148 research outputs found

    Construction and Analysis Tool Design Capture Pengerih (Stow Net) Used Fishing Village Bay Sub in Waters Kampar Peninsula Kampar Peninsula Pelalawan Province Riau

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    Stow net fishing gear used fisher bay is not effective to operate because the use of shortening with a value of 17.8 % on the body gear stow net cause the formation of a perfect in body construction with water thus affecting the shape of mesh openings and the mechanism of operation of the tool . Formations are good for shortening the fishing cape stow net used selukup is 15 % for mouth and body , and 10 % for the waist , tummy and pouch . Due to the characteristics of fast-flowing waters tend bumpy enough and strong , it is necessary to increase the buoyancy of 2.880 gf so well established tools when operated

    Determinan Kinerja Petugas Imunisasi di Puskesmas Kabupaten Sigi Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of knowledge, attitudes, motivation, leadership, compensation to the performance of immunization workers and the factors that most influence the performance of immunization workers. This research is in the health center as much as 15 health centers Sigi. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional sample study.Pengambilan Sampling is done in total immunization clinic staff by 45 people. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression at α <5% Influence. The results of the analysis indicate that there is influence between knowledge (p = 0.000), attitude (p = 0.004), motivation (p = 0.000), leadership (p = 0.015), and compensation (p = 0:08) to the immunization clinic kenerja officer Sigi . Results of logistic regression analysis showed that knowledge (p = 0.004, Exp (B) = 14.038), is the most influential factor on the performance of immunization workers Sigi with the influence of 14.038. Conclusion: No effect of knowledge, attitudes, motivation, leadership, compensation on performance and enormous influence on the performance of knowledge of the magnitude of the effect is 14.038.Keywords: Determinant Factors, Performance Officer, Immunization Coverag

    Effect of freezing time and shaking speed on the performance of Progressive Freeze Concentration via Vertical Finned Crystallizer

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    Performance of a newly developed freeze concentrator named Vertical Finned Crystallizer (VFC) in concentrated glucose solution was evaluated. The VFC was designed as an attempt to provide an efficient Progressive Freeze Concentration (PFC) system by providing larger heat transfer area for crystallization. Glucose solution at an initial concentration of 11°Brix was concentrated through the new PFC system. The performance of the crystallizer was analyzed in parallel with the effect of freezing time and shaking speed to the system efficiency, represented by effective partition constant (K) and solute recovery (Y). The results show that the efficiency of the system has significantly improved portrayed by the lowest K value obtained of 0.383 and the highest Y value obtained of 0.96 g glucose/g initial glucose at intermediate circulation time and shaking speed. Thus, the VFC is evidently proven to have a high potential to be integrated in a PFC process as an efficient concentration system. The results obtained offer some guidelines on how to produce an efficient PFC system through parameter setting

    Thermal Comfort Assessment of An Office Room Under High Air Conditioning Setting Temperatures with Fan-Assisted Ventilation

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    The usage of the air-conditioning system to provide comfortable indoor conditions is found necessary especially for hot-and warm countries. However, the excessive use of the air-conditioning system or without properly controlled will significantly affect the energy consumption of the building and also the environment badly. This study investigates the strategy to reduce energy for cooling in an office room by utilizing the high setting temperature of the air conditioning system with the addition of fan ventilation by field measurement. About 9 study cases have been investigated which includes the air-conditioning setting of 27°C to 28°C, with and without fan-assisted ventilation. The measured physical thermal comfort parameters are air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and black globe temperature. The operative temperature and Predicted Mean Vote value (PMV) have been calculated for each study case for analysis. The results revealed that the comfortable condition with neutral sensation can be achieved by air-conditioning setting of 28°C with an air speed of 1 m/s-1.2m/s. Moreover, the results showed that the room with 27°C-28°C setting temperature was under comfortable conditions before afternoon hours, while fan-assisted ventilation is required to enhance the comfortable hours through the rest working hour. By this practice, it is expected the energy consumption and cooling load of the building can be reduced

