234 research outputs found

    Implementasi Hak Tersangka Untuk Memperoleh Bantuan Hukum Pada Tingkat Penyidikan Di Wilayah Hukum Polda Bali

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    Legal aid is very essential in creating a fair life and protect human rights, legal aid which aims to protect the rights of the community in terms of legal issues to avoid snagging of all kinds of actions that may harm or arbitrary action officers law enforcement. Based on the theory of the legal system (Legal System Theory) of Lawrence M. Friedman that the enactment of the law is affected by elements such as legal structures (legal structure), the substance of the law (a legal substance), and the culture of law (legal culture), so that the implementation of the right of the accused to obtain legal aid at the level of investigation can be seen from the legal system itself . The procedure to grant legal aid to the accused can be seen in Article 54, Article 55, Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Based on the results of research in the field, the investigator always offer the right of suspects to legal counsel and accompanied, but the suspect did not use his right so that the investigator make an official report signed by the suspect showed the suspect the reason is not accompanied by legal counsel

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Perbedaan Konstruksi Mata Pancing Dan Jenis Umpan Pada Pancing Ulur Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Di Kawasan Zona Pemanfaatan Perikanan Tradisional Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the use of construction of the originally hook with the hook kirbed 30o angle, and the influence of different types of bait is natural bait of meat squid (Loligo sp.) with artificial bait, as well as for determining whether or not the effect of interaction between the form of construction the hook and type of the bait on the catch of hand line in the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The research was conducted in May-April 2012 at the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The material used in this study were the hook used to use squid bait, the hook used to use artificial bait, hook angle of 30 ā° with experimental fishing methods. Six times the number of repeat tests. Methods of data analysis begins by looking for the hook rate, the data was processed using a statistical test with SPSS 17 software at 95% level tests with tests of normality, homogeneity test, and two way ANOVA test. The results showed that different types of bait is not so affect the catch, the hook construction differences affect the catch Hand line and interaction between the bait the hook with the use of different constructs had no effect on the catch Hand line. Species of fish caught by fishing gear hand line overall during the study based on the percentage of the amount (kg), namely: Badong, pompano slim, large splotch trevally, pompano gargahing, but there were also fish the sergeant fish Badong fish were the most species of fish caught during the research that is equal to 64% of the 54 tail of the total catch

    Analisis Perubahan Luas Dan Pola Persebaran Permukiman (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tembalang, Kecamatan Banyumanik, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah)

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    The increasing of population and development activities demands the availability of land, especially land settlements and facilities are also increasing rapidly whereas the availability of land are limited. The imbalance would it enable the concentrations of settlements in some areas or regions which is will form a specific and different distribution pattern settlements. The diversity of distribution patterns of settlements are happened as a form of uneven population distribution. So that required an information regarding changes in land use and the distribution pattern of settlements in relation to land use in urban planning.This study using a remote sensing technique method and geographic information system with the interpretation of land use on Topographicmap in 1992 and SPOT Image 6 year 2014 which was then analyzed using the nearest neighbor analysis to determine the distribution pattern of settlements. Based on the data processing and result analysis obtained changes in land settlement in the district of Tembalang, Banyumanik, Gunungpati, Mijen from 1992 to 2014 change in amount of 1.466,837 hectares, while non-residential land change in amount of 2.617,194 hectares. Random distribution pattern changed in amount of 167,1764 hectares, whereas the clump distribution pattern changed in amount of 1.326,2547 hectares

    Kajian Bentuk Dan Sensitivitas Rumus Indeks Pi, Storet, Ccme Untuk Penentuan Status Mutu Perairan Sungai Tropis Di Indonesia (Assessment of the Forms and Sensitivity of the Index Formula Pi, Storet, Ccme for the Determination of Water Quality Status)

