2,145 research outputs found

    Distributed bounded-error state estimation for partitioned systems based on practical robust positive invariance

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    We propose a partition-based state estimator for linear discrete-time systems composed by coupled subsystems affected by bounded disturbances. The architecture is distributed in the sense that each subsystem is equipped with a local state estimator that exploits suitable pieces of information from parent subsystems. Moreover, differently from methods based on moving horizon estimation, our approach does not require the on-line solution to optimization problems. Our state-estimation scheme, that is based on the notion of practical robust positive invariance developed in Rakovic 2011, also guarantees satisfaction of constraints on local estimation errors and it can be updated with a limited computational effort when subsystems are added or removed

    STAT3, a hub protein of cellular signaling pathways, is triggered by β-hexaclorocyclohexane

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    Background: Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are widely distributed in the environment and their toxicity is mostly associated with the molecular mechanisms of endocrine disruption. Among OCPs, particular attention was focused on the effects of β-hexaclorocyclohexane (β-HCH), a widely common pollutant. A detailed epidemiological study carried out on exposed population in the “Valle del Sacco” found correlations between the incidence of a wide range of diseases and the occurrence of β-HCH contamination. Taking into account the pleiotropic role of the protein signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), its function as a hub protein in cellular signaling pathways triggered by β-HCH was investigated in different cell lines corresponding to tissues that are especially vulnerable to damage by environmental pollutants. Materials and Methods: Human prostate cancer (LNCaP), human breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB 468), and human hepatoma (HepG2) cell lines were treated with 10 µM β-HCH in the presence or absence of specific inhibitors for different receptors. All samples were subjected to analysis by immunoblotting and RT-qPCR. Results and Conclusions: The preliminary results allow us to hypothesize the involvement of STAT3, through both its canonical and non-canonical pathways, in response to β-HCH. Moreover, we ascertained the role of STAT3 as a master regulator of energy metabolism via the altered expression and localization of HIF-1α and PKM2, respectively, resulting in a Warburg-like effect

    Resonant Transport in Nb/GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs Microstructures

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    Resonant transport in a hybrid semiconductor-superconductor microstructure grown by MBE on GaAs is presented. This structure experimentally realizes the prototype system originally proposed by de Gennes and Saint-James in 1963 in \emph{all}-metal structures. A low temperature single peak superimposed to the characteristic Andreev-dominated subgap conductance represents the mark of such resonant behavior. Random matrix theory of quantum transport was employed in order to analyze the observed magnetotransport properties and ballistic effects were included by directly solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations.Comment: 7 pages REVTeX, 4 figures, to be published by World Scientific in Proceedings of International Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics (NTT R&D Center Atsugi, Japan, March 2002

    Men’s reactions to gender inequality in the workplace: From relative deprivation on behalf of women to collective action

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    : Over recent years, the role of men as women's allies in the struggle for gender equality has become increasingly important. Previous research has shown that often men do not fight gender inequalities as they fail to recognize the severity of discrimination against women (e.g., in hiring). In this study (N = 427), we examined whether men who experienced relative deprivation on behalf of women-a form of relative deprivation that stems from the awareness that women hold a less privileged position in society-were more motivated to engage in collective action to support gender equality in the workplace. The findings showed that men's feelings of deprivation on behalf of women were associated with a greater willingness to engage in collective action for gender equality. This relationship was sequentially mediated by two emotional reactions related to deprivation-increased guilt about gender inequalities and decreased fear of a potential backlash-and the moral conviction of acting for gender equality. These results suggest that men's awareness of gender inequality at work is an important antecedent to their acting in solidarity with women and that emotions and moral conviction are two psychological processes that turn cognition into behavior. Action to reduce gender inequalities should make men more sensitive to seeing that they hold a privileged position in society and to recognizing the pervasive and harmful nature of women's deprivation

    Developmental trajectories of ethnic and national identities in adolescents from migrant families: The role of social identification with family and classmates

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    Given that adolescents from migrant families live within at least two cultural contexts (i.e., the heritage and the destination cultures), they generally must negotiate and construct ethnic and national identities. Accordingly, the present three-wave longitudinal study was designed to identify distinct developmental trajectories of ethnic and national identities among adolescents from migrant families (n = 244, 56.6% female; Mage = 14.90, SDage = 0.84 at Time 1). Multivariate latent class growth analyses indicated that participants could be classified into one of four groups based on their identity profiles: ethnic-oriented identity, national-oriented identity, dual identity, and marginalized identity. Further, social identification with family and classmates was examined as a predictor of memberships in these distinct identity profiles. Results of multinomial logistic regression analysis indicated that greater social identification with family increased the probability of being classified into the ethnic-oriented and dual identity profiles rather than into the marginalized identity profile, whereas greater social identification with classmates increased the likelihood of being classified into either national-oriented or dual identity profiles rather than into the marginalized identity profile. These findings provide novel insights into the roles of families and peers as influential socializing agents during the negotiation of ethnic and national identities among immigrant youth

