149 research outputs found

    Light Hadron Spectrum in Quenched Lattice QCD with Staggered Quarks

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    Without chiral extrapolation, we achieved a realistic nucleon to (\rho)-meson mass ratio of (m_N/m_\rho = 1.23 \pm 0.04 ({\rm statistical}) \pm 0.02 ({\rm systematic})) in our quenched lattice QCD numerical calculation with staggered quarks. The systematic error is mostly from finite-volume effect and the finite-spacing effect is negligible. The flavor symmetry breaking in the pion and (\rho) meson is no longer visible. The lattice cutoff is set at 3.63 (\pm) 0.06 GeV, the spatial lattice volume is (2.59 (\pm) 0.05 fm)(^3), and bare quarks mass as low as 4.5 MeV are used. Possible quenched chiral effects in hadron mass are discussed.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figures, use revtex

    Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory for Vector Mesons

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    We develop quenched chiral perturbation theory for vector mesons made of light quarks, in the limit where the vector meson masses are much larger than the pion mass. We use this theory to extract the leading nonanalytic dependence of the vector meson masses on the masses of the light quarks. By comparing with analogous quantities computed in ordinary chiral perturbation theory, we estimate the size of quenching effects, observing that in general they can be quite large. This estimate is relevant to lattice simulations, where the ρ\rho mass is often used to set the lattice spacing.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, uses REVTeX and epsf.st

    Enhanced chiral logarithms in partially quenched QCD

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    I discuss the properties of pions in ``partially quenched'' theories, i.e. those in which the valence and sea quark masses, mVm_V and mSm_S, are different. I point out that for lattice fermions which retain some chiral symmetry on the lattice, e.g. staggered fermions, the leading order prediction of the chiral expansion is that the mass of the pion depends only on mVm_V, and is independent of mSm_S. This surprising result is shown to receive corrections from loop effects which are of relative size mSln⁥mVm_S \ln m_V, and which thus diverge when the valence quark mass vanishes. Using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory, I calculate the full one-loop correction to the mass and decay constant of pions composed of two non-degenerate quarks, and suggest various combinations for which the prediction is independent of the unknown coefficients of the analytic terms in the chiral Lagrangian. These results can also be tested with Wilson fermions if one uses a non-perturbative definition of the quark mass.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, uses psfig. Typos in eqs (18)-(20) corrected (alpha_4 is replaced by alpha_4/2

    Chiral corrections to the axial charges of the octet baryons from quenched QCD

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    We calculate one-loop correction to the axial charges of the octet baryons using quenched chiral perturbation theory, in order to understand chiral behavior of the axial charges in quenched approximation to quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In contrast to regular behavior of the full QCD chiral perturbation theory result, c0+cl2mπ2 ln⁥mπ2+⋯c_0+c_{l2}m_\pi^2\,\ln{m_\pi^2}+\cdots, we find that the quenched chiral perturbation theory result, c0Q+(cl0Q+cl2Qmπ2)ln⁥mπ2+c2Qmπ2+⋯c_0^Q+(c_{l0}^Q+c_{l2}^Qm_\pi^2)\ln{m_\pi^2}+c_2^Q m_\pi^2+\cdots, is singular in the chiral limit.Comment: standard LaTeX, 16 pages, 4 epsf figure

    Quenched Light Hadron Spectrum with the Wilson Quark Action: Final Results from CP-PACS

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    We report the final results of the CP-PACS calculation for the quenched light hadron spectrum with the Wilson quark action. Our data support the presence of quenched chiral singularities, and this motivates us to use mass formulae based on quenched chiral perturbation theory in order to extrapolate hadron masses to the physical point. Hadron masses and decay constants in the continuum limit show unambiguous systematic deviations from experiment. We also report the results for light quark masses.Comment: LATTICE98(spectrum). The poster at Lattice98 can be obtained from http://www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/people/yoshie/Lat98.Poster

    Hadron Spectrum with Wilson fermions

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    We present results of a high statistics study of the quenched spectrum using Wilson fermions at ÎČ=6.0\beta=6.0 on 323×6432^3 \times 64 lattices. We calculate the masses of mesons and baryons composed of both degenerate and non-degenerate quarks. Using non-degenerate quark combinations allows us to study baryon mass splittings in detail. We find significant deviations from the lowest order chiral expansion, deviations that are consistent with the expectations of quenched chiral perturbation theory. We find that there is a ∌20\sim 20% systematic error in the extracted value of msm_s, depending on the meson mass ratio used to set its value. Using the largest estimate of msm_s we find that the extrapolated octet mass-splittings are in agreement with the experimental values, as is MΔ−MNM_\Delta - M_N, while the decuplet splittings are 30% smaller than experiment. Combining our results with data from the GF11 collaboration we find considerable ambiguity in the extrapolation to the continuum limit. Our preferred values are MN/Mρ=1.38(7)M_N / M_\rho = 1.38(7) and MΔ/Mρ=1.73(10)M_\Delta / M_\rho = 1.73(10), suggesting that the quenched approximation is good to only ∌10−15\sim 10-15%. We also analyze the O(ma)O(ma) discretization errors in heavy quark masses.Comment: 52 pages. Tex. Modified "axis" source for figures also included. Needs macro packages lanlmac and epsf. Uses hyperbasics if available. Significant number of typographical errors correcte

    Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory for Heavy Baryons

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    Heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory is extended to include the effects of quenching. In this framework the leading nonanalytic dependence of the heavy baryon masses on the light quark masses is studied. The size of quenching effects is estimated by comparing the results of quenched and ordinary chiral perturbation theories. It is found that in general they can be large. This estimate is relevant to lattice simulations of the heavy baryon masses.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, uses REVTe

    A Lattice QCD Analysis of the Strangeness Magnetic Moment of the Nucleon

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    The outcome of the SAMPLE Experiment suggests that the strange-quark contribution to the nucleon magnetic moment, G_M^s(0), may be greater than zero. This result is very difficult to reconcile with expectations based on the successful baryon magnetic-moment phenomenology of the constituent quark model. We show that careful consideration of chiral symmetry reveals some rather unexpected properties of QCD. In particular, it is found that the valence u-quark contribution to the magnetic moment of the neutron can differ by more than 50% from its contribution to the Xi^0 magnetic moment. This hitherto unforeseen result leads to the value G_M^s(0) = -0.16 +/- 0.18 with a systematic error, arising from the relatively large strange quark mass used in existing lattice calculations, that would tend to shift G_M^s(0) towards small positive values.Comment: RevTeX, 20 pages, 12 figure

    Chiral Logs in Quenched QCD

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    The quenched chiral logs are examined on a 163×2816^3 \times 28 lattice with Iwasaki gauge action and overlap fermions. The pion decay constant fπf_{\pi} is used to set the lattice spacing, a=0.200(3)fma = 0.200(3) {\rm fm}. With pion mass as low as ∌180MeV\sim 180 {\rm MeV}, we see the quenched chiral logs clearly in mπ2/mm_{\pi}^2/m and fPf_P, the pseudoscalar decay constant. We analyze the data to determine how low the pion mass needs to be in order for the quenched one-loop chiral perturbation theory (χ\chiPT) to apply. With the constrained curve-fitting method, we are able to extract the quenched chiral log parameter ÎŽ\delta together with other low-energy parameters. Only for mπ≀300MeVm_{\pi} \leq 300 {\rm MeV} do we obtain a consistent and stable fit with a constant ÎŽ\delta which we determine to be 0.24(3)(4) (at the chiral scale Λχ=0.8GeV\Lambda_{\chi}=0.8 {\rm GeV}). By comparing to the 123×2812^3 \times 28 lattice, we estimate the finite volume effect to be about 2.7% for the smallest pion mass. We also fitted the pion mass to the form for the re-summed cactus diagrams and found that its applicable region is extended farther than the range for the one-loop formula, perhaps up to mπ∌500−600m_{\pi} \sim 500-600 MeV. The scale independent ÎŽ\delta is determined to be 0.20(3) in this case. We study the quenched non-analytic terms in the nucleon mass and find that the coefficient C1/2C_{1/2} in the nucleon mass is consistent with the prediction of one-loop χ\chiPT\@. We also obtain the low energy constant L5L_5 from fπf_{\pi}. We conclude from this study that it is imperative to cover only the range of data with the pion mass less than ∌300MeV\sim 300 {\rm MeV} in order to examine the chiral behavior of the hadron masses and decay constants in quenched QCD and match them with quenched one-loop χ\chiPT\@.Comment: 37 pages and 24 figures, pion masses are fitted to the form for the re-summed cactus diagrams, figures added, to appear in PR

    Protofilaments, filaments, ribbons, and fibrils from peptidomimetic self-assembly: Implications for amyloid fibril formation and materials science

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    Deciphering the mechanism(s) of beta-sheet mediated self-assembly is essential for understanding amyloid fibril formation and for the fabrication of polypeptide materials. Herein, we report a simple peptidomimetic that self-assembles into polymorphic beta-sheet quaternary structures including protofilaments, filaments, fibrils, and ribbons that are reminiscent of the highly ordered structures displayed by the amyloidogenic peptides A beta, calcitonin, and amylin. The distribution of quaternary structures can be controlled by and in some cases specified by manipulating the pH, buffer composition, and the ionic strength. The ability to control beta-sheet-mediated assembly takes advantage of quaternary structure dependent pK(a) perturbations. Biophysical methods including analytical ultracentrifugation studies as well as far-UV circular dichroism and FT-IR spectroscopy demonstrate that linked secondary and quaternary structural changes mediate peptidomimetic self-assembly. Electron and atomic force microscopy reveal that peptidomimetic assembly involves numerous quaternary structural intermediates that appear to self-assemble in a convergent fashion affording quaternary structures of increasing complexity. The ability to control the assembly pathway(s) and the final quaternary structure(s) afforded should prove to be particularly useful in deciphering the quaternary structural requirements for amyloid fibril formation and for the construction of noncovalent macromolecular structure
