98 research outputs found


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    The paper is dedicated to the study of the autobiographical narrative in the diarys of the Yaroslavl province (region) peasant P.V. Bugrov (1869–1936). The diarys cover the first third of the 20th century. In this paper the analysis of a worldview dominants’ system based on the Bugrov's belonging to the peasantry. They form a hierarchical structure, where the main positions are occupied by economic and moral dominants. Worldview dominants determine the choice of life strategies and guide everyday activities. The autobiographical narrative presents the life path of the diarys’ author in the general sociocultural context, when a great story is broadcasted through the optics of biographical discourse.Статья посвящена исследованию автобиографического нарратива крестьянина Ярославской губернии (области) П.В. Бугрова (1869–1936) на основе анализа его дневников, охватывающих период первой трети XX века. Рассмотрена система мировоззренческих доминант, специфика которых обусловлена принадлежностью Бугрова к крестьянству. Они образуют иерархическую структуру, где главные позиции занимают хозяйственно-экономическая и нравственная доминанты. Мировоззренческие доминанты определяют выбор жизненных стратегий и направляют повседневную деятельность. В автобиографическом нарративе представлен жизненный путь автора дневников в общем социокультурном контексте, когда большая история транслируется сквозь оптику биографического дискурса

    Muons with E_th >= 1 Gev and Mass Composition in the Energy Range 10^{18}-10^{20} ev Observed by Yakutsk Eas Array

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    The ratio of the muon flux density to charged particle flux density at distances of 300 and 600 m from the shower axis (\rhom(300)/\rhos(300) and \rhom(600)/\rhos(600)) is measured. In addition, the energy dependence of \rhom(1000) is analysed for showers with energies above 101810^{18} eV. A comparison between the experimental data and calculations performed with the QGSJET model is given for the cases of primary proton, iron nucleus and gamma- ray. We conclude that the showers with \E\ge3\times10^{18} eV can be formed by light nuclei with a pronounced fraction of protons and helium nuclei. It is not excluded however that a small part of showers with energies above 101910^{19} eV could be initiated by primary gamma-rays.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Parasitic diseases prevention in herd horses in Yakutia

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    The purpose of the research is to study the spread of parasitic diseases that cause pathologies in horses and to evaluate the effectiveness of deworming with a feed and drug mixture that contains an effective anthelmintic and mineral supplement.Materials and methods. Seasonal and age helminth infection dynamics in young horses was studied by coproovoscopic and larvoscopic examinations monthly. A total of 50 foals were studied, namely, 20 foals aged under one year, 15 foals aged up to two years, and 15 foals aged up to three years. Infection prevalence and intensity in the horses was determined by the complete helminthological dissection of the gastrointestinal tract per K. I. Skrjabin. The detected helminths were fixed in 70% alcohol.Results and discussion. The most common Strongylata species were Alfortia edentatus, Delafondia vulgaris, Strongylus equinus and numerous species of Trichonematidae. The studied foals were showed the maximum prevalence of the S. equinus infection of 80% in November, and the minimum, 35.7% in August; the A. edentatus infection was 78.6 % in January, and 46.6% in November, respectively. The D. vulgaris infection peak of up to 86.6% was recorded in November-December, and the minimum, up to 66.6% in March. The foals were infected with Trichonematidae throughout the year

    Prevalence of Viral Hepatitis in Pregnant Women in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The prevalence of viral hepatitis in pregnant women in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (RS(Y)) for 2007-2016 is presented in this article

    PReS-FINAL-2041: Macrophage activation syndrome in the children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis during the course of tocilizumab

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    Background Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among individuals with a mental disorder, but symptoms often go undetected and untreated. Methods The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of PTSD among a large sample of adults with psychiatric diagnoses and to establish factors associated with symptoms going undetected. Participants were 1,946 adults recruited by the National Centre for Mental Health. Structured interviews and validated self-report questionnaires were used to ascertain clinical and demographic information for analysis. Results The prevalence of participants screening positive for PTSD that had not been detected by clinical services was 13.9% [12.4–15.5%, 95% confidence interval]). Factors associated with undetected PTSD were female gender, younger age of first contact with psychiatric services, and lower household income. Especially, poor rates of detection were observed after traumatic events, such as child abuse and sexual assault. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate the need for routine assessment of trauma histories and symptoms of PTSD among individuals with anymental disorder

