52 research outputs found

    Impaired revascularization in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes is associated with dysregulation of a complex angiogenic-regulatory network.

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    OBJECTIVE: Diabetes is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases associated with impaired angiogenesis or increased endothelial cell apoptosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Here it is shown that angiogenic repair of ischemic hindlimbs was impaired in Lepr(db/db) mice, a leptin receptor-deficient model of diabetes, compared with wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice, as evaluated by laser Doppler flow and capillary density analyses. To identify molecular targets associated with this disease process, hindlimb cDNA expression profiles were created from adductor muscle of Lepr(db/db) and WT mice before and after hindlimb ischemia using Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Set microarrays. The expression patterns of numerous angiogenesis-related proteins were altered in Lepr(db/db) versus WT mice after ischemic injury. These transcripts included neuropilin-1, vascular endothelial growth factor-A, placental growth factor, elastin, and matrix metalloproteinases implicated in blood vessel growth and maintenance of vessel wall integrity. CONCLUSIONS: These data illustrate that impaired ischemia-induced neovascularization in type 2 diabetes is associated with the dysregulation of a complex angiogenesis-regulatory network

    Glucose control with insulin results in reduction of NF-kappaB-binding activity in mononuclear blood cells of patients with recently manifested type 1 diabetes.

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    AIM: Chronic elevated blood glucose levels are associated with the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Hyperglycaemia and AGEs have been shown to induce activation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB). To validate the hypothesis that the maintenance of normal glucose levels results in the reduction of NF-kappaB-binding activity in vivo, the redox-sensitive transcription factor NF-kappaB was used as marker of hyperglycaemia-induced mononuclear cell activation in patients who recently developed type 1 diabetes. METHODS: Twelve patients with recently manifested type 1 diabetes mellitus were examined in our study. After sampling blood for determination of baseline glucose values, the 12 patients were treated with insulin, and blood samples were taken 4 and 12 weeks later. Mononuclear cells were isolated and assayed in a tissue culture-independent electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)-based detection system for NF-kappaB-binding activity. Western blot analysis was used to determine nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of NF-kappaB-p65 and cytoplasmic content of inhibitor of kappa B-alpha (IkappaB-alpha). In addition, we determined the concentration of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) from cytoplasmic extract as a marker of oxidative stress. RESULTS: Normalization of blood glucose levels resulted in a highly significant reduction of NF-kappaB activation in EMSA. Before and after glucose normalization, there were no differences in binding by the members of the NF-kappaB family to the NF-kappaB consensus sequence oligonucleotide. Similar data were obtained by Western blot analysis showing NF-kappaB-p65 localization in the nucleus, while p65 levels increased in the cytoplasm. IkappaB-alpha increased in the cytoplasm after glucose normalization. HO-1 antigen consistently decreased, as expected from the decrease in NF-kappaB activation. CONCLUSION: Thus, we conclude that normalization of blood glucose levels results in the reduction of NF-kappaB activation and gene products controlled by this transcription factor

    Microarray analysis of Akt1 activation in transgenic mouse hearts reveals transcript expression profiles associated with compensatory hypertrophy and failure.

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    To investigate molecular mechanisms involved in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, we developed a tetracycline-regulated transgenic system to conditionally switch a constitutively active form of the Akt1 protein kinase on or off in the adult heart. Short-term activation (2 wk) of Akt1 resulted in completely reversible hypertrophy with maintained contractility. In contrast, chronic Akt1 activation (6 wk) induced extensive cardiac hypertrophy, severe contractile dysfunction, and massive interstitial fibrosis. The focus of this study was to create a transcript expression profile of the heart as it undergoes reversible Akt1-mediated hypertrophy and during the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure. Heart tissue was analyzed before transgene induction, 2 wk after transgene induction, 2 wk of transgene induction followed by 2 days of repression, 6 wk after transgene induction, and 6 wk of transgene induction followed by 2 wk of repression. Acute overexpression of Akt1 (2 wk) leads to changes in the expression of 826 transcripts relative to noninduced hearts, whereas chronic induction (6 wk) led to changes in the expression of 1,611, of which 65% represented transcripts that were regulated during the pathological phase of heart growth. Another set of genes identified was uniquely regulated during heart regression but not growth, indicating that nonoverlapping transcription programs participate in the processes of cardiac hypertrophy and atrophy. These data define the gene regulatory programs downstream of Akt that control heart size and contribute to the transition from compensatory hypertrophy to heart failure

