1,917 research outputs found

    Issues Within the Sri Lankan Tamil Community During the Covid Pandemic in England and How These Challenges Were and Continue to be Met

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    The operation of the 24-hour Tamil Helpline and groups that sprung up during the Covid pandemic within the Sri Lankan Tamil community in England, have played a vital role in maintaining the wellbeing of this community. These initiatives were set up in response to concerns expressed and an apparent need from within the community. In this connection, information sharing, education and mutual support has played an important role towards understanding and taking responsibility for the individual, familial and community’s wellbeing. The success of these initiatives can also be attributed to the community as a whole responding to the crisis and the associated benefits of knowing support was available from trusted professional members from within their community. It appears that strengthening social connections and undertaking health enhancing activities, particularly exercise and maintaining a daily routine was helpful. Regular zoom sessions relating to exercise and information sharing were available in the Tamil language, these were well attended by people from across the UK in addition to a number of other countries

    Spin-catalyzed hopping conductivity in disordered strongly interacting quantum wires

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    In one-dimensional electronic systems with strong repulsive interactions, charge excitations propagate much faster than spin excitations. Such systems therefore have an intermediate temperature range [termed the "spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid'" (SILL) regime] where charge excitations are "cold" (i.e., have low entropy) whereas spin excitations are "hot." We explore the effects of charge-sector disorder in the SILL regime in the absence of external sources of equilibration. We argue that the disorder localizes all charge-sector excitations; however, spin excitations are protected against full localization, and act as a heat bath facilitating charge and energy transport on asymptotically long timescales. The charge, spin, and energy conductivities are widely separated from one another. The dominant carriers of energy are neither charge nor spin excitations, but neutral "phonon" modes, which undergo an unconventional form of hopping transport that we discuss. We comment on the applicability of these ideas to experiments and numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Disorder-driven destruction of a non-Fermi liquid semimetal via renormalization group

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    We investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and short-range-correlated disorder in three dimensional systems where absent disorder the non-interacting band structure hosts a quadratic band crossing. Though the clean Coulomb problem is believed to host a 'non-Fermi liquid' phase, disorder and Coulomb interactions have the same scaling dimension in a renormalization group (RG) sense, and thus should be treated on an equal footing. We therefore implement a controlled ϵ\epsilon-expansion and apply it at leading order to derive RG flow equations valid when disorder and interactions are both weak. We find that the non-Fermi liquid fixed point is unstable to disorder, and demonstrate that the problem inevitably flows to strong coupling, outside the regime of applicability of the perturbative RG. An examination of the flow to strong coupling suggests that disorder is asymptotically more important than interactions, so that the low energy behavior of the system can be described by a non-interacting sigma model in the appropriate symmetry class (which depends on whether exact particle-hole symmetry is imposed on the problem). We close with a discussion of general principles unveiled by our analysis that dictate the interplay of disorder and Coulomb interactions in gapless semiconductors, and of connections to many-body localized systems with long-range interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Correlation function diagnostics for type-I fracton phases

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    Fracton phases are recent entrants to the roster of topological phases in three dimensions. They are characterized by subextensively divergent topological degeneracy and excitations that are constrained to move along lower dimensional subspaces, including the eponymous fractons that are immobile in isolation. We develop correlation function diagnostics to characterize Type I fracton phases which build on their exhibiting {\it partial deconfinement}. These are inspired by similar diagnostics from standard gauge theories and utilize a generalized gauging procedure that links fracton phases to classical Ising models with subsystem symmetries. En route, we explicitly construct the spacetime partition function for the plaquette Ising model which, under such gauging, maps into the X-cube fracton topological phase. We numerically verify our results for this model via Monte Carlo calculations
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