    Профилактика инвазионных болезней лошадей табунного содержания в Якутии

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    The purpose of the research is to study the spread of parasitic diseases that cause pathologies in horses and to evaluate the effectiveness of deworming with a feed and drug mixture that contains an effective anthelmintic and mineral supplement.Materials and methods. Seasonal and age helminth infection dynamics in young horses was studied by coproovoscopic and larvoscopic examinations monthly. A total of 50 foals were studied, namely, 20 foals aged under one year, 15 foals aged up to two years, and 15 foals aged up to three years. Infection prevalence and intensity in the horses was determined by the complete helminthological dissection of the gastrointestinal tract per K. I. Skrjabin. The detected helminths were fixed in 70% alcohol.Results and discussion. The most common Strongylata species were Alfortia edentatus, Delafondia vulgaris, Strongylus equinus and numerous species of Trichonematidae. The studied foals were showed the maximum prevalence of the S. equinus infection of 80% in November, and the minimum, 35.7% in August; the A. edentatus infection was 78.6 % in January, and 46.6% in November, respectively. The D. vulgaris infection peak of up to 86.6% was recorded in November-December, and the minimum, up to 66.6% in March. The foals were infected with Trichonematidae throughout the year.Цель исследований – изучение распространения инвазионных болезней, которые вызывают патологии у лошадей и оценка эффективности дегельминтизации кормолекарственной смесью, содержащей эффективный антигельминтный препарат и минеральные добавки.Материалы и методы. Сезонную и возрастную динамику зараженности молодняка лошадей гельминтами изучали ежемесячными копроовоскопическими и ларвоскопическими исследованиями. Всего исследовано 50 жеребят: 20 – в возрасте до года, 15 – до двух лет, 15 – до трех лет. Экстенсивность и интенсивность инвазии лошадей определяли методом полного гельминтологического вскрытия желудочно-кишечного тракта по К. И. Скрябину. Обнаруженных гельминтов фиксировали в 70%-ном спирте.Результаты и обсуждение. Наиболее распространенными видами стронгилят были Alfortia edentatus, Delafondia vulgaris, Strongylus equinus и многочисленные виды Trichonematidae. У исследованных жеребят максимальная экстенсивность инвазии S. equinus составила в ноябре – 80%, минимальная в августе – 35,7%, A. edentatus соответственно в январе – 78,6% и ноябре – 46,6%. Пик зараженности D. vulgaris до 86,6% отмечен в ноябре-декабре, минимум – в марте – до 66,6%. В течение всего года жеребята были заражены трихонематидами

    HCV Infection in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Its Role of Genotypes in Clinical Outcomes of the Disease

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    Aim of the research. To study the epidemic manifestations of HCV infection in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in order to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness and quality of treatment and prevention measures. Materials and methods. The paper uses materials from the official statistics of the Territorial Department of Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 1994–2018, and data from the electronic register «Chronic viral hepatitis in the RS (Ya)» (2019). Molecular and biological studies of the genotype of the hepatitis C virus were performed jointly on the basis of the Federal state budgetary Institution «Central research Institute of epidemiology» of Rospotrebnadzor (2007–2011, n = 75). To assess the epidemiological situation, the rate of increase in morbidity is calculated on the basis of data equalized by the method of least squares. Statistical processing was performed using the SPSS 17 program. The critical significance level is assumed to be 0.05. Results. Thus, the study of long-term dynamics of the incidence of viral hepatitis shows that in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) a consistently high level of incidence of HCV with adverse trends in the development of the epidemic process remains. Analysis of the distribution of different variants of HCV genotypes allowed us to establish the prevalence of genotype 1b, which can determine the high frequency of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. The current situation in the Republic regarding the incidence of viral hepatitis requires detailed monitoring, improvement of epidemiological surveillance and introduction of modern treatment methods. It is also necessary to improve the quality of health education among the population of the Republic

    Chronic Triple Infection with Hepatitis B, C, and D Viruses in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The purpose of this work was to study the features of the clinical course of mixed infections with hepatitis B+C+D viruses in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (RS(Y)). Materials and Methods: The incidences of these infections were studied in the infectious disease department of the Yakutsk City Clinical Hospital. A total of 74 patients with chronic infection with hepatitis B, C, and D viruses were analyzed. The following markers of HBV (HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBcIgG, HBV DNA), HCV (anti-HCV) and HDV (anti-HDV, HDV RNA) were detected. According to PCR (n=35), HCV-RNA was detected in 29(82.8%) patients. In 65.8% of cases, HCV-RNA replication was observed in the absence of HDV-DNA. Mono-replication of HBV (HBV-DNA+, HCV-RNA-) was detected in 17.1% patients, mono-replication of HCV (HBV-DNA-, HCV-RNA+) in 65.7% patients and mixed replication of viruses C, D and/or G (HBV-DNA-, HCV-RNA+, HDV-RNA+/HGV-RNA+) in 17.1% patients. Results: The comparison of biochemical parameters of patients with chronic mixed hepatitis showed that more expressed changes are observed with the mixed replication than with the mono-replicative form of hepatitis