6,204 research outputs found

    The StoreGate: a Data Model for the Atlas Software Architecture

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    The Atlas collaboration at CERN has adopted the Gaudi software architecture which belongs to the blackboard family: data objects produced by knowledge sources (e.g. reconstruction modules) are posted to a common in-memory data base from where other modules can access them and produce new data objects. The StoreGate has been designed, based on the Atlas requirements and the experience of other HENP systems such as Babar, CDF, CLEO, D0 and LHCB, to identify in a simple and efficient fashion (collections of) data objects based on their type and/or the modules which posted them to the Transient Data Store (the blackboard). The developer also has the freedom to use her preferred key class to uniquely identify a data object according to any other criterion. Besides this core functionality, the StoreGate provides the developers with a powerful interface to handle in a coherent fashion persistable references, object lifetimes, memory management and access control policy for the data objects in the Store. It also provides a Handle/Proxy mechanism to define and hide the cache fault mechanism: upon request, a missing Data Object can be transparently created and added to the Transient Store presumably retrieving it from a persistent data-base, or even reconstructing it on demand.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 4 pages, LaTeX, MOJT00

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in sea turtles from the west coast of India

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    Sea turtles are widely distributed in the tropical, sub-tropical and temperate waters. Recent reports have indicated that their populations are threatened by the problem of marine pollution . (Stroelli et al., 1998). Heavy metals are one of the major pollutants and have the nature to concentrate in the tissues of animals and their concentrations vary according to biological process such as age, sex, reproduction and migratio

    Electrical Charges in Layer-Lattice Silicates in Relation to Ionic Exchange

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    Influence of salinity on hatching rate, larval and early juvenile rearing of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra Jaeger

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    The fertilized eggs, auricularia larvae and one month old juveniles of Holothuria scabra, obtained from induced spawning were used for various experiments to assess the effect of salinity on hatching rate and larval and early juvenile growth. The experiments were conducted for two days on hatching rate of fertilized eggs, for ten days on larval survival, growth and development and for 30 days on juvenile’s growth rate. The maximum hatching of 39% at 35 ppt, followed by 32% at 33 ppt indicated the suitability of an ambient salinity of 33 to 35 ppt for effective hatching of fertilized eggs. High survival, growth rate and fastest development of auricularia were obtained at salinity between 33 and 35 ppt. The maximum growth rate in length and weight, was at 30 ppt, which may be the optimum for juvenile rearing. The one way ANOVA on differences in the hatching rate, larval growth and survival rate and juvenile growth rate at different salinities indicated high level of significance (p<0.001 )

    Stock enhancement of seacucumbers - a solution for the depletion of natural stocks of Holothuria scabra along Gulf of Mannar

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    Sea cucumbers form a valuable source of income for the poor fisherfolk along Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay areas of South-east-coast of India. Owing to the high demand in international market and inadequate fishery management practice, the commercial sea cucumber species have been over-exploited leading to the extinction of sea cucumber populations in several habitats. The "Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES) has recommended inclusion of sea cucumbers in the list of endangered animals and cited the reasons as limited mobility, late sexual maturity, density depended reproduction, low rates of recruitment and ease of collections for their overexploitation and subsequent resource depletion. The releasing of hatchery produced juveniles of commercial sea cucumber species to their natural habitat, a process called restoration, restocking or reseeding is gaining momentum world wide, as the only way for replenishing the depleted stock of sea cucumbers

    The structure of states and maps in quantum theory

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    The structure of statistical state spaces in the classical and quantum theories are compared in an interesting and novel manner. Quantum state spaces and maps on them have rich convex structures arising from the superposition principle and consequent entanglement. Communication channels (physical processes) in the quantum scheme of things are in one-to-one correspondence with completely positive maps. Positive maps which are not completely positive do not correspond to physical processes. Nevertheless they prove to be invaluable mathematical tools in establishing or witnessing entanglement of mixed states. We consider some of the recent developments in our understanding of the convex structure of states and maps in quantum theory, particularly in the context of quantum information theory

    Studies of planktonic Ostracoda collected from Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal

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    General distribution and numerical abundance of planktonic ostracods, as a whole, in the Exclusive Economic Zone of India and nearby seas based on 1086 collections (1985-'88) are discussed. The average density of ostracods in the area investigated was estimated to be 17395/1000 m . The ostracods occurred far more abundantly in the shelf waters than in the oceanic areas. Samples collected indicated that 95% of the ostracod population occurred off the west coast of India round the year. They were found remarkably high (61168/1000 m\ 63.3%) between 10°N and 15°N off the west coast, while their abundance between 10°N and 15°N off the east coast of India was the lowest (624/1000 m , 0.65%). The abundance of ostracods was always associated with monsoon when the maximum of 31920/1000 m was obtained and this was mainly due to the swarming nature of these organisms. The minimum was observed during the premonsoon period when an average of 1508/1000 m ostracods occurred. Comparison of ostracod distribution in the EEZ of India between day and night yielded values of 30.95 and 69.05% respectively, which showed that they are more abundant during night, thereby illustrating pronounced diurnal vertical migration

    Seasonal variations in production of cultured seaweed Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva in Minicoy Lagoon (Lakshadweep)

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    With a view to finding out the feasibility of Lakshadweep lagoons for cultivation of Gracilaria edulis in Minicoy experimemal culture has been undenaken at four sites. Very encouraging results indicating high potential of about 8.1 fold increase for this species in the lagoon evironments of Minicoy was obtained. Seasonal variations in the growth of the culture seaweed is high-lighted in this account indicating favourable seasons and potential sites