60 research outputs found

    Intensity Stability Comparison Between Different Colors of Laser Pointer

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    Different source of light can be used as a main light source in an open path optical method. Sunlight, tungsten lamp, LED, laser, mercury vapor lamp and halogen are the example of the light source.  It is important to test the stability of the light source used to avoid inaccuracy in the measurement. The purpose of this project is to determine which color of laser has higher stability. Once the light is switched on, the intensity of the light source changes slowly until it comes to a stable state. Each color has different counts of intensity and stability. Different set of laser pointer is used in this project which included blue, violet, red and green color. An open path optical method is used in the experiment. A different color of laser pointer will be used as a light source while spectrometer will act as a detector. The stability for each color of laser pointer is reported in this paper

    Intensity Stability Comparison Between Different Colors of Laser Pointer

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    Different source of light can be used as a main light source in an open path optical method. Sunlight, tungsten lamp, LED, laser, mercury vapor lamp and halogen are the example of the light source.  It is important to test the stability of the light source used to avoid inaccuracy in the measurement. The purpose of this project is to determine which color of laser has higher stability. Once the light is switched on, the intensity of the light source changes slowly until it comes to a stable state. Each color has different counts of intensity and stability. Different set of laser pointer is used in this project which included blue, violet, red and green color. An open path optical method is used in the experiment. A different color of laser pointer will be used as a light source while spectrometer will act as a detector. The stability for each color of laser pointer is reported in this paper

    Design and development of an optical sensor system to measure visibility of air

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    Visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly recognized. Visibility for a medium depends on the visible light transmission (VLT). This paper describes the development of VLT measurement system to measure the visibility of air. In recent years, there are many types of devices that can measure VLT. But the existing method and technique have their own disadvantages such as gigantic set up, costly, only can be used in small area and fail to function at night. Therefore, this research will focus on how to measure the visibility by using an open path optical method. The experimental setup for VLT measurement in this research consists of a laser pointer as a light source and spectrometer as a detector. The amount of light that passes through a few series of known-VLT thin films is measured and the percentage values of the measured thin film are set as a measurement base. This new proposed technique is believed to cater the problem mentioned above as the experimental setup is simple, small in size and can measure visibility in any light condition

    Intensity Stability Comparison Between Different Colors of Laser Pointer

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    Different source of light can be used as a main light source in an open path optical method. Sunlight, tungsten lamp, LED, laser, mercury vapor lamp and halogen are the example of the light source. It is important to test the stability of the light source used to avoid inaccuracy in the measurement. The purpose of this project is to determine which color of laser has higher stability. Once the light is switched on, the intensity of the light source changes slowly until it comes to a stable state. Each color has different counts of intensity and stability. Different set of laser pointer is used in this project which included blue, violet, red and green color. An open path optical method is used in the experiment. A different color of laser pointer will be used as a light source while spectrometer will act as a detector. The stability for each color of laser pointer is reported in this paper where the standard deviation for each color is calculated to determined which color have a higher stability. Results shows that standard deviation for green color has the smallest value among these four colors where the standard deviation is15.97.Color with smaller standard deviation has the highest stability

    An intensity comparison of light bulbs using spectroscopy method

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    This paper describes the differences between light intensity of light bulbs from different working principle. A Maya2000 spectrometer from Ocean Optics is used as a light detector. The intensity of light is taken within the visible wavelength between 390 nm to 700 nm. It is observed that light intensity from different type of light bulbs forms different spectral power distribution. The light emitting diode (LED) lamp shown to be the most efficient light bulbs with the highest average light intensity compared to incandescent and fluorescent lamps

    A review of free fatty acid determination methods for palm cooking oil

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    Free fatty acids (FFA) is one of the main content of palm cooking oil. High percentage of FFA in palm oil can affect human health and the quality of palm oil. Based on quality standards specification set by Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), the allowable content of free fatty acid (FFA) for crude palm oil (CPO) must not exceed 5%, meanwhile less than 0.1% of FFA in Refined Bleached Deodorized Oil (RBDO). There are many researches have been carried out to determine the level of FFA. However, they are using different type of cooking oil. A few researches are also reported regarding the palm cooking oil but they are using different method such as titration, spectroscopic, gas chromatography, reflection method and other type of detectors. All methods to determine the amount of free fatty acids (FFA) in palm cooking oil are reviewed in this paper

    A spectroscopy study of heated palm cooking oil using an open path optical method for free fatty acids concentration measurement

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    Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from the fruits and seeds of the oil palm tree. Palm oil contains Free Fatty Acids, which can have negative consequences if repeatedly heated. Frequently heated cooking oil can undergo some physical changes such as colour darkens, Free Fatty Acids concentration increases, and an unpleasant odour is produced. The purposes of this study is to analyse the absorbance spectrum of repeatedly heated cooking oil and to measure the concentration of Free Fatty Acids. Using a spectrometer apparatus, heated palm cooking oil spectrum can be obtained and Free Fatty Acids analysis can be carried out using a technique called an open path method. The result shows that heated cooking oils have different absorbance spectrum and this analysis led to the development of an optical method for measuring Free Fatty Acids concentration. It is reported that this optical sensor is successfully measure the Free Fatty Acids concentration at 364 nm. The Free Fatty Acids concentration measurement is also verified using a chemical test and the result is aligned. This is an important step in order to distinguish the class of used cooking oil for the safety of consumers

    A mobile air particle system using an optical sensor for haze measurement

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    This paper presents a development of a mobile haze measurement system which can measure the amount of particulate matter and display in real time. The current haze measurement system called high volume sampler is difficult to move around due to its big size and the reading is not available in real time. Therefore, an alternative for the haze measurement system need to be developed. It uses an optical sensor as a working principle and Arduino board as a microcontroller. The measurement system is able to measure particulate matter from the smoke generated using a mosquito coil. The reading from the developed haze measurement system is verified using a commercial sensor called Dust Mate

    Air pollution monitoring system in semi enclosed building for agricultural sector

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    This paper describes the development of an optical sensor system to monitor ammonia emission in the agricultural sector. At initial stage, an open path optical technique where a cylindrical chamber is used to detect low ammonia concentration within the Ultraviolet region. The methodology describing the operation of the sensor with wavelengths combination technique to optimize the measurement is presented. The results show the sensor is best measuring ammonia concentration at combination wavelengths (around 212 nm) with the Lower Detection Limit of 2.25 ppm and 1 s response time is achieved. Then the system is tested to monitor ammonia pollution in the cattle barn in Tipperary, Ireland. It shows that the developed system is able to detect and measure very low ammonia concentration which is less than 2 ppm