    Glucose control with insulin results in reduction of NF-kappaB-binding activity in mononuclear blood cells of patients with recently manifested type 1 diabetes

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    Chronic elevated blood glucose levels are associated with the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Hyperglycaemia and AGEs have been shown to induce activation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB). To validate the hypothesis that the maintenance of normal glucose levels results in the reduction of NF-kappaB-binding activity in vivo, the redox-sensitive transcription factor NF-kappaB was used as marker of hyperglycaemia-induced mononuclear cell activation in patients who recently developed type 1 diabetes

    Sequential therapy with cyclophosphamide and mycophenolic acid in patients with progressive immunoglobulin A nephropathy: a long-term follow-up

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    In progressive immunoglobulin (Ig)A nephropathy (IgAN), cyclophosphamide pulse therapy (CyP), high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) and mycophenolic acid (MPA) have been used to stop progressive loss of renal function, but disease progression may occur after the end of the initial treatment. Here, we report the long-term follow-up of patients with progressive IgAN with MPA as maintenance therapy after CyP (CyP-MPA). In a median observation time of 62 years, we analysed the slopes of the loss of renal function of 47 patients with biopsy-proven IgAN and treated with CyP. Thirty-one patients with further progression were treated with MPA maintenance for a median time of 52 years. Follow-up was compared with symptomatic therapy and IVIg as historically matched control groups. Median loss of renal function was reduced significantly from 09 ml/min to 01 ml/min per month with CyP (P<005), and with MPA in patients with a relapse from -04 ml/min to -01 ml/min per month (P<005) until the end of the study. Proteinuria decreased significantly from 16 g/l to 10 g/l after CyP, and during MPA treatment to 06 g/l (P=0001 Friedman test). Median renal survival time was in patients with CyP 105 years (range=32-178), with CyP-MPA 107 years (range=83-131), with IVIg 47 years (range=26-66), and in untreated patients 12 years (range=08-16; log-rank test P<001). In patients with progressive IgAN, our long-term follow-up observation indicates that sequential CyP-MPA therapy maintains renal survival significantly

    Short-Term Akt Activation in Cardiac Muscle Cells ImprovesContractile Function in Failing Hearts

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    Akt is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is activated by a variety of growth factors or cytokines in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner. By using a conditional transgenic system in which Akt signaling can be turned on or off in the adult heart, we previously showed that short-term Akt activation induces a physiological form of cardiac hypertrophy with enhanced coronary angiogenesis and maintained contractility. Here we tested the hypothesis that induction of physiological hypertrophy by short-term Akt activation might improve contractile function in failing hearts. When Akt signaling transiently was activated in murine hearts with impaired contractility, induced by pressure overload or Adriamycin treatment, contractile dysfunction was attenuated in both cases. Importantly, improvement of contractility was observed before the development of cardiac hypertrophy, indicating that Akt activation improves contractile function independently of its growth-promoting effects. To gain mechanistic insights into Akt-mediated positive inotropic effects, transcriptional profiles in the heart were determined in a pressure overload-induced heart failure model. Biological network analysis of differentially expressed transcripts revealed significant alterations in the expression of genes associated with cell death, and these alterations were reversed by short-term Akt activation. Thus, short-term Akt activation improves contractile function in failing hearts. This beneficial effect of Akt on contractility is hypertrophy-independent and may be mediated in part by inhibition of cell death associated with heart failure

