16 research outputs found

    Effect of cissus quadrangularis linn and zingiber officinale rosc in osteoarthritis patients

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    Background: To evaluate the efficacy of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. or Zingiber officinalis Rosc. or in combination treatment of osteoarthritis which reduces joint pain, joint swelling and tenderness without risk of side effects.Methods: Total 60 patients were selected and divided into 3 groups (each group consist of 20 patients); data were collected before and after treatment of following groups: Group A-Cissus quadrangularis linn-5gm; Group B- Zingiber officinale rosc-5gm; Group C-Treatment of Cissus quadrangularis linn combined with Zingiber officinale rosc-5 gm/dose twice a day with luke warm water.Results: 60 % cases of joint pain were relieved at the end of the treatment in group B & C, in group A 50%, reduction in joint pain extremely significant in all groups A, B, C (p<0.0001). ‘C’ 80%, ‘A’ 15% and ‘B’5% reduction in symptom of Joint swelling and which is very significant in group A, and group B (p<0.001) and extremely significant in group C (p<0.0001). Symptom of tenderness ‘C’ 90%, ‘A’ 85%, and ‘B’ 10% cases were relived from the complaint. The difference in tenderness is statistically extremely significant when compared between groups (p<0.0001).Conclusions: Present study reveals that, significant reduction of joint pain, joint swelling and tenderness after treatment of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. or Zingiber officinalis Rosc. and extremely significant reduction of joint swelling and tenderness in combination therapy

    Clinical and socio-demographic profile of treatment on osteoarthritis patients in Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease and it is slowly progressive with signs and symptoms being pain. It is a common cause of disability affecting 60-70% of the population in the age of 60 years. It usually affects the hand, large weight bearing joints, often the knee and the hip.Methods: A prospective study was carried out in S.V Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital. Collected the data of Socio-demographic and risk factors (age, diet, history, marital status, religion, occupation etc.) during the treatment of osteoarthritis among the patients in hospital.Results: The data reveals that majority of the patients belongs to the age group of 51-60 (43.33%) and 41-50 years (33.33%) followed by 61-70years (16.66%), 31-40 years (6.66%), and 70 % of females, 30% patients were Males in present study. 90% were married 10% were widows. 63.33% of Hindu, 23.33 % were Muslims and only 13.33% were Christians. 40%, of labour, 33.33% Businessmen, 13.33% Servicemen and 13.33% House wives. 53.33% rural, 46.66% urban area. 50% were belonging to middle class while 23.33% were very poor status, 16.66% Rich only 10 % patients were from upper middle class families. 43.33% were Primary level education, 36.66% were illiterates, 10% up to Graduation, 6.66% Post-Graduation and 3.33% up to Matriculation. 63.33% mixed diet, 36.66% vegetarian.Conclusions: Present study reveals that, incidence of osteoarthritis was very high especially in elder female, married, Hindu, labour, rural area, middle class with very poor, primary education, mixed diet (vegetarian with non-vegetarian) patients.

    Designing, modelling and optimising of an integrated reliability redundant system

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    The reliability of a system is generally treated as a function of cost; but in many real-life situations reliability will depend on a variety of factors. It is therefore interesting to probe the hidden impact of constraints apart from cost – such as weight, volume, and space. This paper attempts to study the impact of multiple constraints on system reliability. For the purposes of analysis, an integrated redundant reliability system is considered, modelled and solved by applying a Lagrangian multiplier that gives a real valued solution for the number of components, for its reliability at each stage, and for the system. The problem is further studied by using a heuristic algorithm and an integer programming method, and is validated by sensitivity analysis to present an integer solution.Die betroubaarheid van ‘n sisteem word normaalweg as ‘n funksie van koste beskou, alhoewel dit in baie gevalle afhang van ‘n verskeidenheid faktore. Dit is dus interessant om die verskuilde impak van randvoorwaardes soos massa, volume en ruimte te ondersoek. Hierdie artikel poog om die impak van meervoudige randvoorwaardes op sisteem-betroubaarheid te bestudeer. Vir die ontleding, word ‘n geïntegreerde betroubaarheid-sisteem met oortolligheid beskou, gemodelleer en opgelos aan die hand van ‘n Lagrange-vermenigvuldiger. Die problem word verder bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n heuristiese algoritme en heeltalprogrammering asook gevalideer by wyse van ‘n sensitiwiteitsanalise sodat ‘n heeltaloplossing voorgehou kan word.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.htm


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    The reliability of a system is generally treated as a function of cost; but in many real-life situations reliability will depend on a variety of factors. It is therefore interesting to probe the hidden impact of constraints apart from cost – such as weight, volume, and space. This paper attempts to study the impact of multiple constraints on system reliability. For the purposes of analysis, an integrated redundant reliability system is considered, modelled and solved by applying a Lagrangian multiplier that gives a real valued solution for the number of components, for its reliability at each stage, and for the system. The problem is further studied by using a heuristic algorithm and an integer programming method, and is validated by sensitivity analysis to present an integer solution.Die betroubaarheid van ‘n sisteem word normaalweg as ‘n funksie van koste beskou, alhoewel dit in baie gevalle afhang van ‘n verskeidenheid faktore. Dit is dus interessant om die verskuilde impak van randvoorwaardes soos massa, volume en ruimte te ondersoek. Hierdie artikel poog om die impak van meervoudige randvoorwaardes op sisteem-betroubaarheid te bestudeer. Vir die ontleding, word ‘n geïntegreerde betroubaarheid-sisteem met oortolligheid beskou, gemodelleer en opgelos aan die hand van ‘n Lagrange-vermenigvuldiger. Die problem word verder bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n heuristiese algoritme en heeltalprogrammering asook gevalideer by wyse van ‘n sensitiwiteitsanalise sodat ‘n heeltaloplossing voorgehou kan word.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.htm

    A three dimensional foot fourier descriptors model

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    Knowledge of the 3D foot shape is important for the shoe industry, in particular, to provide comfort and fit to the users. In this study a random sample of 150 Malaysian adult women aged 19-60 years feet were scanned using the Infoot scanner system. Fourier Descriptor (FD) was then used to reconstruct a new model, with additional properties, and labeled as the FD foot model from the 3D homologous model. Six similarity measures and the Bland-Altman plot showed that the 3D FD foot model is almost identical to the 3D homologous model. Measurements of foot length, foot width and ball girth from both types of models were found to be almost identical. The FD terms was then showed to have a complex normal probability distribution which allows a way of quantifying the variability of individual points. This knowledge will be of great use for the shoe industry

    A three dimensional foot fourier descriptors model

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    Knowledge of the 3D foot shape is important for the shoe industry, in particular, to provide comfort and fit to the users. In this study a random sample of 150 Malaysian adult women aged 19-60 years feet were scanned using the Infoot scanner system. Fourier Descriptor (FD) was then used to reconstruct a new model, with additional properties, and labeled as the FD foot model from the 3D homologous model. Six similarity measures and the Bland-Altman plot showed that the 3D FD foot model is almost identical to the 3D homologous model. Measurements of foot length, foot width and ball girth from both types of models were found to be almost identical. The FD terms was then showed to have a complex normal probability distribution which allows a way of quantifying the variability of individual points. This knowledge will be of great use for the shoe industry