1,163 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of a localization-delocalization transition induced by correlated disorder

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    The exact probability distributions of the resistance, the conductance and the transmission are calculated for the one-dimensional Anderson model with long-range correlated off-diagonal disorder at E=0. It is proved that despite of the Anderson transition in 3D, the functional form of the resistance (and its related variables) distribution function does not change when there exists a Metal-Insulator transition induced by correlation between disorders. Furthermore, we derive analytically all statistical moments of the resistance, the transmission and the Lyapunov Exponent. The growth rate of the average and typical resistance decreases when the Hurst exponent HH tends to its critical value (Hcr=1/2H_{cr}=1/2) from the insulating regime. In the metallic regime H1/2H\geq1/2, the distributions become independent of size. Therefore, the resistance and the transmission fluctuations do not diverge with system size in the thermodynamic limit

    QSOs and Absorption Line Systems Surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

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    We have imaged a 45x45 sq. arcmin. area centered on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) in UBVRI passbands, down to respective limiting magnitudes of approximately 21.5, 22.5, 22.2, 22.2, and 21.2. The principal goals of the survey are to identify QSOs and to map structure traced by luminous galaxies and QSO absorption line systems in a wide volume containing the HDF. We have selected QSO candidates from color space, and identified 4 QSOs and 2 narrow emission-line galaxies (NELGs) which have not previously been discovered, bringing the total number of known QSOs in the area to 19. The bright z=1.305 QSO only 12 arcmin. away from the HDF raises the northern HDF to nearly the same status as the HDF-S, which was selected to be proximate to a bright QSO. About half of the QSO candidates remain for spectroscopic verification. Absorption line spectroscopy has been obtained for 3 bright QSOs in the field, using the Keck 10m, ARC 3.5m, and MDM 2.4m telescopes. Five heavy-element absorption line systems have been identified, 4 of which overlap the well-explored redshift range covered by deep galaxy redshift surveys towards the HDF. The two absorbers at z=0.5565 and z=0.5621 occur at the same redshift as the second most populated redshift peak in the galaxy distribution, but each is more than 7Mpc/h (comoving, Omega_M=1, Omega_L=0) away from the HDF line of sight in the transverse dimension. This supports more indirect evidence that the galaxy redshift peaks are contained within large sheet-like structures which traverse the HDF, and may be precursors to large-scale ``pancake'' structures seen in the present-day galaxy distribution.Comment: 36 pages, including 9 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Intrinsic Properties of the <z>=2.7 Lyman Alpha Forest from Keck Spectra of QSO HS 1946+7658

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    We present the highest quality Lyman Alpha forest spectra published to date, from the QSO HS 1946+7658. The distribution of H I column densities is a power law of slope -1.5 from Log N = 12.1 - 14. This power law can extend to N = 0, because lines weaker than Log N = 12.1 do not have a large H I optical depth. Low column lines with Log N > 9 could account for all observed He II absorption, but lines with Log N > 12 alone are unlikely to do so. The b distribution between 20 and 60 km/sec is a Gaussian with a mean of 23 km/sec (less than reported in past at this z), and a sigma b of 14 km/sec. We report no evolution in the Lyman alpha forest (except the number of lines), because Lu et al. (1997) found the same N and b distributions at = 3.7. We see lines with 14 80 km/sec that cannot be accounted for by noise or blending effects. We discover that the lower cutoff in the b distribution varies with N, from b = 14 km/sec at Log N = 12.5 to b = 22 km/sec at Log N = 14.0, but otherwise b and N are not correlated. We see no Lyman Alpha line clustering above 50 \kms, in disagreement with previous results from lower signal to noise data, but we do see a 3 sigma clustering signal at 25 - 50 km/sec among lines with Log N > 13.6Comment: (Minor changes including new identifications for two weak lines) 46 pages including 16 Figures, Latex Table 1 Available at http://nately.ucsd.edu/~david . To appear in Ap

    Calculations of the Local Density of States for some Simple Systems

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    A recently proposed convolution technique for the calculation of local density of states is described more thouroughly and new results of its application are presented. For separable systems the exposed method allows to construct the ldos for a higher dimensionality out of lower dimensional parts. Some practical and theoretical aspects of this approach are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Temporal variation of cephalopods in the diet of Cape fur seals in Namibia

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    Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) scats were sampled over a period of eight years (1994-2001) at Atlas and Wolf Bay seal colonies in order to assess the cephalopod component of the diet of these seals and cephalopod diversity off the coast of Namibia. The temporal variation within the cephalopod component was investigated. A low diversity of cephalopods, only six species, are preyed upon, with Todarodes angolensis being the most important component both in numbers and wet weight in all years. Its lowered weight contribution during winter coincided with a greater diversity of other cephalopod species in the diet, which showed higher proportional weight contribution relative to Todarodes angolensis. Scat sampling was found to be an unreliable method of providing estimates of total prey weight consumption by seals, but was considered an acceptable method for proportional comparisons, especially given the ease of scat collection over extended periods

    Evidence for density dependent population regulation in southern elephant seals in the southern Indian Ocean

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    The means by which populations are regulated form a central theme in conservation biology, and much debate has revolved around density dependence as a mechanism driving population change. Marion Island (46o54'S, 37o45'E) is host to a relatively small breeding population of southern elephant seals, which like its counterparts in the southern Indian and southern Pacific Oceans, have declined precipitously over the past few decades. An intensive mark-recapture study, which commenced in 1983, has yielded a long time-series of resight data on this population. We used the program MARK to estimate adult female survival in this population from resight data collected over the period 1986-1999. Including concurrent population counts as covariates significantly improved our mark-recapture models and suggests density dependent population regulation to be operational in the population. Although predation may have been involved, it is far more likely that density dependent regulation has been based on a limited food supply. A significant increase in adult female survival was evident which is likely to have given rise to recent changes in population growth

    The Deuterium to Hydrogen Abundance Ratio Towards a Fourth QSO: HS0105+1619

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    We report the measurement of the primordial D/H abundance ratio towards QSO \object. The column density of the hydrogen in the z2.536z \simeq 2.536 Lyman limit system is high, \lnhi =19.422±0.009= 19.422 \pm 0.009 \cmm, allowing for the deuterium to be seen in 5 Lyman series transitions. The measured value of the D/H ratio towards QSO \object is found to be D/H=2.54±0.23×105 = 2.54 \pm 0.23 \times 10^{-5}. The metallicity of the system showing D/H is found to be 0.01\simeq 0.01 solar, indicating that the measured D/H is the primordial D/H within the measurement errors. The gas which shows D/H is neutral, unlike previous D/H systems which were more highly ionized. Thus, the determination of the D/H ratio becomes more secure since we are measuring it in different astrophysical environments, but the error is larger because we now see more dispersion between measurements. Combined with prior measurements of D/H, the best D/H ratio is now D/H=3.0±0.4×105 = 3.0 \pm 0.4 \times 10^{-5}, which is 10% lower than the previous value. The new values for the baryon to photon ratio, and baryonic matter density derived from D/H are η=5.6±0.5×1010\eta = 5.6 \pm 0.5 \times 10^{-10} and \ob =0.0205±0.0018=0.0205 \pm 0.0018 respectively.Comment: Minor text and reference changes. To appear in the May 10, 2001 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    Enhanced suppresion of localization in a continuous Random-Dimer Model

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    We consider a one-dimensional continuous (Kronig-Penney) extension of the (tight-binding) Random Dimer model of Dunlap et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 88 (1990)]. We predict that the continuous model has infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient) giving rise to extended states instead of the one resonance arising in the discrete version. We present exact, transfer-matrix numerical calculations supporting, both realizationwise and on the average, the conclusion that the model has a very large number of extended states.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures available on request, REVTeX 3.0, MA/UC3M/1/9

    Black Holes in Magnetic Monopoles

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    We study magnetically charged classical solutions of a spontaneously broken gauge theory interacting with gravity. We show that nonsingular monopole solutions exist only if the Higgs vacuum expectation value vv is less than or equal to a critical value vcrv_{cr}, which is of the order of the Planck mass. In the limiting case the monopole becomes a black hole, with the region outside the horizon described by the critical Reissner-Nordstrom solution. For v<vcrv<v_{cr}, we find additional solutions which are singular at r=0r=0, but which have this singularity hidden within a horizon. These have nontrivial matter fields outside the horizon, and may be interpreted as small black holes lying within a magnetic monopole. The nature of these solutions as a function of vv and of the total mass MM and their relation to the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions is discussed.Comment: (28 pages

    Effect of rejection on electrophysiologic function of canine intestinal grafts: Correlation with histopathology and na-k-ATPase activity

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    To investigate whether electrophysiologic changes can detect the early onset and progress of intestinal rejection, changes in in vitro electrophysiologic function, intestinal histopathology, and Na-K-ATPase activity were studied in dogs. Adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing 18-24 kg, were used for auto and allo small bowel transplantation. The entire small bowels, except for short segments at the proximal and distal ends, were snitched between a pair of dogs (allograft). Animals receiving intestinal autotransplantation were used as controls. AIIograji recipients were sacrificed 3, 4, 5, 7, or 9 days after transplantation, and autograft recipients were sacrificed 3, 7, or 14 days afier transplantation. Immunosuppression was not used. Electrophysiologic measurements were done with an Ussing chamber. Histological analysis was performed blindly using whole thickness sections. Na-K-ATPase activity in the mucosal tissue, which is said to regulate the potential difference, was also measured. Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the allografi intestine decreased with time and were significantly lower 7 and 9 days after transplantation compared to host intestine, normul intestine, and graft intestine of controls (autograft). Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the native intestinal tissue and the autografts did not decrease with time. Detection of histologically mild rejection of the intestine, which is important for appropriate immunosup-pressive treatment in clinical cases, could not be achieved based on electrophysiology or Na-K-ATPase activity. Deterioration of electrophysiologic function during rejection correlated with the histological rejection process and Na-K-ATPase activity; however, electrophysiology my not be a reliable tool for monitoring grafrs, since it cannot detect early intestinal rejection. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted