1,135 research outputs found

    Conditional rifampicin sensitivity of a rif mutant of Escherichia coli: rifampicin induced changes in transcription specificity

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    Arif mutantof Escherichia coli that exhibits medium and temperature-dependent sensitivity to rifampicin is described. In the absence of rifampicin, this strain grows in minimal and rich media at 30° C and 42°C. In its presence it is viable in rich medium at both temperatures, but in minimal medium only at 30°C. In minimal-rifampicin medium at the higher temperature, RNA synthesis is decreased. The addition of certain divalent salts (MgSO4, CaCl2, BaCl2) in excess, or chelators (EDTA, EGTA, o-phenanthrolein) greatly increase viability in minimal-rifampicin medium at 42°C. Excess MgSO4 (10 mM) also increases the rate of RNA synthesis in the same medium. A model is proposed wherein therif mutation is suggested to cause a structural change in RNA polymerase that allows the binding of rifampicin and other ligands at 42° C. Rifampicin-binding is suggested to alter the conformation of RNA polymerase, impairing its ability to express genes required for growth in minimal medium. Implicit in this view is the assumption that these genes are structurally different from those expressed in rich medium in respect of certain template features recognized by RNA polymerase

    Performance of Hereford Crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan Cattle fed a Palm Kernel Cake-based Ration

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    In a feeding experiment involving the use of a PKC-based ration for·105 days, the average daily feed intake of 3.11 and 3.31 kg in Hereford crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan cattle respectively, was found to be not significant. Hereford crossbred cattle had an average daily gain of O.712 kg which was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of Kedah-Kelantan cattle (0.586 kg). Similarly Hereford crossbred cattle had a significantly better (P < 0.01) feed efficiericy (4.37) compared to that of Kedah-Kelantan cattle (5.71). The income overfeed cost per animal per day was 1.344and1.344 and 0.514 in Hereford crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan cattle respectively

    Operational mesoscale atmospheric dispersion prediction using a parallel computing cluster

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    An operational atmospheric dispersion prediction system is implemented on a cluster supercomputer for Online Emergency Response at the Kalpakkam nuclear site. This numerical system constitutes a parallel version of a nested grid meso-scale meteorological model MM5 coupled to a random walk particle dispersion model FLEXPART. The system provides 48-hour forecast of the local weather and radioactive plume dispersion due to hypothetical airborne releases in a range of 100 km around the site. The parallel code was implemented on different cluster configurations like distributed and shared memory systems. A 16-node dual Xeon distributed memory gigabit ethernet cluster has been found sufficient for operational applications. The runtime of a triple nested domain MM5 is about 4h for a 24h forecast. The system had been operated continuously for a few months and results were ported on the IMSc home page. Initial and periodic boundary condition data for MM5 are provided by NCMRWF, New Delhi. An alternative source is found to be NCEP, USA. These two sources provide the input data to the operational models at different spatial and temporal resolutions using different assimilation methods. A comparative study on the results of forecast is presented using these two data sources for present operational use. Improvement is noticed in rainfall forecasts that used NCEP data, probably because of its high spatial and temporal resolution

    Parity Violating Gravitational Coupling Of Electromagnetic Fields

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    A manifestly gauge invariant formulation of the coupling of the Maxwell theory with an Einstein Cartan geometry is given, where the space time torsion originates from a massless Kalb-Ramond field augmented by suitable U(1) Chern Simons terms.We focus on the situation where the torsion violates parity, and relate it to earlier proposals for gravitational parity violation.Comment: 7 Pages, Latex . no figures, Replaced with Revtex version, many references added and typos correcte

    Probing scalar particle and unparticle couplings in e+ e- -> t tbar with transversely polarized beams

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    In searching for indications of new physics scalar particle and unparticle couplings in e^+ e^- \to t\bar t, we consider the role of transversely polarized initial beams at e^+ e^- colliders. By using a general relativistic spin density matrix formalism for describing the particles spin states, we find analytical expressions for the squared amplitude of the process with t or \bar t polarization measured, including the anomalous coupling contributions. Thanks to the transversely polarized initial beams these contributions are first order anomalous coupling corrections to the Standard Model (SM) contributions. We present and analyse the main features of the SM and anomalous coupling contributions. We show how differences between SM and anomalous coupling contributions provide means to search for anomalous coupling manifestations at future e^+ e^- linear colliders.Comment: 28 pages in LaTeX, including 7 encapsulated PostScript figures, published versio

    On the Emergence of the Microcanonical Description from a Pure State

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    We study, in general terms, the process by which a pure state can ``self-thermalize'' and {\em appear} to be described by a microcanonical density matrix. This requires a quantum mechanical version of the Gibbsian coarse graining that conceptually underlies classical statistical mechanics. We introduce some extra degrees of freedom that are necessary for this. Interaction between these degrees and the system can be understood as a process of resonant absorption and emission of ``soft quanta''. This intuitive picture allows one to state a criterion for when self thermalization occurs. This paradigm also provides a method for calculating the thermalization rate using the usual formalism of atomic physics for calculating decay rates. We contrast our prescription for coarse graining, which is somewhat dynamical, with the earlier approaches that are intrinsically kinematical. An important motivation for this study is the black hole information paradox.Comment: 58 pages, 2 figures. A reference adde

    CP Violation and Lifetime Differences of Neutral B Mesons from Correlated B^0-B^0bar Pairs

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    We present a technique to determine the CP violating phases, as well as, the lifetime differences of the mass eigenstates for both BdB_d and BsB_s, by considering correlated BBˉB\bar{B} pairs produced at the Υ\Upsilon resonances. We do not require a detailed time dependent study, but only partial time integrated rates, with the tag time, either preceding or following the decay of the other BB meson to a final state f. f may be a CP eigenstate or a non-CP eigenstate.Comment: 11 Pages Revte

    Global Topology and Local Violation of Discrete Symmetries

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    Cosmological models that are locally consistent with general relativity and the standard model in which an object transported around the universe undergoes P, C and CP transformations, are constructed. This leads to generalization of the gauge fields that describe electro-weak and strong interactions by enlarging the gauge groups to include anti-unitary transformations. Gedanken experiments show that if all interactions obey Einstein causality then P, C and CP cannot be violated in these models. But another model, which would violate charge superselection rule even for an isolated system, is allowed. It is suggested that the fundamental physical laws must have these discrete symmetries which are broken spontaneously, or they must be non causal.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, latex, Revtex. Charge conjugation which is physically implemented in a cosmology with the appropriate topology is described in more detail. Some minor errors are corrected. Shortened to meet the page limit of Physical Review Letters to which this paper was submitte

    Infrared Behaviour of Systems With Goldstone Bosons

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    We develop various complementary concepts and techniques for handling quantum fluctuations of Goldstone bosons.We emphasise that one of the consequences of the masslessness of Goldstone bosons is that the longitudinal fluctuations also have a diverging susceptibility characterised by an anomalous dimension (d2)(d-2) in space-time dimensions 2<d<42<d<4.In d=4d=4 these fluctuations diverge logarithmically in the infrared region.We show the generality of this phenomenon by providing three arguments based on i). Renormalization group flows, ii). Ward identities, and iii). Schwinger-Dyson equations.We obtain an explicit form for the generating functional of one-particle irreducible vertices of the O(N) (non)--linear σ\sigma--models in the leading 1/N approximation.We show that this incorporates all infrared behaviour correctly both in linear and non-linear σ\sigma-- models. Our techniques provide an alternative to chiral perturbation theory.Some consequences are discussed briefly.Comment: 28 pages,2 Figs, a new section on some universal features of multipion processes has been adde