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    Metode-metode Pollution Index (USA), metode Storet (USA) dan metode CCME (Canada) adalah metode indeks kualitas air (IKA) untuk penentuan status mutu air. Dua yang pertama banyak digunakan praktisi lingkungan di Indonesia karena dirujuk dalam Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 115/2013. Ketiganya dapat menghitung IKA dengan baku mutu kualitas air lokal sungai kajian. Mengingat negara penyusun metode tersebut berbeda kondisi lingkungannya dan masing-masing metode mempunyai faktor spesifik untuk menghitung IKA, maka perlu dikaji kesesuaian masing-masing metode untuk diterapkan di sungai tropis Indonesia. Masing-masing metode akan dikaji bentuk persamaan dan sensitivitasnya dengan menggunakan banyak parameter kualitas air dan menggunakan jumlah parameter kualitas air tertentu mengacu pada metode IKA yang dikembangkan di negara tropis lainnya. Kajian menggunakan data pemantauan ā€œProkasihā€ di sungai Gadjah Wong Yogyakarta tahun 1996/1997 - 2011/2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka menyusun metode IKA sungai tropis Indonesia pada umumnya dan di sungai Gadjah Wong khususnya serta program pengelolaan kualitas air untuk pengendalian pencemaran air sungai, dengan target konservasi air sungai yang multifungsi atau overall/general use(memenuhi kriteria kesehatan air baku, memenuhi kriteria estetika serta kriteria ekologi/aman bagi kehidupan di perairan). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dibandingkan 2 metode lainnya, metode CCME dinilai paling obyektif (secara statistik) menghitung IKA perairan sungai Gadjah Wong. CCME paling sensitif merespon dinamika indeks mutu air di setiap lokasi pemantauan, lebih universal untuk dapat diaplikasikan di luar negara penyusunnya. Namun untuk diaplikasikan di sungai Gadjah Wong, metode CCME perlu diadaptasi terhadap beberapa hal yaitu jumlah dan jenis parameter kualitas air yang dianggap signifikan, jumlah dan kelas mutu air. Adaptasi mempertimbangkan program pengendalian pencemaran air dan strategi operasional/manajemen aliran sungai yang ekologis dan berkelanjutan. Skor batas dan makna setiap kelas mutu air dalam IKA harus diverifikasi terhadap data lingkungan lain misal hasil biotilik ataupun bioassay sehingga status indeks kualitas air tidak bertentangan dengan kondisi biologi di sungai. Pelibatan parameter bakteriologi kualitas air (Escherichia Coli dan Total Coliform) serta Electric Conductivity/EC sebagai parameter kualitas air signifikan dalam metode IKA masih perlu dikaji lebih lanjut untuk pengembangan metode IKA khas perairan sungai di negara tropis Indonesia

    Verifikasi Dosis Rekomendasi Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi Untuk Padi Varietas Hibrida

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    IAARD in collaboration with IRRI has developed site specific nutrient management (SSNM or PHSL) recommendation, which can be accessed through PHSL-web (http:/webapps.irri.org/nm/id). PHSL recommendations were evaluated for inbred rice variety but not yet for hybrid rice. The objective of this experiment was to verify the effectiveness of PHSL recommendation for hybrid rice and to evaluate the response of hybrid rice to N fertilizer. Two experiments were conducted during the dry season of 2012 in two locations (Malang and Blitar). The first experiment consisted of 6 treatments: (1) PHSL recommendation based on yield target of hybrid variety (Mapan-P05) (10.3 t/ha or 20% higher compared to that of inbred variety), (2) same as treatment 1 for Hipa-10 hybrid variety, (3) same as treatment 1 for Ciherang variety, (4) PHSL based on the yield target similar to that of inbred variety (8.6 t/ha) applied for Mapan-P05 hybrid variety, (5) same as treatment 4 applied for Hipa-10 hybrid variety, and (6) same as treatment 4 applied for Ciherang inbred variety. PHSL recommendation for hybrid rice was 300 kg NPK (Phonska) + 376 kg urea/ha applied 4 times, while that for inbred rice was 200 kg NPK (Phonska) + 332 kg urea/ha applied 3 times. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, 4 replications, and plot size was 5 m x 10 m. The second experiment was arranged in a split plot design with four replications and plot size 5 m x 10 m. The main plots consisted of 4 rates of urea application namely: 0; 150; 300; and 450 kg urea/ha. The sub plots were two varieties namely: Mapan-P05 (hybrid) and Ciherang (inbred). Soil was analyzed before the conduct of experiment. Main data collection included yield of rice, hybrid rice respon to urea fertilizer. Results of the experiment showed that fertilizer rate based on PHSL for hybrid rice was not appropriate. Applying rate of fertilizers based on PHSL for hybrid rice resulted in rice yields not significantly different to that of inbred variety fertilized based on PHSL for inbred variety. The response of hybrid variety to N fertilizer was higher than that of inbred variety, suggesting that hybrid rice produced higher yield than did inbred, at the same rate of fertilizer. To obtain a higher yield of hybrid rice (such as Mapan-P05) the rate and time of fertilizer applications are not necessarily to be increased as recommended on PHSL-web. Using the same fertilizer rate, hybrid rice (such as Mapan-P05) produced higher yield compared to that of inbred variety, which indicated higher efficiency of fertilization. Yield of hybrid rice Hipa-10 variety was not only determined by fertilizer rate but also by other factors, such as seed quality and crop management (M). The existence of GxExM interaction was higher for hybrid rice, meaning hybrid variety required very specific environment
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