4,362 research outputs found
Quantum dynamics of localized excitations in a symmetric trimer molecule
We study the time evolution of localized (local bond) excitations in a
symmetric quantum trimer molecule. We relate the dynamical properties of
localized excitations such as their spectral intensity and their temporal
evolution (survival probability and tunneling of bosons) to their degree of
overlap with quantum tunneling pair states. We report on the existence of
degeneracy points in the trimer eigenvalue spectrum for specific values of
parameters due to avoided crossings between tunneling pair states and
additional states. The tunneling of localized excitations which overlap with
these degenerate states is suppressed on all times. As a result local bond
excitations may be strongly localized forever, similar to their classical
counterparts.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures. Improved version with more discussions. Some
figures were replaced for better understanding. Accepted in Phys. Rev.
Towards wafer scale inductive determination of magnetostatic and dynamic parameters of magnetic thin films and multilayers
We investigate an inductive probe head suitable for non-invasive
characterization of the magnetostatic and dynamic parameters of magnetic thin
films and multilayers on the wafer scale. The probe is based on a planar
waveguide with rearward high frequency connectors that can be brought in close
contact to the wafer surface. Inductive characterization of the magnetic
material is carried out by vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance.
Analysis of the field dispersion of the resonance allows the determination of
key material parameters such as the saturation magnetization MS or the
effective damping parameter Meff. Three waveguide designs are tested. The
broadband frequency response is characterized and the suitability for inductive
determination of MS and Meff is compared. Integration of such probes in a wafer
prober could in the future allow wafer scale in-line testing of magnetostatic
and dynamic key material parameters of magnetic thin films and multilayers
Acoustic breathers in two-dimensional lattices
The existence of breathers (time-periodic and spatially localized lattice
vibrations) is well established for i) systems without acoustic phonon branches
and ii) systems with acoustic phonons, but also with additional symmetries
preventing the occurence of strains (dc terms) in the breather solution. The
case of coexistence of strains and acoustic phonon branches is solved (for
simple models) only for one-dimensional lattices.
We calculate breather solutions for a two-dimensional lattice with one
acoustic phonon branch. We start from the easy-to-handle case of a system with
homogeneous (anharmonic) interaction potentials. We then easily continue the
zero-strain breather solution into the model sector with additional quadratic
and cubic potential terms with the help of a generalized Newton method. The
lattice size is . The breather continues to exist, but is dressed
with a strain field. In contrast to the ac breather components, which decay
exponentially in space, the strain field (which has dipole symmetry) should
decay like . On our rather small lattice we find an exponent
Discrete breathers in systems with homogeneous potentials - analytic solutions
We construct lattice Hamiltonians with homogeneous interaction potentials
which allow for explicit breather solutions. Especially we obtain exponentially
localized solutions for -dimensional lattices with .Comment: 10 page
Experimentally observed evolution between dynamic patterns and intrinsic localized modes in a driven nonlinear electrical cyclic lattice
Locked intrinsic localized modes (ILMs) and large amplitude lattice spatial
modes (LSMs) have been experimentally measured for a driven 1-D nonlinear
cyclic electric transmission line, where the nonlinear element is a saturable
capacitor. Depending on the number of cells and electrical lattice damping a
LSM of fixed shape can be tuned across the modal spectrum. Interestingly, by
tuning the driver frequency away from this spectrum an LSM can be continuously
converted into ILMs and visa versa. The differences in pattern formation
between simulations and experimental findings are due to a low concentration of
impurities. Through this novel nonlinear excitation and switching channel in
cyclic lattices either energy balanced or unbalanced LSMs and ILMs may occur.
Because of the general nature of these dynamical results for nonintegrable
lattices applications are to be expected. The ultimate stability of driven aero
machinery containing nonlinear periodic structures may be one example.Comment: 7 pages 7 figure
Obtaining Breathers in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Lattices
We present a numerical method for obtaining high-accuracy numerical solutions
of spatially localized time-periodic excitations on a nonlinear Hamiltonian
lattice. We compare these results with analytical considerations of the spatial
decay. We show that nonlinear contributions have to be considered, and obtain
very good agreement between the latter and the numerical results. We discuss
further applications of the method and results.Comment: 21 pages (LaTeX), 8 figures in ps-files, tar-compressed uuencoded
file, Physical Review E, in pres
Generation of Intrinsic Vibrational Gap Modes in Three-Dimensional Ionic Crystals
The existence of anharmonic localization of lattice vibrations in a perfect
3-D diatomic ionic crystal is established for the rigid-ion model by molecular
dynamics simulations. For a realistic set of NaI potential parameters, an
intrinsic localized gap mode vibrating in the [111] direction is observed for
fcc and zinc blende lattices. An axial elastic distortion is an integral
feature of this mode which forms more readily for the zinc blende than for the
fcc structure. Molecular dynamics simulations verify that in each structure
this localized mode may be stable for at least 200 cycles.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX, using epsf.sty. To be published in Phys.
Rev. B. Also available at http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~kiselev
The Cosmic Microwave Background & Inflation, Then & Now
Boomerang, Maxima, DASI, CBI and VSA significantly increase the case for
accelerated expansion in the early universe (the inflationary paradigm) and at
the current epoch (dark energy dominance), especially when combined with data
on high redshift supernovae (SN1) and large scale structure (LSS). There are
``7 pillars of Inflation'' that can be shown with the CMB probe, and at least
5, and possibly 6, of these have already been demonstrated in the CMB data: (1)
a large scale gravitational potential; (2) acoustic peaks/dips; (3) damping due
to shear viscosity; (4) a Gaussian (maximally random) distribution; (5)
secondary anisotropies; (6) polarization. A 7th pillar, anisotropies induced by
gravity wave quantum noise, could be too small. A minimal inflation parameter
set, \omega_b,\omega_{cdm}, \Omega_{tot}, \Omega_Q,w_Q,n_s,\tau_C, \sigma_8},
is used to illustrate the power of the current data. We find the CMB+LSS+SN1
data give \Omega_{tot} =1.00^{+.07}_{-.03}, consistent with (non-baroque)
inflation theory. Restricting to \Omega_{tot}=1, we find a nearly scale
invariant spectrum, n_s =0.97^{+.08}_{-.05}. The CDM density, \Omega_{cdm}{\rm
h}^2 =.12^{+.01}_{-.01}, and baryon density, \Omega_b {\rm h}^2 =
>.022^{+.003}_{-.002}, are in the expected range. (The Big Bang nucleosynthesis
estimate is 0.019\pm 0.002.) Substantial dark (unclustered) energy is inferred,
\Omega_Q \approx 0.68 \pm 0.05, and CMB+LSS \Omega_Q values are compatible with
the independent SN1 estimates. The dark energy equation of state, crudely
parameterized by a quintessence-field pressure-to-density ratio w_Q, is not
well determined by CMB+LSS (w_Q < -0.4 at 95% CL), but when combined with SN1
the resulting w_Q < -0.7 limit is quite consistent with the w_Q=-1 cosmological
constant case.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, in Theoretical Physics, MRST 2002: A Tribute to
George Libbrandt (AIP), eds. V. Elias, R. Epp, R. Myer
The Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect: simulation and observation
The Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect (SZ effect) is a complete probe of ionized
baryons, the majority of which are likely hiding in the intergalactic medium.
We ran a CDM simulation using a moving mesh hydro code to
compute the statistics of the thermal and kinetic SZ effect such as the power
spectra and measures of non-Gaussianity. The thermal SZ power spectrum has a
very broad peak at multipole with temperature fluctuations
K. The power spectrum is consistent with available
observations and suggests a high and a possible role of
non-gravitational heating. The non-Gaussianity is significant and increases the
cosmic variance of the power spectrum by a factor of for .
We explore optimal driftscan survey strategies for the AMIBA CMB
interferometer and their dependence on cosmology. For SZ power spectrum
estimation, we find that the optimal sky coverage for a 1000 hours of
integration time is several hundred square degrees. One achieves an accuracy
better than 40% in the SZ measurement of power spectrum and an accuracy better
than 20% in the cross correlation with Sloan galaxies for . For
cluster searches, the optimal scan rate is around 280 hours per square degree
with a cluster detection rate 1 every 7 hours, allowing for a false positive
rate of 20% and better than 30% accuracy in the cluster SZ distribution
function measurement.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Simulation maps have been
replaced by high resolution images. For higher resolution color images,
please download from http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~zhangpj/research/SZ/ We
corrected a bug in our analysis. the SZ power spectrum decreases 50% and y
parameter decrease 25
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