1,488 research outputs found

    A good presentation of (-2,3,2s+1)-type Pretzel knot group and R-covered foliation

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    Let K_s be a (-2,3,2s+1)-type Pretzel knot (s >= 3) and E(K_s)(p/q) be a closed manifold obtained by Dehn surgery along K_s with a slope p/q. We prove that if q>0, p/q >= 4s+7 and p is odd, then E(K_s)(p/q) cannot contain an R-covered foliation. This result is an extended theorem of a part of works of Jinha Jun for (-2,3,7)-Pretzel knot.Comment: 18 page

    Role of OmpD2 and chromosomal P-lactamase in carbapenem resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Imipenem-rcsistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were divided into two categories: (i) isolates that were moderately resistant to imipenem (MIC 6-25 mg/L) that produced trace amounts of protein D2 detected with immuneblotting using anti-protein D2 antibody, but not when stained with Coomassie blue and had inducible class 1 /f-lactamase expression; (ii) isolates that were highly resistant to several /Mactams, including meropenem, with no protein D2 by staining or immunoblotting and had stably derepressed /Mactamase. Laboratory strains were isolated and analyzed: (i) mutants lacking protein D2, or (ii) lacking protein D2 and producing stably derepressed /J-lactamase with carbapenem resistance similar to the clinical isolates, (iii) mutants producing undetectable 0-lactamasc which were fourfold more susceptible to imipenem than the mutant producing stably derepressed /J-lactamase or the strain with inducible /J-lactamase. These data suggests that /Mactamase and outer membrane permeability govern meropenem-resistance in P. aeruginosa

    Correlated Prompt Fission Data in Transport Simulations

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    Detailed information on the fission process can be inferred from the observation, modeling and theoretical understanding of prompt fission neutron and γ\gamma-ray~observables. Beyond simple average quantities, the study of distributions and correlations in prompt data, e.g., multiplicity-dependent neutron and \gray~spectra, angular distributions of the emitted particles, nn-nn, nn-γ\gamma, and γ\gamma-γ\gamma~correlations, can place stringent constraints on fission models and parameters that would otherwise be free to be tuned separately to represent individual fission observables. The FREYA~and CGMF~codes have been developed to follow the sequential emissions of prompt neutrons and γ\gamma-rays~from the initial excited fission fragments produced right after scission. Both codes implement Monte Carlo techniques to sample initial fission fragment configurations in mass, charge and kinetic energy and sample probabilities of neutron and γ\gamma~emission at each stage of the decay. This approach naturally leads to using simple but powerful statistical techniques to infer distributions and correlations among many observables and model parameters. The comparison of model calculations with experimental data provides a rich arena for testing various nuclear physics models such as those related to the nuclear structure and level densities of neutron-rich nuclei, the γ\gamma-ray~strength functions of dipole and quadrupole transitions, the mechanism for dividing the excitation energy between the two nascent fragments near scission, and the mechanisms behind the production of angular momentum in the fragments, etc. Beyond the obvious interest from a fundamental physics point of view, such studies are also important for addressing data needs in various nuclear applications. (See text for full abstract.)Comment: 39 pages, 57 figure files, published in Eur. Phys. J. A, reference added this versio

    Carcinogen-induced Thyroid Proliferative Lesions in Wistar Hannover GALAS Rats with Thyroid Dysplasia

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    Incidences and morphological features of thyroid proliferative lesions induced by carcinogens in Wistar Hannover GALAS rats (GALAS rats) showing normal growth with or without thyroid dysplasia were examined. All thyroid tissue samples were obtained from our recently conducted study using male GALAS rats treated with 5 carcinogens according to the medium-term multiorgan carcinogenicity bioassay protocol (called DMBDD treatment). In the DMBDD-treated rats, thyroid dysplasia was found in 9 out of 114 rats. Follicular cell adenomas were found in 5 out of 9 rats with thyroid dysplasia and in 7 out of 105 rats without thyroid dysplasia. The incidence of adenoma was significantly increased in rats with thyroid dysplasia (55.6%) compared with that in rats without thyroid dysplasia (6.7%). Adenomas in rats with thyroid dysplasia were observed as single or multiple nodules, well demarcated and composed of variously sized vacuolated cells or unvacuolated cells. These histopathological features and staining profiles of luminal colloid for PAS and thyroglobulin, together with PCNA-positive cells, were fundamentally similar to those of rats without thyroid dysplasia. On the other hand, the luminal colloid in adenomas of rats with thyroid dysplasia had a tendency to be poorly stained for T4 compared with that of rats without thyroid dysplasia. From these findings, it appears that dysplastic thyroids of rats showing normal growth are more sensitive to carcinogens than normal thyroids. In addition, the morphological features of carcinogen-induced thyroid proliferative lesions in GALAS rats with thyroid dysplasia were fundamentally similar to those of rats without thyroid dysplasia, except for the vacuoles and T4 staining profile

    Radiation Protection and Management

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    Analysis of Structure Destroyed Metal after Diffusion Heat Treatment

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    It was accomplished research of the structure steel which carbonitriding and subsequent heat treatment was exposed for its cause's destruction to discover. For measure quality field of metal were used methods optical, appearing electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Therefore one of the principal problems were research phase composition, grain and dislocation structure of a metal the gear teeth. Mechanism of rising hear cracks in the gear teeth on different stages her making and their trajectories of evolution were determined

    Forkhead Transcription Factors (FoxOs) Promote Apoptosis of Insulin-Resistant Macrophages During Cholesterol-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

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    OBJECTIVE—Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases macrophage apoptosis, contributing to the complications of atherosclerosis. Insulin-resistant macrophages are more susceptible to endoplasmic reticulum stress–associated apoptosis probably contributing to macrophage death and necrotic core formation in atherosclerotic plaques in type 2 diabetes. However, the molecular mechanisms of increased apoptosis in insulin-resistant macrophages remain unclear