10 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was to establish the fatting capacity and the meat quality of the combined (meat+eggs) White English breed and to compare with the same of the meat Faraon breed. Logically, the live weight of 31-day old male Faraon-birds was by 5,9 % higher and of the female ones – by 7,9 % compared to the birds of White English breed. Feed conversion ratio for the experimental period (3-31 days) for the White English quails was to 9,95% less effective, compared to the Faraon birds. The meat of Faraon quails contained more dry matter and protein compared to the meat of White English breed. Fat content in the quail bodies of White English breed was signifi cantly lower compared to Faraon breed /Р≤0,05/. Quail meat of White English breed was characterized by its better capacity for technological processing due to the lower loss of moisture – by 18,8 % for breast and 22,4 % for leg muscles /Р≤0,05/. The established results characterize the combined White English breed as suitable for producing both of eggs and meat from quails

    Učinak dobi odbijanja od sise na klaonička i fizikalnokemijska svojstva kunićjega mesa.

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    The effect of the weaning age of rabbits on slaughter traits and physicochemical properties of meat was investigated. Sixteen New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were used, divided in two groups: group А (n = 8) - weaned at the age of 21 days (early weaned) and group В (n = 8) - weaned at the age of 35 days (normally weaned). The animals were fed with two categories of pelleted feed: for weaned rabbits up to 50 days of age and for growing rabbits older than 50 days of age. It was established that the early weaning of rabbits resulted in a statistically significantly lower body mass, dressed carcass weight and dressing percentage as compared to normally weaned animals. Also, the pH of meat by the 24th hour after slaughtering and the dry matter of m. longissimus lumborum (LL) were signififi cantly lower in group A. Simultaneously, a statistically significantly higher water-holding capacity, water content and lightness were established in the meat of early weaned compared to normally weaned rabbits. The protein and fat contents of LL and m. semimembranosus (SМ) in rabbits from group A correlated negatively and significantly with water content, and positively with the dry matter. In group B, water content also correlated significantly and negatively with protein content. Fat and ash in SM meat was in a positive statistically significant relationship for both experimental groups. The results from the present study showed that the weaning age influenced both the slaughter traits and physicochemical properties of rabbit meat.Istražen je učinak dobi odbijanja od sise kunića na klaonička i fizikalnokemijska svojstva njihova mesa. Šesnaest novozelandskih bijelih kunića (Oryctolagus cuniculus) bilo je podijeljeno na dvije skupine: skupinu A (n = 8) - odbijenu u dobi od 21 dan (rano odbijanje) i skupinu В (n = 8) - odbijenu u dobi od 35 dana (normalno odbijanje). Kunići su bili hranjeni dvjema kategorijama peletirane hrane: za odbijene kuniće do dobi od 50 dana te za tovljene kuniće starije od 50 dana. Ustanovljeno je da rano odbijanje dovodi do statistički značajno manje tjelesne mase, manje mase obrađenog mesa i manjeg postotka obrađivanja u usporedbi s normalno odbijenim kunićima. Vrijednosti pH mesa 24 sata nakon klanja i suhe tvari najdužeg leđnog mišića bile su značajno manje u skupini A. Istodobno je statistički značajno veći kapacitet zadržavanja vode i veći sadržaj vode bio ustanovljen u mesu rano odbijenih kunića u odnosu na normalno odbijene. Sadržaj bjelančevina i masti u m. longissimus dorsi i m. semimembranosus (SM) u kunića skupine A bio je u negativnoj i značajno većoj korelaciji sa sadržajem vode i pozitivnoj sa suhom tvari. Sadržaj vode u skupini B također je bio u značajno većoj i negativnoj korelaciji sa sadržajem bjelančevina. Sadržaj masti i pepela u mesu semimembranoznog mišića bio je u pozitivnom statistički značajnom odnosu u obje pokusne skupine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da dob odbijanja od sise utječe na klaoničku obradu i fizikalnokemijska svojstva kunićjeg mesa


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    The aim of the study was to establish the fatting capacity and the meat quality of the combined (meat+eggs) White English breed and to compare with the same of the meat Faraon breed. Logically, the live weight of 31-day old male Faraon-birds was by 5,9 % higher and of the female ones – by 7,9 % compared to the birds of White English breed. Feed conversion ratio for the experimental period (3-31 days) for the White English quails was to 9,95% less effective, compared to the Faraon birds. The meat of Faraon quails contained more dry matter and protein compared to the meat of White English breed. Fat content in the quail bodies of White English breed was signifi cantly lower compared to Faraon breed /Р≤0,05/. Quail meat of White English breed was characterized by its better capacity for technological processing due to the lower loss of moisture – by 18,8 % for breast and 22,4 % for leg muscles /Р≤0,05/. The established results characterize the combined White English breed as suitable for producing both of eggs and meat from quails.Целта на изследването е да се проучат угоителните способности и качеството на месото на месо-яйчната порода Бели английски, като се сравни с това на използваната в целия свят специализирана месодайна порода Фараон. Логично на 31-дневна възраст живата маса на мъжките птици от породата Фараон е била с 5,9% по- висока, а при женските - със 7,9% в сравнение с птиците от породата Бели английски. Средно за опитния период (3-31 дни), конверсията на фураж при птиците от породата Бели английски е била с 9,95% по-неефективна в сравнение с тази при месодайната порода Фараон. Месото на птиците от породата Фараон е по-богато на сухи вещества и протеин - съответно с 8% при гръдната и 8,5% при крачната мускулатура сухи вещества и с 3,2% при гръдната и 4,6% при крачната мускулатура протеин. Съдържанието на мазнини в трупчета от породата Бели английски е достоверно по-ниско в сравнение с трупчетата на породата Фараон /Р≤0,05/. Месото на пъдпъдъците от породата Бели английски се характеризира с по-добра пригодност за технологична преработка, поради по-ниската загуба на влага – с 18,8% за гръдната и с 22,4% за крачната мускулатура / Р≤0,05/. Получените резултати характеризират породата Бели английски като подходяща за производство на яйца и месо от японски пъдпъдъци

