397 research outputs found

    Penentuan Frekuensi Natural Dan Arah Pergerakan Gelombang (Studi Kasus: Jembatan Soekarno Hatta Kota Malang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai frekuensi natural dan arah pergerakan gelombang dari jembatan Soekarno Hatta kota Malang. Perekaman data penelitian menggunakan seismometer portable tipe TDL 303 S (3 komponen) dengan delapan titik pengukuran di sepanjang sisi jembatan. Data hasil perekaman tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan software Geopsy. Analisa data yang digunakan merupakan analisa HVSR dan analisa Particle motion. Analisa HVSR menghasilkan nilai frekuensi dominan dan amplifikasi gelombang. Analisa particle motion menghasilkan plot arah pergerakan gelombang. Berdasarkan analisa data yang dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa nilai frekuensi dominan/frekuensi natural (f0) dari jembatan yaitu berkisar 0,62 sampai 4,34 Hz yang menunjukkan bahwa jembatan sudah tidak layak digunakan sebagai sarana transportasi. Analisa particle motion secara kuantitatif menunjukkan arah pergerakan gelombang ke segala arah baik secara vertikal ataupun secara NS-EWThis study aims to determine natural frequency value of wave and its direction of movement of the bridge Soekarno Hatta town of Malang. Research data using a seismograph recording portable type TDL 303 S (3 components) with an eight-point measurement along the side of the bridge. Its results were processed using the software Geopsy. Analysis of the data used is the HVSR analysis and analysis of Particle motion. HVSR analysis showes values ​​dominant frequency and wave amplification. Analysis of particle motion generates the plot direction of wave propagation. Based on the data analysis it can be concluded that the dominant frequency value/natural frequency (f0) of the bridge is ranged from 0,62 to 4,34 Hz which indicates that the bridge is not feasible to use as a means of transportation. Analysis of particle motion quantitatively indicate direction movement of the waves in all directions either vertically or NS-EW

    Effect of Fertilizer on Growth, Yield, and Bean Quality of Four Robusta Coffee Clones Cultivated in Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil Type, North Lampung

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    Recommendation of Robusta coffee fertilizer that available until now is only in general. In fact, the type and amount of fertilizer needed is highly dependent on environmental conditions, clones, and plant age. The study aimed to investigate the effect of combination doses of urea, SP36, and KCl fertilizer on growth, yield, and bean quality of four Robusta coffee clones cultivated in red-yellow podzolic soil type (PMK), North Lampung. The study was conducted at KP. Cahaya Negeri, North Lampung, with the altitude of 250 m above sea level, PMK soil type and climate type of C (Oldemand), from October 2011 to June 2014. The research was arranged in split plot design with four replications. The main plot was four Robusta coffee clones i.e. (K1) = BP 42; (K2) = BP 409; (K3) = BP 936; and (K4) = BP 939, while the subplot was four combination doses of urea, SP36, and KCl i.e. (P1) = 30:20:20 g/tree; (P2) = 40:30:30 g/tree; (P3) = 50:40:40 g/tree; and (P4) = 60:50:50 g/tree. The results showed that four Robusta coffee clones (BP 42, BP 409, BP 936, and BP 939) cultivated in PMK soil type, KP. Cahaya Negeri, North Lampung, had the same response to combination doses of urea, SP36 and KCl fertilizer. The combination doses of urea, SP36, and KCl of 50, 40, and 40 g/tree, respectively were optimal and efficient for growth and yield of those four clones until 2.5 years old. However, the dose has not yet been able to improve the quality of coffee beans

    Rootstock Growth and Green Budding Success of Rubber Plant in Different Sizes of Polybag and Growing Media

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    Volume and type of growing media is important to support the growth of rubber seedling (Hevea Brasiliensis) for rootstocks. The objective of this study was to determine the growth of rootstock and green budding success of rubber plants in different size of polybag and growing media. The research was carried out since January to December 2013 at the Pakuwon experimental garden, Parungkuda District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) in factorial with two factors and three replications. The first factor is the sizes of polybag: (1) 30 ´ 20 cm, (2) 35 ´ 20 cm, and (3) 40 ´ 20 cm. Meanwhile, the second factor is the growing medium that consists of the mixture of soil and cow manure with 4 proportions: (1) 1 : 0, (2) 3 : 1, (3) 2 : 1, and (4) 1 : 1. Observations were made on the growth of pre-budding rootstock including seedling height, seedling diameter, number of leaves, and the success percentage of green budding. The results showed that the size of polybag has positive effect on the growth of the rubber seedling as rootstock at 6 months old after planting. Moreover, the use of large sizes of polybag (30 x 20–40 x 20 cm) was good for the growth of rootstocks that would be used for green budding. In addition, growing media that consisted of soil and cow manure at a comparison of 1 : 1 gave the highest effect on the growth of rootstock as well as the highest percentage of green budding success. However, there is no interaction between the size of polybag and growing media to the growth of rootstock and green budding success

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Dietil Eter Rimpang Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber Aromaticum Vahl.) terhadap Bakteri Patogen secara Klt-Bioautografi

