11 research outputs found

    Impact of the Chemical Analogues of Decarboxylated Ornithine and S-Adenosylmethionine on the Rate of the L-Cells Growth in the Tissue Culture

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    ABSTRACT The impact of the aliphatic amino-and oxy derivatives decarboxylated ornithine and Sadenosylmethionine on the rate of the L-cells growth in a tissue culture has been investigated. The known specific inhibitors of the polyamine synthesis enzymes (DFMO and MGBG) were used for control and comparison of efficacy of the substances tested. The nature of action of 1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane (APA) and S-(5-deoxyadenosile)-S-methyl--thioethylhydroxylamine (АМА) used separately or combined one with another was similar to the effect of DFMO and MGBG though less expressed. The degree of inhibition of the Lcells growth as of the 4 th day made 50-60%. By the 7 th day the tendency to not only stabilization of the growth rate but also to the recovery thereof manifested itself. This points to the reversible nature of action of the APA and AMA combinations and constitutes the difference from the effect DFMO and MGBG

    The levels of polyamines in autopsy materials of some structures of brain lymbic system and reticular formation of patients with schizophrenia

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    The polyamines levels in autopsy brain materials of 8 patients with paranoid schizophrenia with continuous progredient type of course of disease who died of pneumonia or sharp heart deficiency at the age of 44-58 have been investigated. The results of investigations of spermine, spermidine and putrescine content in 8 autopsy brain structures of patients with schizophrenia (frontal and temporal lobes, convolution of the cingulum, hypothalamus, thalamus, almond-shaped core, caudate core, black substance) have been demonstrated. The highest concentrations of spermidine, calculated per 1g of raw materials or per 1 mg of protein, were discovered in grey substance of frontal lobe, in grey and white substance of temporal lobe. The lowest level of putrescine was discovered in thalamus as compared to an other tested structures. The greatest concentration of spermine was discovered in black substance, in white substance of frontal lobe and convolution of the cingulum. It was established, that levels of spermine in grey substance of the frontal and temporal lobes as well as in the grey substance of convolution of the cingulum have been the lowest. Possible role of polyamine's interference in mechanism of psychosis development is discussed

    Correlation between cells blood aggregation and peripheral blood cells lymphocyte aberration in brain glioma patients

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    The correlation between the peripheral blood cells aggregation level measured by surface plasmon resonance method (SPR), and chromosomal abberations of peripheral blood lymphocytes in brain malignant gliomas patients was investigated. It was found, that results of SPR in patients with brain gliomas were significantly lower than in healthy persons and gradually decreased with increasing of the gliomas malignancy grade. It was shown that decreasing of SPR data correlate with the statistically significant increase of chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood lymphocytes in glioma patients

    The mechanism of immunosuppression in patients with brain glioma

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    The activity of diamineoxydase and polyamineoxydase which were synthesized by blood cells in the culture medium during the transformation of lymphocytes in the blasts when exposed to various dilutions of phytohemagglutinin have been determined in patients with cerebral gliomas of different degree of malignancy. Under these conditions, the degree of aggregation of blood cells was determined by new highly sensitive method of surface plasmon resonance. Increased activity of diamineoxydase and polyamineoxydase in spinal hernias and decreased activity of these enzymes in malignant gliomas has been found. The regulatory role of these enzymes in the processes of lymphocyte proliferative activity in neurosurgical pathology, including brain gliomas of different degree of malignancy, is suggested