    Short-term akt activation in cardiac muscle cells improves contractile function in failing hearts

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    Akt is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is activated by a variety of growth factors or cytokines in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner. By using a conditional transgenic system in which Akt signaling can be turned on or off in the adult heart, we previously showed that short-term Akt activation induces a physiological form of cardiac hypertrophy with enhanced coronary angiogenesis and maintained contractility. Here we tested the hypothesis that induction of physiological hypertrophy by short-term Akt activation might improve contractile function in failing hearts. When Akt signaling transiently was activated in murine hearts with impaired contractility, induced by pressure overload or doxorubicin treatment, contractile dysfunction was attenuated in both cases. Importantly, improvement of contractility was observed before the development of cardiac hypertrophy, indicating that Akt activation improves contractile function independently of its growth-promoting effects. To gain mechanistic insights into Akt-mediated positive inotropic effects, transcriptional profiles in the heart were determined in a pressure overload-induced heart failure model. Biological network analysis of differentially expressed transcripts revealed significant alterations in the expression of genes associated with cell death, and these alterations were reversed by short-term Akt activation. Thus, short-term Akt activation improves contractile function in failing hearts. This beneficial effect of Akt on contractility is hypertrophy-independent and may be mediated in part by inhibition of cell death associated with heart failure

    Angiogenic-regulatory network revealed by molecular profilingheart tissue following Akt1 induction in endothelial cells.

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    Akt is a pivotal signaling molecule involved in the regulation of angiogenesis. In order to further elucidate the role of Akt1 in blood vessel development, a tetracycline-regulated transgenic system was utilized to conditionally activate Akt1 signaling in endothelial cells to examine transcript expression changes associated with angiogenesis in the heart. Induction of Akt1 over the course of 6 weeks led to a 33% increase in capillary density without affecting overall heart growth. Transcript expression profiles in the hearts were analyzed with an Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Set 430 2.0, which represents approximately 45,000 cDNAs and ESTs. A total of 248 transcripts were differentially expressed between transgenic and control mice (fold change >/<1.8; false discovery rate < 0.1; P < 0.01). A subset of these differentially expressed transcripts included angiogenic growth factors, cytokines, and extracellular matrix proteins. More specifically, these transcripts included VEGF-receptor2, neuropilin-1, and connective tissue growth factor, each of which is implicated in blood vessel growth and the maintenance of vessel wall integrity. Furthermore, these factors may be involved in an autocrine-regulatory feedback system, one believed to promote vessel growth. Knowledge of these and other targets could be used to treat ischemic heart disease, a disease whose broad spectrum of manifestations range from patients with only effort-induced angina without myocardial damage, through stages of myocardial ischemia that are associated with reversible and irreversible impairment in left ventricular function, to states of irreversible myocardial injury and necrosis resulting in congestive heart failure (CHF)

    Protease-resistant human GAD-derived altered peptide ligands decrease TNF-alpha and IL-17 production in peripheral blood cells from patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD) and proinsulin are major diabetes-associated autoantigens that drive autoreactive T cells. Altered peptide ligands (APL) have been proposed as reagents for the modification of autoimmune reactions. Here, we have prepared GAD-derived protease-resistant APL (prAPL) by cleavage site-directed modification. The resulting prAPL are resistant to lysosomal and serum proteases, bind with high-affinity to HLA-DRB1(*)0401 and have a prolonged half-life in the serum. GAD-derived prAPL significantly decreased the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines by a GAD-specific human T cell clone. Likewise, the production of IL-17, TNF-alpha, and secretion of IL-6 by peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) was reduced, when stimulated with both GAD and GAD-derived prAPL. Thus, prAPL with high affinity for HLA-DRB1(*)0401 mitigate the response of GAD-reactive human Th17 cells. The strategy of designing specific immunomodulatory protease-resistant altered peptide ligands provides the basis for novel avenues of therapeutic intervention
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