    Changing structures in transnational research networks: an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on China's scientific collaborations

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    Research networks play pivotal roles in the creation and diffusion of knowledge. It is widely acknowledged that frontier research tends to cluster around transnational research networks (TRNs), which also represent strategic tools for nurturing innovation in R&D-intensive companies. Therefore, they are crucial for promoting the rapid development of the knowledge economy in underdeveloped countries. In this context, China's experience is particularly relevant because the country has invested heavily in knowledge production, which is arguably one of the most important structural changes at the global level in recent decades, with important implications for the division of labor and trade among countries. The country has been investing in order to become the scientific world leader, and in this transition, research collaboration, in particular with other countries, can become strategic. In this work, we analyze whether COVID-19 and related research have affected the shape of the network and the intensity of collaborations involving China in the field of health studies, comparing it to the case of the U.S. as the global leader in research (Fry et al., 2020). In particular, we wish to assess whether COVID-19-related research has pushed toward larger and more intensive collaborations internationally than before the pandemic or whether a tendency to closure has prevailed has prevailed. This also means understanding whether COVID-19, as a global phenomenon, has affected China in rising as an international research leader. To do so, we built an original dataset of international, coauthored publications involving China or the U.S. in selected health research fields. Our analysis first shows that COVID-19 research has assumed specific features distinct from other topics in the same research field, shaping research networks in a peculiar way for both China and the U.S. Second, for China, COVID-19 does not appear to have represented an opportunity to further climb up the international research ladder, as it has attracted a relatively low and more volatile number of collaborators from different countries

    Hybrid model for the design of a deep-lane multisatellite AVS/RS

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    The autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS) significantly improves the responsiveness and throughput of the traditional automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) in regard to handling unit loads. The AVS/RS consists of multiple tiers connected to an elevator system and is equipped with at least two autonomous vehicles, that is, a shuttle and satellite. Other necessary equipment are the lifts and input/output buffer areas. This paper aims to present and apply an original hybrid analytical-simulative model for the design of a deep-lane and multisatellite AVS-RS by evaluating and controlling the system performance. This AVS-RS is equipped with multiple free and non-free satellites for each tier. As an original contribution, this study reviews the literature on AVS/RS according to the introduction of multiple features categorized into five homogeneous groups: (1) rack configuration, (2) vehicle kinematics and configuration, (3) dispatching rules, (4) modeling approach, and (5) validation. Two of the most critical issues in existing research studies are the random arrival time of storage and retrieval transactions and the random storage policy. The proposed modeling approach is data-driven and based on realistic assumptions, filling the gap between the literature and real applications. This hybrid model is applied to a case study of the beverage industry according to a what-if comparative and competitive multiscenario analysis. This data-driven assessment supports the decision-making process on the number of satellites for each tier, while simultaneously controlling the service and waiting times, system throughput, and vehicle utilization. The analysis based on the maximum system throughput estimation demonstrates that introducing more than two satellites does not increase the productivity of the system

    The Ginevra de\u2019 Benci Effect: Competence, Morality, and Attractiveness Inferred From Faces Predict Hiring Decisions for Women

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    The present study examined the role of morality, competence, and attractiveness as perceived from faces in predicting hiring decisions for men and women. Results showed that for both female and male applicants, facial competence significantly predicted the hiring decision directly and indirectly, through the mediation of the overall impression. Decisions concerning female applicants were, however, significantly predicted by multiple dimensions\u2014that is, facial morality, facial competence, and attractiveness\u2014with the mediation of the overall impression. Facial competence was the only significant predictor of impression and, in turn, hiring decision about men. These findings resonate the motto Virtutem forma decorat, \u201cBeauty adorns virtue,\u201d painted by Leonardo da Vinci on the reverse side of the portrait of Ginevra de\u2019 Benci, and suggest that women\u2019s chances of getting a job are less than those of men whenever they do not show a moral and competent and attractive face

    The Mn site in Mn-doped Ga-As nanowires: an EXAFS study

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    We present an EXAFS study of the Mn atomic environment in Mn-doped GaAs nanowires. Mn doping has been obtained either via the diffusion of the Mn used as seed for the nanowire growth or by providing Mn during the growth of Au-induced wires. As a general finding, we observe that Mn forms chemical bonds with As but is not incorporated in a substitutional site. In Mn-induced GaAs wires, Mn is mostly found bonded to As in a rather disordered environment and with a stretched bond length, reminiscent of that exhibited by MnAs phases. In Au-seeded nanowires, along with stretched Mn-As coordination we have found the presence of Mn in a Mn-Au intermetallic compound.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Semiconductor Science and Technology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at doi:10.1088/0268-1242/27/8/08500

    Phonon Confinement Effect in III-V Nanowires

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