127 research outputs found

    An isotropic magnetic-field transducer based on the giant magnetic impedance effect

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    A comparative analysis of the giant magnetoimpedance effect and the results of a mathe- matic simulation are presented. This simulation was used for optimizing the topology of a wide-angle magnetic transducer equipped with a sensitive element that consists of two crossed Fe3Co 67Cr3Si15B12 amorphous ribbons that form different angles between them. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Finite elements analysys of giant magnetoimpedance multilayers

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    This work was performed under financial support of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project № 2582

    Nanostructuring effects in soft magnetic films and film elements with magnetic impedance

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    The magnetization reversal and magnetic impedance (MI) of films and film elements based on Fe19Ni81 and Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 alloys with a varied thickness, heat-treatment temperature, and the number of thin Cu interlayers are studied. The dependences of the coercive force and the magnitude of MI on these parameters are found. Layered structuring is shown to be an effective method for improving the functional characteristics of MI elements. In elements containing nanocrystalline Fe19Ni81 layers, this is related to the restructuring of a magnetic structure; in elements containing amorphous Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 layers, this improvement is likely to be caused by a decrease in the effective electrical resistivity. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Thin film magnetoimpedance sensor for detection of stray fields in 3D-configuration

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    This work was performed under financial support of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project № 2582

    Design magnetic matrices for cell technology supporting devices

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    Biomedical applications of magnetic materials are a hot topic of present day research. Special attention is paid for design and development of appropriate instrumentation. In this work magnetic system consisting of an equidistant set of commercial permanent magnets (6 × 4 assay) was proposed, designed and tested for further employment in the experiments in cell cultivation experiments. Magnetic field distribution was experimentally measured in 3 axes: OX, OY, OZ by gaussmeter. The results were statistically analyzed. Constant magnetic field near the center of XY plane was relatively homogeneous but at edges significant value of magnetic field gradient was observed. With increasing of Z distance, the decreasing of magnetic field strength was observed. Obtained parameters of a designed system are satisfactory and therefore it can be recommended for cell cultivation experiments when application of external magnetic field is desired. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-19-00090This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 18-19-00090

    Asymmetric multilayers elements for magnetic detection

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    In this paper, we study a magnetic impedance characteristics of film multilayer elements of the strip type [Ti / FeNi] 5 / Ti / Cu / Ti / (FeNi / Ti) x, x = 0...5, prepared by magnetron sputtering. We observed in these structures similar type of magnetization reversal in an array of layers between the substrate and the central conductive layer of copper for all the samples and changing the type of magnetization reversal in the array of the conductive layer of copper with a decrease in the number of upper magnetic layers. Despite the fact that the absolute maximum MI ratio amounted impedance ΔZ / Z = 126% for a symmetrical structure, an asymmetrical structure with four magnetic layers above the layer of copper also has high MI ratio ΔZ / Z = 121% in the lower fields, which allows to recommend asymmetric structure for the subsequent functionalization of the upper layer in detectors of weak magnetic fields.В данной работе исследуются особенности магнитного импеданса плёночных многослойных элементов в форме полос типа [Ti/FeNi]5/Ti/Cu/Ti/(FeNi/Ti)x, x = 0…5, полученных магнетронным распылением. На полученных структурах наблюдался сходный тип перемагничивания в массиве слоев между подложкой и центральным проводящим слоем меди для всех образцов и смена типа перемагничивания в массиве над проводящим слоем меди при уменьшении количества верхних магнитных слоев. Несмотря на то, что абсолютный максимум МИ соотношения импеданса составил ∆Z/Z=126% для симметричной структуры, асимметричная структура с 4 магнитными слоями над слоем меди также обладает высоким МИ соотношением ∆Z/Z=121% в меньших полях, что позволяет рекомендовать асимметричную структуру для последующей функционализации верхнего слоя в детекторах слабых магнитных полей

    Magnetic and magnetoimpedance properties of rapidly quenched ribbons of modified alloys based on FINEMET

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    Amorphous and nanocrystalline materials are attractive systems for basic research and technological applications. In a view of the energy economy and global warming concepts there is a request to search for soft magnetic materials for sensor applications, which do not request additional heat treatments and can be produced in most simple technological scheme. In this work the structure, static magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance (MI) were studied for FINEMET-type materials both with classic composition and for compositions with 10 % of iron substitution by Co, Ni, or Mn in initial state, i.e. without any additional heat treatmnet. The best MI responses were obtained for Mn-doped rapidly quenched ribbons. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 3.6121.2017/8.9The results were obtained under financial support of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 3.6121.2017/8.9. We thank D. Schishkin for special support