678 research outputs found

    Quantum Graphs II: Some spectral properties of quantum and combinatorial graphs

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    The paper deals with some spectral properties of (mostly infinite) quantum and combinatorial graphs. Quantum graphs have been intensively studied lately due to their numerous applications to mesoscopic physics, nanotechnology, optics, and other areas. A Schnol type theorem is proven that allows one to detect that a point belongs to the spectrum when a generalized eigenfunction with an subexponential growth integral estimate is available. A theorem on spectral gap opening for ``decorated'' quantum graphs is established (its analog is known for the combinatorial case). It is also shown that if a periodic combinatorial or quantum graph has a point spectrum, it is generated by compactly supported eigenfunctions (``scars'').Comment: 4 eps figures, LATEX file, 21 pages Revised form: a cut-and-paste blooper fixe

    The Gabor wave front set of compactly supported distributions

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    We show that the Gabor wave front set of a compactly supported distribution equals zero times the projection on the second variable of the classical wave front set

    Wigner transform and pseudodifferential operators on symmetric spaces of non-compact type

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    We obtain a general expression for a Wigner transform (Wigner function) on symmetric spaces of non-compact type and study the Weyl calculus of pseudodifferential operators on them

    Semiclassical measures and the Schroedinger flow on Riemannian manifolds

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    In this article we study limits of Wigner distributions (the so-called semiclassical measures) corresponding to sequences of solutions to the semiclassical Schroedinger equation at times scales αh\alpha_{h} tending to infinity as the semiclassical parameter hh tends to zero (when αh=1/h\alpha _{h}=1/h this is equivalent to consider solutions to the non-semiclassical Schreodinger equation). Some general results are presented, among which a weak version of Egorov's theorem that holds in this setting. A complete characterization is given for the Euclidean space and Zoll manifolds (that is, manifolds with periodic geodesic flow) via averaging formulae relating the semiclassical measures corresponding to the evolution to those of the initial states. The case of the flat torus is also addressed; it is shown that non-classical behavior may occur when energy concentrates on resonant frequencies. Moreover, we present an example showing that the semiclassical measures associated to a sequence of states no longer determines those of their evolutions. Finally, some results concerning the equation with a potential are presented.Comment: 18 pages; Theorems 1,2 extendend to deal with arbitrary time-scales; references adde

    Analytic and Reidemeister torsion for representations in finite type Hilbert modules

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    For a closed Riemannian manifold we extend the definition of analytic and Reidemeister torsion associated to an orthogonal representation of fundamental group on a Hilbert module of finite type over a finite von Neumann algebra. If the representation is of determinant class we prove, generalizing the Cheeger-M\"uller theorem, that the analytic and Reidemeister torsion are equal. In particular, this proves the conjecture that for closed Riemannian manifolds with positive Novikov-Shubin invariants, the L2 analytic and Reidemeister torsions are equal.Comment: 78 pages, AMSTe

    On the derivation of the t-J model: electron spectrum and exchange interactions in narrow energy bands

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    A derivation of the t-J model of a highly-correlated solid is given starting from the general many-electron Hamiltonian with account of the non-orthogonality of atomic wave functions. Asymmetry of the Hubbard subbands (i.e. of ``electron'' and ``hole''cases) for a nearly half-filled bare band is demonstrated. The non-orthogonality corrections are shown to lead to occurrence of indirect antiferromagnetic exchange interaction even in the limit of the infinite on-site Coulomb repulsion. Consequences of this treatment for the magnetism formation in narrow energy bands are discussed. Peculiarities of the case of ``frustrated'' lattices, which contain triangles of nearest neighbors, are considered.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Eigenvalues of Laplacian with constant magnetic field on non-compact hyperbolic surfaces with finite area

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    We consider a magnetic Laplacian −ΔA=(id+A)⋆(id+A)-\Delta_A=(id+A)^\star (id+A) on a noncompact hyperbolic surface \mM with finite area. AA is a real one-form and the magnetic field dAdA is constant in each cusp. When the harmonic component of AA satifies some quantified condition, the spectrum of −ΔA-\Delta_A is discrete. In this case we prove that the counting function of the eigenvalues of −ΔA-\Delta_{A} satisfies the classical Weyl formula, even when $dA=0.

    Essential spectra and exponential estimates of eigenfunctions of lattice operators of quantum mechanics

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    This paper is devoted to estimates of the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of difference operators on the lattice Z^n which are discrete analogs of the Schr\"{o}dinger, Dirac and square-root Klein-Gordon operators. Our investigation of the essential spectra and the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra is based on the calculus of so-called pseudodifference operators (i.e., pseudodifferential operators on the group Z^n) with analytic symbols and on the limit operators method. We obtain a description of the location of the essential spectra and estimates of the eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra of the main lattice operators of quantum mechanics, namely: matrix Schr\"{o}dinger operators on Z^n, Dirac operators on Z^3, and square root Klein-Gordon operators on Z^n

    Band spectra of rectangular graph superlattices

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    We consider rectangular graph superlattices of sides l1, l2 with the wavefunction coupling at the junctions either of the delta type, when they are continuous and the sum of their derivatives is proportional to the common value at the junction with a coupling constant alpha, or the "delta-prime-S" type with the roles of functions and derivatives reversed; the latter corresponds to the situations where the junctions are realized by complicated geometric scatterers. We show that the band spectra have a hidden fractal structure with respect to the ratio theta := l1/l2. If the latter is an irrational badly approximable by rationals, delta lattices have no gaps in the weak-coupling case. We show that there is a quantization for the asymptotic critical values of alpha at which new gap series open, and explain it in terms of number-theoretic properties of theta. We also show how the irregularity is manifested in terms of Fermi-surface dependence on energy, and possible localization properties under influence of an external electric field. KEYWORDS: Schroedinger operators, graphs, band spectra, fractals, quasiperiodic systems, number-theoretic properties, contact interactions, delta coupling, delta-prime coupling.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Linear instability criteria for ideal fluid flows subject to two subclasses of perturbations

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    In this paper we examine the linear stability of equilibrium solutions to incompressible Euler's equation in 2- and 3-dimensions. The space of perturbations is split into two classes - those that preserve the topology of vortex lines and those in the corresponding factor space. This classification of perturbations arises naturally from the geometric structure of hydrodynamics; our first class of perturbations is the tangent space to the co-adjoint orbit. Instability criteria for equilibrium solutions are established in the form of lower bounds for the essential spectral radius of the linear evolution operator restricted to each class of perturbation.Comment: 29 page
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