12 research outputs found

    A membrane-embedded glutamate is required for ligand binding to the multidrug transporter EmrE

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    EmrE is an Escherichia coli multidrug transporter that confers resistance to a variety of toxins by removing them in exchange for hydrogen ions. The detergent-solubilized protein binds tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP(+)) with a K(D) of 10 nM. One mole of ligand is bound per ∼3 mol of EmrE, suggesting that there is one binding site per trimer. The steep pH dependence of binding suggests that one or more residues, with an apparent pK of ∼7.5, release protons prior to ligand binding. A conservative Asp replacement (E14D) at position 14 of the only membrane-embedded charged residue shows little transport activity, but binds TPP(+) at levels similar to those of the wild-type protein. The apparent pK of the Asp shifts to <5.0. The data are consistent with a mechanism requiring Glu14 for both substrate and proton recognition. We propose a model in which two of the three Glu14s in the postulated trimeric EmrE homooligomer deprotonate upon ligand binding. The ligand is released on the other face of the membrane after binding of protons to Glu14

    Redesigning Channel-Forming Peptides: Amino Acid Substitutions that Enhance Rates of Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Raise Ion Transport Activity

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    Three series of 22-residue peptides derived from the transmembrane M2 segment of the glycine receptor α1-subunit (M2GlyR) have been designed, synthesized, and tested to determine the plasticity of a channel-forming sequence and to define whether channel pores with enhanced conductive properties could be created. Sixteen sequences were examined for aqueous solubility, solution-association tendency, secondary structure, and half-maximal concentration for supramolecular assembly, channel activity, and ion transport properties across epithelial monolayers. All peptides interact strongly with membranes: associating with, inserting across, and assembling to form homooligomeric bundles when in micromolar concentrations. Single and double amino acid replacements involving arginine and/or aromatic amino acids within the final five C-terminal residues of the peptide cause dramatic effects on the concentration dependence, yielding a range of K(1/2) values from 36 ± 5 to 390 ± 220 μM for transport activity. New water/lipid interfacial boundaries were established for the transmembrane segment using charged or aromatic amino acids, thus limiting the peptides' ability to move perpendicularly to the plane of the bilayer. Formation of discrete water/lipid interfacial boundaries appears to be necessary for efficient supramolecular assembly and high anion transport activity. A peptide sequence is identified that may show efficacy in channel replacement therapy for channelopathies such as cystic fibrosis

    Parallel topology of genetically fused EmrE homodimers

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    EmrE is a small H+-coupled multidrug transporter in Escherichia coli. Claims have been made for an antiparallel topology of this homodimeric protein. However, our own biochemical studies performed with detergent-solubilized purified protein support a parallel topology of the protomers. We developed an alternative approach to constrain the relative topology of the protomers within the dimer so that their activity can be assayed also in vivo before biochemical handling. Tandem EmrE was built with two identical monomers genetically fused tail to head (C-terminus of the first to N-terminus of the second monomer) with hydrophilic linkers of varying length. All the constructs conferred resistance to ethidium by actively removing it from the cytoplasm. The purified proteins bound substrate and transported methyl viologen into proteoliposomes by a proton-dependent mechanism. A tandem where one of the essential glutamates was replaced with glutamine transported only monovalent substrates and displayed a modified stoichiometry. The results support a parallel topology of the protomers in the functional dimer. The implications regarding insertion and evolution of membrane proteins are discussed