    Thermal Comfort Assessment of An Office Room Under High Air Conditioning Setting Temperatures with Fan-Assisted Ventilation

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    The usage of the air-conditioning system to provide comfortable indoor conditions is found necessary especially for hot-and warm countries. However, the excessive use of the air-conditioning system or without properly controlled will significantly affect the energy consumption of the building and also the environment badly. This study investigates the strategy to reduce energy for cooling in an office room by utilizing the high setting temperature of the air conditioning system with the addition of fan ventilation by field measurement. About 9 study cases have been investigated which includes the air-conditioning setting of 27°C to 28°C, with and without fan-assisted ventilation. The measured physical thermal comfort parameters are air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and black globe temperature. The operative temperature and Predicted Mean Vote value (PMV) have been calculated for each study case for analysis. The results revealed that the comfortable condition with neutral sensation can be achieved by air-conditioning setting of 28°C with an air speed of 1 m/s-1.2m/s. Moreover, the results showed that the room with 27°C-28°C setting temperature was under comfortable conditions before afternoon hours, while fan-assisted ventilation is required to enhance the comfortable hours through the rest working hour. By this practice, it is expected the energy consumption and cooling load of the building can be reduced

    Karakteristik Ekologi Dan Aspek Silvikultur Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.) Sulawesi Selatan

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    This paper describes the ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.)site characteristics in Amaro Forest,Barru District, South Sulawesi including its secondary succession to create a favourable conditions for stand establishment. Association analysis shows that a wide variety of lowland species have been identified grows together with the ebony.Physical characteristics rather than chemical fertility of soils show a great value in supporting ebony stand growth.Poor stand with low natural regeneration of these remaining fragmented forests suggest the need to apply enrichment planting and improvement cutting to increase their productivity

    Effectiveness of natural coagulant in coagulation process: A review

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    Natural coagulants have been increasingly popular in the past few years due to its benefits and the fact that it resolves mos t of the associated problems when using chemical coagulants. Plant-based natural coagulants perform coagulation either by polymer bridging or charge neutralization, it can be extracted from various plant components. Concerted research and development efforts have been conducted in discovering new plant species and constituents that can be used as natural coagulants, which further boosting the effectiveness of existing plant-based natural coagulants. The objective of this paper is to provide a mini review on studies done over the span of ten years regarding plant-based natural coagulants. This paper also includes advantages and disadvantages of natural coagulants prior to identify sever al potential research gaps to provide platform towards the need of further study

    Effectiveness of local waste materials as organic-based coagulant in treating water

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    The adequacy of chemicals as coagulants such as alum is all around perceived. Nevertheless, there are numerous drawbacks related with the use including high operational costs, impeding impacts on human wellbeing and generation of huge sludge volumes. In this manner, it is crucial to supplant these chemical coagulants with organic-based coagulants to minimize the downsides. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the suitability of selected local wastes in becoming organic-based coagulant as to treat raw water. Regarding choice of organic-based coagulants, this study focused on the local waste materials, which are chestnut peels, bagasse and maize cobs. These waste materials were prepared by washing, drying, grinding lastly sieving in obtaining powder of coagulants ready to be used. A jar test was then performed to decide the effect of individual characteristic coagulants on the effectiveness of turbidity removal under different working variables of pH and coagulant dosage. Based on the findings, bagasse contributed to the highest yield of 79.5% followed by chestnut and maize cob. From the jar test experiments, the optimum dosage of 90 mg/L and pH 7.5 was obtained. At these optimizations, highest turbidity removal of 97.3% was recorded by bagasse compared to the other tested natural coagulants. This showing that bagasse as one of the representatives of organic wastes has the potential to physically treat the water. Keywords: Organic-based coagulant; Organic wastes; Coagulant dosage; Turbidity removal