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    Antimicrobial Activity of Dietil Eter extract of Lempuyang Wangi Rimpang (Zingiber aromaticum Vahl.) to pathogen bacterial through TLC-Bioautography. Research has done by screening test using Streptococcus mutans, Vibrio sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans by methanol extract, diethyl ether extract and n-buthanol extract which were use 1 mg/ml. Result which obtained exhibit diethyl ether extract inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Vibrio sp. Antimicrobial potential assay of diethyl ether extract of Zingiber aromaticum Vahl. has done by liquid dilution method to get the MIC value in concentration of 0,05 %, 0,1 %, 0,2 %, 0,4%, and 0,8 % which continued by smearing on solidified medium to get the MLC value. The result shown that MKC could not be determined due to turbidity of the test solution mean while the MLC of the extract as much as 0,2 % on Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella typhi and 0,4 % on Staphylococcus epidermidis and Vibrio sp. TLC-bioautography test has done to get the compound which had antimicrobial activity. The best result was obtained from separation through TLC-bioautography by means of eluent n-hexan : ethyl acetate (8 : 2). TLC-bioautography test result shown that the spot in Rf 0,07 has antimicrobial activity on Staphylococcus epidermidis, Rf 0,2 has antimicrobial activity on Vibrio sp., Rf 0,07, 0,45, 0,56 and 0,69 has antimicrobial activity on Bacillus subtilis, and Rf 0,2 has antimicrobial activity on Salmonella typhi. Identification result of the chemical component shown that the active compound which given positif result on spot viewer were in Rf 0,07; 0,2; 0,45; 0,56; and 0,69

    Pengaruh TIME Pressure, Audit Risk, Professional Commitment, Review Procedure and Quality Control Dan Self Esteem in Relation to Ambition Terhadap Terjadinya Penghentian Prematur Atas Prosedur Audit(premature Sign Off) (Studi Empiris Pada Kantor Akuntan P

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    This study examines the influence of time pressure, audit risk, professional commitment, review procedure and quality control and self esteem in relation to ambition to premature sign-off of audit procedure of Public Accountant Firms. Respondents in this study are auditors who worked for public accounting firm in Riau, Padang, Medan. The samples in this study are 120 auditors from 30 public accounting firms. The method of determining the sample is by using purposive sampling method, while the data processing methods used by researcher are the multiple regression and use SPSS version 17.00 as the software for processing the data. The result shows that the time pressure, audit risk, positively and significantly influences to premature sign-off of audit procedure. Professional commitment, review procedure and quality control and self esteem in relation to ambiton, negatively and significantly influences to premature sign-off of audit procedure

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Risiko Keuangan, Nilai Perusahaan, Kepemilikan Manajerial, dan Dividend Payout Ratio terhadap Praktik Perataan Laba (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Real Estate dan Properti yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2013)

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    This study aims to demonstrate the influence of profitability, financial risk, firm value, managerial ownership, and dividend payout ratio toward income smoothing practice done by management. The population in this study is all real estate and property company listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). Samples were decided by using purposive sampling method. Samples in this study choose based on several criteria and as much as 35 (thirty five) companies were selected. The methodology used in this is multiple regressions analysis. The results of this study stated that financial risk (LEV) has significant effect to the income smoothing practice of real estate and Property Company listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange year 2011-2013. While the ROA, PBV, MOWN, and DPR have no significant effect to the income smoothing practice of real estate and Property Company listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2011-2013. Coefficient of determination obtained amount to 0,167 or 16,7%. It indicates that income smoothing practices in real estate and Property Company are described by 16,7% by ROA, LEV, PBV, MOWN, and DPR. The remaining of 83,3% are influenced by other factor which were not examined in this study.Keywords: Profitability (ROA), Financial Risk (LEV), Firm Value (PBV), Managerial Ownership (MOWN), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Income Smoothing Practice

    Steps in Designing Queue and Interview Process Using Information System: a Case of Re-registration of New Students in Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    . Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) have a number of prospective students is quite a lot. Based on data released by the BAPSI UNM (2015) that the data student candidates of UNM who passed the selection with SNMPTN SBMPTN selection as 3,791 people. If the prospective graduate students interviewed are normally it will take a long time and will certainly make students uncomfortable. Therefore it is necessary design an information systems to solving this problem. This research aim to develop an information system to facilitate the process queue. The method used in this research is to use the three stages in the Software Development Life Cycle method namely Initiation Phase, Development/Acquisition Phase, and Implementation Phase. This information system development using PHP and CodeIgniter as a its framework. This design results will be obtained an queues and interviews information system that can be used to manage the queue and interview data. By implementing this system, it potentially reduce time to wait and the process of managing results of interviews can be obtained directly without a process of inputting interview repeat if done manually

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Manajemen Laba pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the relation of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, firm size, leverage, profitability and sales growth to earnings management. Earnings management as the dependent variable is measured by discretionary accrual using the Modified Jones Model. Purposive sampling method used for sampling and where 31 companies in the manufacturing category with the period 2010-2013 where selected as sample. The method of analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis. The results shows that the managerial ownership, institutional ownership, leverage, and sales growth has significant effect on earnings management. Meanwhile, firm size, and profitability have no significant effect on earnings management.Keywords: management, ownership, leverage, profitability, and sales growth

    Pengaruh Financial Stability, External Pressure, Financial Targets, Ineffective Monitoring, Rationalization pada Financial Statement Fraud dengan Perspektif Fraud Triangle (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Perbankan Periode 2012-2014 yang Terdaftar di Bursa

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    This research aims to obtain empirical evidence about effectiveness of the fraud triangle are pressure, opportunity and rationalization in detecting financial statement fraud. The variables of the fraud triangle that used is a pressure with proxy financial stability (ACHANGE), external pressure (LEVERAGE), and financial targets (ROA), opportunity with proxy ineffective monitoring (BDOUT), and rationalization with proxy rationalization (TATA). In this research to detecting financial statement fraud used a proxy earnings management with discretionary accruals as the dependen variabel. The population of this research is the banking companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange in 2012-2014. Total sample of this research is 35 banking companies with three years observation. Data analysis was performed with the classical assumption and hypotesis testing using linear regression. The result of this research indicates that the financial stability (ACHANGE), external pressure (LEVERAGE), rationalization (TATA) influence the financial statement fraud, meanwhile financial targets (ROA), ineffective monitoring (BDOUT) has no significan impact on financial statement fraud
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