1,374 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Bencana Banjir Bandang Di Indonesia

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    Saat ini bencana hidrometeorologi menunjukkan tren meningkat. Bencana banjir bandang adalah bagian dari bencana hidrometeorologi yang terindikasi berdampak signifikan terhadap kehidupan, dan harta benda. Faktor utama banjir bandang adalah dipicu oleh intensitas hujan ekstrim. Kemudian berhubungan dengan kejadian longsor yang menyumbat aliran sungai membentuk bendung alam. Selanjutnya tekanan aliran sungai menjebol bendung alami tersebut sehingga terjadi banjir bandang yang ditandai dengan kecepatan aliran yang tinggi dengan membawa lumpur, kayu, dan batu. Setidaknya terjadi 10 kejadian banjir bandang di Indonesia pada tahun 2012 yang mengakibatkan 15 korban jiwa dan kerusakan harta benda pada setiap kejadian bencana. Untuk mengatasi bencana banjir bandang beberapa tindakan mitigasi dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan pemetaan daerah bahaya, sistem peringatan dini, kesiapsiagaan masyarakat, dan peramalan hidrometeorologi. Sayangnya dari upaya tindakan mitigasi tersebut, hanya beberapa daerah yang berpotensi bencana banjir bandang yang siap dengan upaya tersebut

    Pemodelan Sistem Multiagent pada Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) merupakan perangkat embedded kecil yang dipasang di jaringan skala besar yang memiliki kapabilitas penginderaan, komputasi, dan komunikasi. WSN mengkombinasikan teknologi sensor modern, teknologi micro electronic, komputasi, teknologi komunikasi, dan pemrosesan terdistribusi. Implementasi sistem multiagent pada WSN cukup menjanjikan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi kerja WSN. Namun, penelitian yang dilakukan terkait sistem multiagent di WSN masih parsial dengan kata lain terlalu fokus pada isu-isu tertentu. Paper ini mendeskripsikan penelitian terkait dengan penerapan sistem multiagent di WSN yang memperhatikan berbagai aspek pendukung untuk efektifitas dan efisiensi agent seperti arsitektur organisasi multiagent, itinerary planning, kapabilitas agent, middleware, dan platform hardware yang digunakan. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah INGENIAS yang berbasis pada agent-oriented software enginering

    Tindakan dan Moralitas dalam Novel-novel Dostoyevsky

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    This study may be an attempt to open the new perspectives and possibilities regarding the close relationships between the literature and the philosophy. This study aims at providing a clarification about the basic problems of the philosophy (in this case: morality and actions) within the literature. The new understanding may not be reachable through certain linguistic or literary analyses. In accordance with the action and the morality found within the novels of Dostoyevsky, it can be concluded: (1) There would always be a disproportion in various levels within the characters of the novels and their actions; (2) there is a development in one of the concepts, e.g. freedom – that from one novel to another qualitatively the sense become more mature and easier to define; (3) the dynamics of the actions and the morality made from one novel to another increasingly lay in the extreme poles

    Assessment System to Determine the Major in Smk 3 Tangerang Using Visual Basic 6.0

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    Scientific writing contains a description of the assessment system to determine the direction for students of SMK N 3 which sits in semester 1 class with 2 by using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. As for who should fill the first time on this program is to form students and the value. In this program penjurusan Parent Student Number (NIS) is the next key that will lead to students penjurusan process. Calculation process in determining this direction is by dividing the total value of some of the relevant subjects with the number of subjects so that the results obtained Index Options Program (IPP). From the IPP is to be processed and eventually will determine the direction for students

    Sudahkah Ada Harmonisasi Instrumen Hukum dalam Menanggulangi Kejahatan Human Trafficking di Kawasan ASEAN?

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    Kejahatan Human Trafficking merupakan permasalahan baik bersifat nasional maupun global, karena modus operandi yang terus berkembang dan bersifat transnasional. Indonesia dan Negara ASEAN lainnya juga tidak luput dari kejahatan Human Trafficking. Tujuan Artikel ini adalah memberikan penjelasan Instrumen hukum dalam menanggulangi Kejahatan Human Trafficking di kawasan ASEAN telah Harmoni dan jika belum bagaimana solusinya. Rumusan masalah dalam artikel ini yakni apa ada upaya harmonisasi instrument hukum dalam menanggulangi kejahatan Human Trafficking di kawasan ASEAN? Penelitian ini menggunakan metodelogi yang digunakan adalah Yuridis Doctrinal. Dalam Pembahasan saat ini ditemukan problematika upaya harmonisasi intrumen hukum dalam menanggulangi kejahatan Human Trafficking adalah sistem hukum yang berbeda, daya berlaku hukum suatu Negara hanya berlaku secara territorial Negara tersebut sehingga tidak dapat menjerat pelaku kejahatan Human Trafficking yang dilakukan di Negara lain yang mana dampak atau korbannya meliputi warga Negara lain, selain itu diantara Negara-negara di ASEAN belum semuanya memiliki perjanjian extradisi antara satu dengan lainnya. Selain itu, ditemukan perlunya dibentuk regulasi bersifat unifikasi dan harmonisasi hukum yang mengikat semua Negara Anggota ASEAN. Perlunya di Bantuk Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Dalam Memutus Kompetensi Mengadili Pelaku Kejahatan Human Trafficking jika merugikan atau melibatkan korban lintas Negara ASEAN. Guna menjamin dipatuhinya regulasi yang bersifat unifikasi dan harmonisasi sebagai upaya menanggulangi kejahatan Human Trafficking perlu di bentuk Dewan ASEAN baik bidang eksekutif, legislatif serta Yudikatif seperti Lembaga Regional UNI EROPA

    Politics of Identity in the Indonesian Wayang Comics

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    As identity become more and more important in the life of a nation-state in the age of globalization, the ideological struggle to be original, like there is an original signifier of “Indonesia”, happen as long as the history of wayang comics itself, from 1955 until today. Theoretically come from a Sanskrit source literary epic of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the first evidence of intermediation are the reliefs of Ramayana at Prambanan Temple in the 9th century, as the year 856 AD marked the official use of the temple; and only in the year of 960 an anonymous writer finished the translation of Wirataparwa, part of Mahabharata from Sastra Parwa. Long before come to the comic form, these two epics were the sites of political interest on all of the intermediations, from the Old Javanese translations of the Indian's Sanskrit, to the shadow play and dance-drama interpretations from the literary sources. The wayang comic itself born as a way out from political repression outside, when in the 1955 comics were hunted to be seized and burn. However, as the wayang comic genre going to be an ideological choice, which the best form, style, and genre to choose is still an ongoing contestation of identity politics to represent Indonesia. Wayang comic is the site of struggle of groups in society with the interest of identity politics with an idea of Indonesia, where the discourse of the sub-ordinated groups appear as a resistance to the discourse of dominant groups.Dengan semakin pentingnya identitas bagi kehidupan negara-bangsa, perjuangan ideologis untuk menjadi asli juga berlangsung sepanjang sejarah komik wayang, dari 1955 sampai hari ini. Terandaikan datang dari sumber susastra epik berbahasa Sanskerta, bukti pertama alihwahananya adalah relief Ramayana di Candi Prambanan pada abad ke-9; dan baru pada 960 terjemahan Wirataparwa, bagian Mahabharata, diselesaikan penulis anonim. Jauh sebelum berbentuk komik, kedua epik ini merupakan situs kepentingan politis segala alihwahana, dari terjemahan Jawa Kuna atas bahasa Sanskerta dari India, sampai kepada penafsiran bagi pementasan wayang kulit dan wayang orang dari sumber-sumber susastra. Komik wayang sendiri lahir sebagai jalan keluar dari tekanan politis, ketika pada 1955 komik dirazia dan dibakar. Betapapun, meski genre komik wayang lantas menjadi pilihan ideologis, bentuk, gaya, dan genre wayang yang mau dipilih masih berada dalam kontestasi politik identitas bagi representasi Indonesia. Komik wayang adalah situs perjuangan dari berbagai kelompok dengan kepentingan politik identitas bagi gagasan Indonesia

    Pengaruh Brand Image dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan, Jasa Bisnis, Transportasi (Kasus Po.medan Jaya Perwakilan Pekanbaru)

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    The purpose of this research to knowing the effect of Brand Image and service quality for the loyalty of costumer, business service, transportation in the case of PO. Medan Jaya Brand Image Branch Pekanbaru. Brand Image as a Variable (X1) and service quality as (X2) and then can formulate at the step of implementation of the activity,equiment that used, standard or parameter that has appointed, The test and inspection. And then the loyalty of costumer as a the dependent variable (Y). This research is doing for every passengers or everyone who know the Bus PO. Medan Jaya as many as 99 persons. The Data obtained from questionnaire and the next to be treated for being tested use statistic analysis such assimple linear regression analysis, t test, and correlation analysis and determination with use the help of SPSS 17.The result of research show that the result of hypotesis test t thitung 4,652>ttabel 1,985. This case show thatBrand Image give the effect on Loyalty of costumers, and the test result thitung 7,259>ttabel 1,985. This case show that the service quality give the effect onloyalty of bus costumers PO. Medan Jaya is equal to 68,1%Keywords: Brand Image ,Service Quality, Loyalty of costume

    Analisis Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing dalam Rangka Memenangkan Persaingan Bisnis Perbankan (Studi pada Bank Nagari Cabang Utama Kota Pekanbaru)

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    This research was conducted at the main branch of Bank Nagari Pekanbaru .which is located in the street Jenderal Sudirman No. 337 Pekanbaru . This research aims to analyze competitive advantage strategy which is used by the Bank Nagari in effort to face and win the competition in banking business .The data collection method that author use in this study is interview, then author process data obtained by using descriptive analysis. The subject of the study are all employees who work on the division of finance and services totaling 6 people. And to strengthen research and interviews , the author also interviewed some of the customers .The results shows that the competitive advantage strategy used by the Bank Nagari is to create service differentiation drawn from five attributes such as : reliability , responsiveness , assurance , consulting services and physical evidence

    Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang UTAMA Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the implementation of Customer Relationship Management and customer loyality of PT. Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru Main Branch and see its effects. Results of the study concluded that the implementation of CRM in PT. Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru Main Branch that includes dimension of direct sales, direct customer relationship, customer segmentation for ssales and service, and build-to-order production. have been rated good overall. Customer loyality of PT. Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru Main Branch that is seen from the dimension of re-purchase on a regular basis, refer to other consumers, and the desireremains a customer are also rated high. The results of data analysis through SPSS programs, CRM has a strong connection to the customers loyalitas. CRM provide variable positive and significant influence on the customer loyality on variable PT. Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru Main Branch, which means that if the variable is improved then the CRM will also cause an increase of the customer loyality.Keyword: customer relationship management, customer loyality, Bank Riau Kepr
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