29,275 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic properties of a dipolar Fermi gas

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    Based on the semi-classical theory, we investigate the thermodynamic properties of a dipolar Fermi gas. Through a self-consistent procedure, we numerically obtain the phase space distribution function at finite temperature. We show that the deformations in both momentum and real space becomes smaller and smaller as one increases the temperature. For homogeneous case, we also calculate pressure, entropy, and heat capacity. In particular, at low temperature limit and in weak interaction regime, we obtain an analytic expression for the entropy, which agrees qualitatively with our numerical result. The stability of a trapped gas at finite temperature is also explored

    Multi-vortex dynamics in junctions of charge density waves

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    Ground state reconstruction by creation of topological defects in junctions of CDWs is a convenient playground for modern efforts of field-effect transformations in strongly correlated materials with spontaneous symmetry breakings. Being transient, this effect contributes also to another new science of pump-induced phase transitions. We present a dynamical model for behavior of the CDW in restricted geometries of junctions under an applied voltage or a passing current. The model takes into account multiple interacting fields: the amplitude and the phase of the CDW complex order parameter, distributions of the electric field, the density and the current of various normal carriers. A particular challenge was to monitor the local conservation of the condensed and the normal charge densities. That was done easily invoking the chiral invariance and the associated anomaly, but prize is an unconventional Ginsburg-Landau type theory which is not analytic with respect to the order parameter. The numerical modeling poses unusual difficulties but still can demonstrate that vortices are nucleated at the junction boundary when the voltage across, or the current through, exceed a threshold.Comment: To be published in proceedings of the conference SUPERSTRIPES-2014, A. Bianconi ed., J. Supercond. Nov. Mag., (2015

    Kinetic, Spectroscopic, and X-Ray Crystallographic Evidence for the Cooperative Mechanism of the Hydration of Nitriles Catalyzed by a Tetranuclear Ruthenium-μ-oxo-μ-hydroxo Complex

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    The tetranuclear ruthenium-oxo-hydroxo-hydride complex {[(PCy3)(CO)RuH]4(μ4-O)(μ3-OH)(μ2-OH)} (1) was found to be a highly cooperative catalyst for the nitrile hydration reaction. The cooperative mechanism of the hydration of benzonitrile was established by Hill inhibition kinetics. The treatment of a nitrile substrate with complex 1 led to the catalytically relevant nitrile-coordinated tetraruthenium complex 3. The X-ray structure of the nitrile-coordinated complex 3 showed a considerably “relaxed” tetrameric core structure compared to that of 1. The hydration of para-substituted benzonitriles p-X-C6H4CN with an electron-withdrawing group (X = Cl, Br, CO2H, CF3) exhibited cooperative kinetics, as indicated by the sigmoidal saturation kinetics, while the hydration of nitriles with an electron-donating group (X = OH, OMe, t-Bu, CH3) obeyed Michaelis–Menten saturation kinetics. The formation of a ruthenium hydride species was observed during the hydration of methacrylonitrile, and its monomeric nature was established by using DOSY NMR techniques

    Highly Cooperative Tetrametallic Ruthenium-μ-Oxo-μ-Hydroxo Catalyst for the Alcohol Oxidation Reaction

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    The tetrametallic ruthenium-oxo-hydroxo-hydride complex {[(PCy3)(CO)RuH]4(μ4-O)(μ3-OH)(μ2-OH)} (1) was synthesized in two steps from the monomeric complex (PCy3)(CO)RuHCl (2). The tetrameric complex 1 was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the transfer dehydrogenation of alcohols. Complex 1 showed a different catalytic activity pattern toward primary and secondary benzyl alcohols, as indicated by the Hammett correlation for the oxidation reaction of p-X-C6H4CH2OH (ρ = −0.45) and p-X-C6H4CH(OH)CH3 (ρ = +0.22) (X = OMe, CH3, H, Cl, CF3). Both a sigmoidal curve from the plot of initial rate vs [PhCH(OH)CH3] (K0.5 = 0.34 M; Hill coefficient, n = 4.2 ± 0.1) and the phosphine inhibition kinetics revealed the highly cooperative nature of the complex for the oxidation of secondary alcohols

    Using Simple Neural Networks to Correct Errors in Optical Data Transmission.

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    We have demonstrated the applicability of neural-network-based systems to the problem of reducing the effects of signal distortion, and shown that such a system has the potential to reduce the bit-error-rate in the digitized version of the analogue electrical signal derived from an optical data stream by a substantial margin over existing techniques

    An Efficient Bandit Algorithm for Realtime Multivariate Optimization

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    Optimization is commonly employed to determine the content of web pages, such as to maximize conversions on landing pages or click-through rates on search engine result pages. Often the layout of these pages can be decoupled into several separate decisions. For example, the composition of a landing page may involve deciding which image to show, which wording to use, what color background to display, etc. Such optimization is a combinatorial problem over an exponentially large decision space. Randomized experiments do not scale well to this setting, and therefore, in practice, one is typically limited to optimizing a single aspect of a web page at a time. This represents a missed opportunity in both the speed of experimentation and the exploitation of possible interactions between layout decisions. Here we focus on multivariate optimization of interactive web pages. We formulate an approach where the possible interactions between different components of the page are modeled explicitly. We apply bandit methodology to explore the layout space efficiently and use hill-climbing to select optimal content in realtime. Our algorithm also extends to contextualization and personalization of layout selection. Simulation results show the suitability of our approach to large decision spaces with strong interactions between content. We further apply our algorithm to optimize a message that promotes adoption of an Amazon service. After only a single week of online optimization, we saw a 21% conversion increase compared to the median layout. Our technique is currently being deployed to optimize content across several locations at Amazon.com.Comment: KDD'17 Audience Appreciation Awar

    Dynamical properties of a trapped dipolar Fermi gas at finite temperature

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a trapped finite-temperature normal Fermi gas with dipole-dipole interaction. For the free expansion dynamics, we show that the expanded gas always becomes stretched along the direction of the dipole moment. In addition, we present the temperature and interaction dependences of the asymptotical aspect ratio. We further study the collapse dynamics of the system by suddenly increasing the dipolar interaction strength. We show that, in contrast to the anisotropic collapse of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, a dipolar Fermi gas always collapses isotropically when the system becomes globally unstable. We also explore the interaction and temperature dependences for the frequencies of the low-lying collective excitations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Hole maximum density droplets of an antidot in strong magnetic fields

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    We investigate a quantum antidot in the integer quantum Hall regime (the filling factor is two) by using a Hartree-Fock approach and by transforming the electron antidot into a system which confines holes via an electron-hole transformation. We find that its ground state is the maximum density droplet of holes in certain parameter ranges. The competition between electron-electron interactions and the confinement potential governs the properties of the hole droplet such as its spin configuration. The ground-state transitions between the droplets with different spin configurations occur as magnetic field varies. For a bell-shape antidot containing about 300 holes, the features of the transitions are in good agreement with the predictions of a recently proposed capacitive interaction model for antidots as well as recent experimental observations. We show this agreement by obtaining the parameters of the capacitive interaction model from the Hartree-Fock results. An inverse parabolic antidot is also studied. Its ground-state transitions, however, display different magnetic-field dependence from that of a bell-shape antidot. Our study demonstrates that the shape of antidot potential affects its physical properties significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure