136 research outputs found

    Motivation in personnel management of a trading enterprise

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    Purpose: Investigating the problems of personnel motivation efficiency as one of the most significant factors of the success of an enterprise at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider expedient to consider the theory and practice of the personnel motivation system in a commercial enterprise. Design: General scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison), and special methods of research (economic and statistical, balance sheet, design-calculation and other), document analysis, questioning, and others were used during the study. Findings: The authors revealed that the trading company should focus on the development of a system of motivation in two directions: the improvement of material motivation of staff and the improvement of non-material motivation of staff. Improving the proposed system of staff motivation will allow the company to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, increasing turnover. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used by the head of the enterprise when developing plans to improve the management system and increase investment attractiveness. Originality: This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of motivation in personnel management. Given the organizational and economic characteristics of the trading enterprise, identified the existing system of motivation in the enterprise.peer-reviewe

    Прочностные характеристики армированного песчаного грунта

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    Laboratory tests on determination of reinforced sandy soil strength characteristics (angle of internal friction, specific cohesive force) have been carried out with the help of a specially designed instrument and proposed methodology. Analysis of the obtained results has revealed that cohesive forces are brought about in reinforced sandy soil and an angle of internal soil friction becomes larger in comparison with non-reinforced soil.Проведены лабораторные испытания по определению прочностных характеристик (угла внутреннего трения, удельной силы сцепления) армированного песчаного грунта с помощью специально сконструированного прибора и предлагаемой методики. Анализ полученных результатов показывает, что в армированном песчаном грунте возникают силы связности, а угол внутреннего трения грунта становится значительно большим по сравнению с неармированным

    Strategic planning in the sphere of education in regions

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    The article is devoted to problems of strategic planning in education. Special attention is paid to the formation of regional education development programs. The article considers the main provisions of the strategic program for the development of the education system at the municipal level as a key position for the formation of a unified educational space. The authors’ analysis of such programs has shown that such programs are often devoid of consistency and are not consistent with the development programs of the leading branches of knowledge and the economy of the region. Based on the legal framework, scientific articles, and the experience of the regions the authors propose a model for the formation of regional strategic planning documents in the field of education, based on the principle of a triple helix of interaction between the state, educational organizations and business. The educational space planned according to this model will differ not only in a new organizational format designed to coordinate the path of education and training, but will also serve as a consolidation of resources from all three sources

    Устойчивость армированных подпорных стенок

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    The paper contains formulae for determination of reinforced soil pressure on a retaining wall when it is displaced in a foundation pit direction and in case of rigid, unmanageable wall that is in contact with soil.Laboratory tests for determination of deformation and strength characteristics of reinforced sand soil (Е, Ез, ν, νз, φ) have been carried out. Analysis of these characteristics makes it possible to conclude the fact that an increase in a relative area (αh) of reinforced elements entails a decrease in the Poisson’s coefficients (v, Vb) and an increase in a modulus of general deformation (E).Приведены формулы для определения давления армированного грунта на подпорную стенку при ее смещении в сторону котлована и в случае жесткой, неподатливой стенки, находящейся в контакте с грунтом.Проведены лабораторные испытания для определения деформативных и прочностных характеристик (Е, Ез, ν, νз, φ) армированного песчаного грунта. Анализ этих данных позволяет сделать вывод о том, что коэффициенты Пуассона ν, νз уменьшаются с увеличением относительной площади αh армирующих элементов, а модуль общей деформации Е увеличивается с возрастанием αh

    "Apparent PT-symmetric terahertz photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1−xCdxTe-based structures"

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    We show that the terahertz (THz) photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1-xCdxTe-based structures exhibits the apparent PT- (parity-time) symmetry whereas the P-symmetry and the T-symmetry, separately, are not conserved. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the P- and T-symmetry breaking may not be related to any type of the sample anisotropy. This result contradicts the apparent symmetry arguments and means that there exists an external factor that interacts with the sample electronic system and breaks the symmetry. We show that deviations from the ideal experimental geometry may not be such a factor

    Comparative gustatory responses in four species of gerbilline rodents

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    Integrated taste responses to chemical stimulation of the tongue were recorded from the intact chorda tympani nerve in four species of gerbils ( Meriones libycus, M. shawi, M. unguiculatus and Psammomys obesus ).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47116/1/359_2004_Article_BF00618177.pd