    Meat quality and boar taint in entire male pigs fattened to 90 kg

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    Abstract. The aim of the present study was to investigate the chemical composition, technological traits and incidence of boar taint of meat from entire male pigs from two of the commonest breeds reared in Bulgaria: Landrace and Danube White. Fifty meat samples from entire male pigs (22 Landrace and 28 Danube White) fattened to average live weight of 90 kg were investigated. The chemical composition of Landrace pig meat was characterised with insignificantly lower fat and mineral content compared to Danube White meat. There were no significant differences between both breeds as technological properties of meat (pH, water holding capacity, and cooking loss) were concerned. The breed had a statistically significant effect on meat marbling (р<0.001). Landrace meat exhibited insignificantly higher incidence of the unpleasant boar taint as compared to Danube White meat (27.27% and 25.00%, respectively)

    Fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and visceral fat depots in New Zealand White rabbits

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and visceral fat depots in healthy New Zealand White rabbits. Twelve clinically healthy rabbits with an average weight of 3.00±0.03 kg were used. The fatty acid composition of interscapular, inguinal, pericardial, perirenal and omental fat depots was determined by gas chromatography. The palmitic (C16:0) and linoleic (C18:2) acids, followed by oleic acid (C18:1) prevailed in all fat depots. The highest percentage of palmitic acid (C16:0) was detected in subcutaneous depots: inguinal (41.05±1.80%) and interscapular (38.30±0.73%), whereas the highest percentage of linoleic acid (C18:2) was found in the visceral depots: perirenal (44.26±0.96%) and pericardial (42.77±1.19%). Among the saturated fatty acids, myristic (C14:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) were established in higher content in subcutaneous depots than in visceral ones. Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) content in the pericardial fat depot was 10.63±2.60%, while in the interscapular, perirenal, omental and inguinal FD it was almost twice lower (Р<0.001). In the omental depot, α-linolenic acid (C18:3) content was significantly higher only vs the interscapular depot (P<0.05). The high content of saturated fatty acids in the subcutaneous depots determined their higher atherogenic and saturation index, unlike visceral ones, where a significantly higher content of unsaturated fatty acids was reported. Differences in fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and visceral fat depots proved the specific metabolism in each of them. On the other hand, this led to differences in the nutritional value of various parts of rabbit carcass

    Carcass characteristics and technological properties of Musculus Longissimus Lumborum at lambs from the Bulgarian dairy synthetic population and its F1 crosses with meat breeds

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the breed on some of the carcass characteristics and the technological properties of Musculus Longissimus Lumborum in lambs from the Bulgarian Dairy Synthetic Population and its F crosses with Ile de France and Mutton Charollais breeds. The 1 scientific study took place at the Agricultural Institute of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Object of the study were lambs from the Bulgarian Dairy Synthetic Population and its crosses with Ile de France and Mutton Charollais breeds. The internal organs weight of the animals from the three groups was measured after their slaughter. In order to determine the meat/bones ratio, the left carcass halves were deboned. The eye muscle area and analyzed samples of Musculus Longissimus Lumborum was determined. The results show a slight variation in the weight of the internal organs of the animals from the three groups. The 2 2 Mutton Charollais crosses come first in terms of eye muscle area (11.34 cm ), followed by the Ile de France crosses (11.21 cm ), and the lambs from the 2 reference group come last with only 8.64 cm (P ≤ 0.001). With regard to the meat/bones ratio, it was found out that in the Ile de France crosses it is the highest (2.90:1), followed by the Mutton Charollais crosses (2.68:1), and the lambs from the reference group (2.43:1) where it is the lowest (P >0.05). Ile de France crosses exhibited statistically significantly higher meat tenderness (P ≤ 0.001) andwater-holding capacity (WHC) (P ≤ 0.01), while Mutton Charollais crosses – considerably higher cooking losses (P ≤ 0.001) than control animals

    USP26 gene variations in fertile and infertile men

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    BACKGROUND: The human X chromosome is enriched with testis-specific genes that may be crucial for male fertility. One is the ubiquitin-specific protease 26 (USP26). Five frequent mutations have been identified: 1737G&gt;A, 1090C &gt; T, 370-371insACA, 494T &gt; C and 1423C&gt;T (with the latter three usually detected in a cluster). Their role in infertility is still controversial. This study assesses the association of the most frequent USP26 mutations with male infertility and male infertility etiology factors. METHODS: The study included 300 infertile and 287 fertile men. Data were collected on ethnicity (according to maternal origin) and family history of reproduction. Clinical records from 235 infertile and 62 fertile (sperm bank donors) men were available and summarized. The five mutations were investigated by bioinformatic tools and their frequencies were assessed by restriction analysis. The results were correlated with clinical findings. Segregation of the mutations in four families was analyzed. RESULTS: The five analyzed mutations were detected in 44 men from both fertile and infertile groups. The cluster and the 1090C&gt;T mutations showed the highest frequency among Arabs and Sephardic Jews of the infertile group, respectively. Inheritance studies showed that mutations were not always associated with the infertility trait. Mutations 1090C&gt;T and 1737G&gt;A were significantly associated with a history of inguinal hernia (P 5 0.007 and P 5 0.043, respectively). The prevalence of inguinal hernia among men with the 1090C &gt; T mutation was 33.3% (5/15 men), higher than that reported in infertile men (6.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Mutation 1090C &gt; T may be a new genetic risk factor for developing inguinal hernia which may be associated with impaired male fertility