic and illiac regions caused more frequent performance of physical lever-type throwing techniques, compared to couple of force-type throwing techniques. A negative correlation was found between body fat and value of force recorded for knee flexors and between the frequency of using techniques during groundwork and torques measured in hip extensors. High correlation of fat-free mass index and relative elbow flexor torque was found. Conclusions: The relationship between body composition and frequency of techniques used in a tournament, and joint torques developed by athletes were found

    Reliability of the Uchikomi fitness test: a pilot study

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’examiner la reproductibilitĂ© d’un test intermittent simulant un combat de judo, Uchi komi Fitness Test (UFT) (Almansba et al., 2007 [1]). Sept judokas (20 ± 3 ans) prĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents niveaux de performance (quatre de niveau dĂ©partemental, deux rĂ©gional et un national) ont rĂ©alisĂ© ce test au cours de trois sessions, chacune d’elle Ă©tant sĂ©parĂ©e de la suivante par une pĂ©riode de 48 heures. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une reproductibilitĂ© modĂ©rĂ©e (ICC = 0,88) pour les valeurs moyennes du score combinĂ© (a + b) correspondant aux deux meilleures sĂ©ries. Toutefois, la reproductibilitĂ© du nombre total d’uchikomi (n) et des rĂ©ponses de la frĂ©quence cardiaque (FCmoy, FCmax et %FCmax) est trĂšs Ă©levĂ©e (CCI > 0,90) et l’erreur intraclasse est trĂšs faible (< 2 %). Cette Ă©tude indique que les performances mesurĂ©es durant trois sessions successives sont significativement reproductibles. La FCmax, FCmoy et le %FCmax sont des indices physiologiques fiables pour apprĂ©cier la performance du systĂšme cardiovasculaire du judoka. En outre, le nombre total d’uchikomi (n) obtenu Ă  l’UFT est un meilleur indicateur pour Ă©valuer la condition physique spĂ©cifique du judoka, car il associe sollicitation musculaire et rĂ©ponse cardiovasculaire Ă  l’exercice (Almansba et al., 2007 [1]). Mots clĂ©s : Judo ; Test de terrain ; FrĂ©quence cardiaque ; Reproductibilit

    Uchi-komi avec charge, une approche physiologique d'un nouveau test spécifique au judo

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    Elaboration et validation d'un test de terrain spécifique à la pratique du judo, proche de la compétition, pour évaluer l'état de forme physique du judoka. Comparaison avec les résultats du test progressif de Léger, du test de détente verticale, du test navette australien. Le test spécifique judo permet une bonne appréciation de la puissance anaérobie du judoka lors d'un exercice propre à sa spécialité et reflÚte significativement sa capacité anaérobi

    A comparative study of speed expressed by the number of throws between heavier and lighter categories in judo

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    Objective. - The objective of this work was to verify if there was a difference in throwing speed performance between heavier and lighter weight categories in judo. Methods and subjects. - Sixteen (16) judoists 18 +/- 3 years old, eight considered in the lightweight category (< 66 kg) and eight considered in the heavyweight (> 73 kg) category, participated in the study after signing a term of informed consent. A force-velocity test was used to determine the anaerobic power, strength, and pedal speed for each subject. In addition, three trials of Nage-komi exercise, each comprised of a set of Osoto-gari (15s), Uchi-mata (15s) and Seoi-nage (15s) throws were performed by each subject to ascertain throwing speed. Throws within the sets were intersected by one period of three minutes passive rest, while the trials were separated by one period of 10 minutes passive rest. Heart rate and the greatest number of throws within each set were measured for three trials. One-way analysis of variance (Anova) was used to compare the number of throws between the two weight categories and a ""Student"" test when the difference was significant. A correlation was used to examine the link between the different parameters. Results. - The force-velocity test did not show a significant difference in pedal speed between the two categories. However, there was a significant difference between the two categories when throwing speed was measured by the number of throws (p < 0.05) executed during the Seoi-nage (p < 0.01) and Uchi-mata (p <0.05) techniques. There was however, no significant difference between the two categories in Osoto-gari technique. Conclusion. - The throwing speed of judoists represented by the number of throws is significantly different between the two categories. The lighter category has more speed than the heavier category using the arm technique (Seoi-nage), while the heavier category has more speed using the leg technique with half turn of the attacker`s body (Uchi-mata). As a result, throwing speed is related to the type of technique used and not weight category. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved