177 research outputs found

    Solving variational inequalities with Stochastic Mirror-Prox algorithm

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    In this paper we consider iterative methods for stochastic variational inequalities (s.v.i.) with monotone operators. Our basic assumption is that the operator possesses both smooth and nonsmooth components. Further, only noisy observations of the problem data are available. We develop a novel Stochastic Mirror-Prox (SMP) algorithm for solving s.v.i. and show that with the convenient stepsize strategy it attains the optimal rates of convergence with respect to the problem parameters. We apply the SMP algorithm to Stochastic composite minimization and describe particular applications to Stochastic Semidefinite Feasability problem and Eigenvalue minimization

    Reconnections of Vortex Loops in the Superfluid Turbulent HeII. Rates of the Breakdown and Fusion processes

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    Kinetics of merging and breaking down vortex loops is the important part of the whole vortex tangle dynamics. Another part is the motion of individual lines, which obeys the Biot-Savart law in presence of friction force and of applied external velocity fields if any. In the present work we evaluate the coefficients of the reconnection rates A(l1,l2,l)A(l_{1},l_{2},l) and B(l,l1,l2)B(l,l_{1},l_{2}). Quantity AA is a number (per unit of time and per unit of volume) of events, when two loops with lengths l1l_{1}and l2l_{2} collide and form the single loop of length l=l1+l2 l=l_{1}+l_{2}. Quantity % B(l,l_{1},l_{2}) describes the rate of events, when the single loop of the length ll breaks down into two the daughter loops of lengths l1 l_{1} and l2l_{2}. These quantities ave evaluated as the averaged numbers of zeroes of vector S\mathbf{S}%_{s}(\xi_{2},\xi_{1},t) connecting two points on the loops of ξ2\xi_{2} and ξ1 \xi_{1} at moment of time tt. Statistics of the individual loops is taken from the Gaussian model of vortex tangle. PACS-number 67.40Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, To be submitted to JLT

    Numerical simulation of stochastic vortex tangles

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    We present the results of simulation of the chaotic dynamics of quantized vortices in the bulk of superfluid He II. Evolution of vortex lines is calculated on the base of the Biot-Savart law. The dissipative effects appeared from the interaction with the normal component, or/and from relaxation of the order parameter are taken into account. Chaotic dynamics appears in the system via a random forcing, e.i. we use the Langevin approach to the problem. In the present paper we require the correlator of the random force to satisfy the fluctuation-disspation relation, which implies that thermodynamic equilibrium should be reached. In the paper we describe the numerical methods for integration of stochastic differential equation (including a new algorithm for reconnection processes), and we present the results of calculation of some characteristics of a vortex tangle such as the total length, distribution of loops in the space of their length, and the energy spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Vortex dynamics in rotating counterflow and plane Couette and Poiseuille turbulence in superfluid Helium

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    An equation previously proposed to describe the evolution of vortex line density in rotating counterflow turbulent tangles in superfluid helium is generalized to incorporate nonvanishing barycentric velocity and velocity gradients. Our generalization is compared with an analogous approach proposed by Lipniacki, and with experimental results by Swanson et al. in rotating counterflow, and it is used to evaluate the vortex density in plane Couette and Poiseuille flows of superfluid helium.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics of coreless vortices and rotation-induced dissipation peak in superfluid films on rotating porous substrates

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    We analyze dynamics of 3D coreless vortices in superfluid films covering porous substrates. The 3D vortex dynamics is derived from the 2D dynamics of the film. The motion of a 3D vortex is a sequence of jumps between neighboring substrate cells, which can be described, nevertheless, in terms of quasi-continuous motion with average vortex velocity. The vortex velocity is derived from the dissociation rate of vortex-antivortex pairs in a 2D film, which was developed in the past on the basis of the Kosterlitz-Thouless theory. The theory explains the rotation-induced dissipation peak in torsion-oscillator experiments on 4^4He films on rotating porous substrates and can be used in the analysis of other phenomena related to vortex motion in films on porous substrates.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Equilibrium rotation of a vortex bundle terminating on a lateral wall

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    The paper investigates possibility of equilibrium solid-body rotation of a vortex bundle diverging at some height from a cylinder axis and terminating on a lateral wall of a container. Such a bundle arises when vorticity expands up from a container bottom eventually filling the whole container. The analysis starts from a single vortex, then goes to a vortex sheet, and finally addresses a multi-layered crystal vortex bundle. The equilibrium solid-body rotation of the vortex bundle requires that the thermodynamic potentials in the vortex-filled and in the vortex-free parts of the container are equal providing the absence of a force on the vortex front separating the two parts. The paper considers also a weakly non-equilibrium state when the bundle and the container rotate with different angular velocities and the vortex front propagates with the velocity determined by friction between vortices and the container or the normal liquid moving together with the container.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A Kelvin-wave cascade on a vortex in superfluid 4^4He at a very low temperature

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    A study by computer simulation is reported of the behaviour of a quantized vortex line at a very low temperature when there is continuous excitation of low-frequency Kelvin waves. There is no dissipation except by phonon radiation at a very high frequency. It is shown that non-linear coupling leads to a net flow of energy to higher wavenumbers and to the development of a simple spectrum of Kelvin waves that is insensitive to the strength and frequency of the exciting drive. The results are likely to be relevant to the decay of turbulence in superfluid 4^4He at very low temperatures

    Acceleration of the path-following method for optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices

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    Projet META2The paper is devoted to acceleration of the path-following interior point polynomial time method for optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices, with applications to quadratically constrained problems and extensions onto the general self-concordant case. In particular, we demonstrate that in a problem involving m of general type m x m linear matrix inequalities with n 3 m scalar control variables the conjugate-gradient-based acceleration allows to reduce the arithmetic cost of an e-solution by a factor of order of max {n1/3 m-1/6, n1/5}, for the Karmarkar-type acceleration this factor is of order of min {n, m1/2}. The conjugate-gradient-based acceleration turns out to be efficient also in the case of several specific "structured" problems coming from applications in control and graph theory