741 research outputs found

    Perception of Community Health Workers in Indonesia Toward Patients with Mental Disorders

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    In Indonesia, there are any community health volunteers called Kader. Although Kaders are members of mental health volunteer, they sometimes show negative attitude to psychotic persons, even they have already got some training about mental health. The aims of this study were to investigate 1) how is Kader's perception compare to the other countries, 2) how will they consult compare to the other countries 3) how is comparison of Kaders' perception to mental disorder person between trained and untrained. The method of this research is a descriptive explorative using survey study. This study was held on June to September 2013. It was conducted in five districts of Yogyakarta area with 619 respondents. The Questionnaires used contained three sections are follows; Part A is about Demographic Data, Part B two case vignettes (taken from MacArthur Health Module of the 1996 general Social Survey) and Part C about Kaders experiences. The perception of Kader as part of the community is lower than the general residence in the United States and Japan. The comparison between trained and untrained Kaders shown that trained Kaders has better perception toward patient with mental disorder. These results suggest that actual experiences in meeting the cases contributed to the improvement of Kaders' perception better than the previous mental health training did. It might be Kaders with short experience are explored information Kaders should be trained with more structured curriculum and recruiting Kader is recommended to recruit the young generation

    Pengaruh Audit Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung)

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    PT. Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung is a general bookstore that is engaged in the retail and distribution of books, school and office tools as well as multimedia products. The company as a business person should be able to deal with the changes and developments that exist both in the field of technology and social. Based on the description in the background, this research aims to determine the influence of Human Resource Management Audit against the Employee Performance at Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung. The variables that examined in this research are Human Resource Management Audit (X) as Independent Variables and Performance (Y) as the Dependent Variable. The population of this research is the parts that related to the audit of human resource management and employee performance. Sampling in this research is based on saturation sampling technique. In this research the number of the samples which are used is 43 respondents.The data which is used in this research is primary data obtained from the questionnaires and interviews. To analyze the influence of Human Resource Management Audit (X) Toward Performance (Y), writer uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods, correlation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination, and a t test. Based on statistical analysis obtained the following results: t test results are showed that the Human Resource Audit impact employee performance. This is indicated by tcount 5.743 while ttable of 1.68, based on the calculation that tcount> ttable then Ho is rejected or in the other words Ha is accepted. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states "Human Resource Management Audit influence on Employee Performance" is acceptable

    Enhanced photothermal displacement spectroscopy for thin-film characterization using a Fabry-Perot resonator

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    We have developed a technique for photothermal displacement spectroscopy that is potentially orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional methods. We use a single Fabry-Perot resonator to enhance both the intensity of the pump beam and the sensitivity of the probe beam. The result is an enhancement of the response of the instrument by a factor proportional to the square of the finesse of the cavity over conventional interferometric measurements. In this paper we present a description of the technique, and we discuss how the properties of thin films can be deduced from the photothermal response. As an example of the technique, we report a measurement of the thermal properties of a multilayer dielectric mirror similar to those used in interferometric gravitational wave detectors

    Penerapan Model Turnamen dengan Fun Frame In Physics Pada Pembelajaran Tentang Hukum Induksi Elektromagnetik Faraday

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    Abstract – Learning media is indispensable in the phase of consolidation with an effort involving students actively and assist student in understanding the material. This research aims to make Fun Frame in Physics (FFP) learning media design and investigate the effectiveness of FFP with the topic of electromagnetic induction at the consolidation stage. This research is a descriptive research. Respondents to this study were 14 - 16 junior high school students of class IX. The research instruments include questionnaire for material experts, questionnaires for media expert, student observation sheets, student activity observation sheets and student reponse observation sheets. All data obtained were analyzed qualitative decriptive. Based on student answers, the average value of each group ranges from 75 to 87,5. Based on the results of the validation, material experts and media experts gave a positive response, 83,38% and 93,6% respectively. Based on the questionnaires, 86,68% of students responded positively to the FFP media. Based on student activity observation sheets, 86,81% of student were active in group activity. So FFP is effective to assist students in understanding the topic of electromagnetic induction and can be a reference in the consolidation phas
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