73 research outputs found

    A reduced integer programming model for the ferry scheduling problem

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    We present an integer programming model for the ferry scheduling problem, improving existing models in various ways. In particular, our model has reduced size in terms of the number of variables and constraints compared to existing models by a factor of approximately O(n), where n being the number of ports. The model also handles efficiently load/unload time constraints, crew scheduling and passenger transfers. Experiments using real world data produced high quality solutions in 12 hours using CPLEX 12.4 with a performance guarantee of within 15% of optimality, on average. This establishes that using a general purpose integer programming solver is a viable alternative in solving the ferry scheduling problem of moderate size.Comment: To appear in Public Transpor

    Intravesical Treatments of Bladder Cancer: Review

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    For bladder cancer, intravesical chemo/immunotherapy is widely used as adjuvant therapies after surgical transurethal resection, while systemic therapy is typically reserved for higher stage, muscle-invading, or metastatic diseases. The goal of intravesical therapy is to eradicate existing or residual tumors through direct cytoablation or immunostimulation. The unique properties of the urinary bladder render it a fertile ground for evaluating additional novel experimental approaches to regional therapy, including iontophoresis/electrophoresis, local hyperthermia, co-administration of permeation enhancers, bioadhesive carriers, magnetic-targeted particles and gene therapy. Furthermore, due to its unique anatomical properties, the drug concentration-time profiles in various layers of bladder tissues during and after intravesical therapy can be described by mathematical models comprised of drug disposition and transport kinetic parameters. The drug delivery data, in turn, can be combined with the effective drug exposure to infer treatment efficacy and thereby assists the selection of optimal regimens. To our knowledge, intravesical therapy of bladder cancer represents the first example where computational pharmacological approach was used to design, and successfully predicted the outcome of, a randomized phase III trial (using mitomycin C). This review summarizes the pharmacological principles and the current status of intravesical therapy, and the application of computation to optimize the drug delivery to target sites and the treatment efficacy

    Approximate Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization

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    Local search algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems are in general of pseudopolynomial running time and polynomial-time algorithms are often not known for finding locally optimal solutions for NP-hard optimization problems. We introduce the concept of epsilon-local optimality and show that an epsilon-local optimum can be identified in time polynomial in the problem size and 1/epsilon whenever the corresponding neighborhood can be searched in polynomial time, for epsilon > 0. If the neighborhood can be searched in polynomial time for a delta-local optimum, we present an algorithm that produces a (delta+epsilon)-local optimum in time polynomial in the problem size and 1/epsilon. As a consequence, a combinatorial optimization problem has a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme if and only if it has a fully polynomial-time augmentation sche

    Approximate Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization

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    Local search algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems are in general of pseudopolynomial running time and polynomial-time algorithms are often not known for finding locally optimal solutions for NP-hard optimization problems. We introduce the concept of epsilon-local optimality and show that an epsilon-local optimum can be identified in time polynomial in the problem size and 1/epsilon whenever the corresponding neighborhood can be searched in polynomial time, for epsilon > 0. If the neighborhood can be searched in polynomial time for a delta-local optimum, we present an algorithm that produces a (delta+epsilon)-local optimum in time polynomial in the problem size and 1/epsilon. As a consequence, a combinatorial optimization problem has a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme if and only if it has a fully polynomial-time augmentation schemLocal Search, Neighborhood Search, Approximation Algorithms, Computational Complexity, Combinatorial Optimization, 0/1-Integer Programming,
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