4 research outputs found

    Продукты переработки цельного зерна и перспективы их использования при производстве мучных кондитерских изделий

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    Food products unbalanced by their composition that are included in a diet are one of serious causes of the onset and development of noncommunicable diseases in the whole world. At present, the tasks of extending the market of products created on the healthy nutrition principles are set at the state level. Production of flour confectionery, in particular biscuits, is an important part of the Russian food industry. The traditional assortment of biscuits and its existing classification by types and groups have almost one-hundred-year history, are recognizable and appreciated by all age categories. A large part of biscuits recipe composition is wheat flour of the highest grade. It conditions the low nutritional value of this product category. A targeted change in the recipe composition is an effective strategy for quality optimization of the existing food products. In this case, the main task facing producers is transformation of the nutrient composition with simultaneous maintenance of the structure, taste and traditionalism of a product. The paper examines the topical direction of food product improvement, including flour confectionery, namely, introduction into their composition of whole grain raw materials that contain a wide spectrum of wholesome substances: vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, including beta-glucans, phenolic acids, tocols. It is shown that the use of whole grains and products made from them has a clinically proved effectiveness, reduces the risk of appearance of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer. The paper presents the recommended levels for consumption of whole grains and products based on them, norms of the physiological requirements in dietary fibers for children and adult population of the RF and different countries of the world, gives data on the content of B group vitamins, tocopherols, tocotrienols, nutritional and energy value of some whole grain products. The definitions of "whole grain", "whole grain food" and "food with whole grain ingredients" are considered. Several legislative aspects of production of enriched products in the RF are described.Несбалансированные по составу пищевые продукты, входящие в рацион питания, являются одной из серьезных причин возникновения и развития неинфекционных заболеваний во всем мире. В настоящее время на государственном уровне поставлены задачи по расширению рынка продуктов, созданных на основе принципов здорового питания. Производство мучных кондитерских изделий, в частности печенья, является важной частью пищевой промышленности РФ. Традиционный ассортимент печенья и его существующая классификация по видам и группам имеет почти столетнюю историю, узнаваема и ценима всеми возрастными категориями. Большую часть рецептурного состава печенья составляет пшеничная мука высшего сорта — она обуславливает низкую пищевую ценность данной категории изделий. Направленное изменение рецептурного состава является эффективной стратегией оптимизации качества существующих продуктов питания. В этом случае основной задачей, стоящей перед производителями, становится преобразование нутриентного состава при одновременном сохранении структуры, вкуса и традиционности изделия. В работе рассмотрено актуальное направление совершенствования пищевых продуктов, в том числе мучных кондитерских изделий — введение в состав цельнозернового сырья, содержащего широкий спектр полезных для здоровья веществ: витаминов, минеральных веществ, пищевых волокон, в том числе бета-глюканов, фенольных кислот, токолов. Показано, что употребление цельного зерна и продуктов из него имеет клинически доказанную эффективность, сокращает риск возникновения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, диабета, рака. В работе представлены рекомендуемые уровни потребления цельного зерна и продуктов на его основе, нормы физиологических потребностей в пищевых волокнах для детского и взрослого населения РФ и разных стран мира, приведены данные по содержанию витаминов группы B, токоферолов, токотриенолов, пищевой и энергетической ценности некоторых цельнозерновых продуктов. Рассмотрены понятия «цельное зерно», «цельнозерновой продукт» и «продукт, содержащий цельнозерновое сырье». Изложены некоторые законодательные аспекты производства обогащенных изделий в РФ


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    The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods.The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods

    Идентификация штамма дрожжей cystobasidium slooffiae, выделенных из тестового образца торта

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    Nowadays, the problem of food safety and quality assurance throughout the product life cycle is topical in the whole world. According to the WHO data, foodborne diseases linked with consumption of unsafe food, including diseases caused by microbial pathogens, are common in many world countries and are still the main cause of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, prevention of the microbiological spoilage of food products is an important task in all food industry sectors. One of the ways for its solution is to carry out investigations to reveal potential sources of microbial contamination of food products including flour confectionery. Cakes are multi-component confectionery products. As a rule, they have the high moisture mass fraction, which conditions the presence of a favorable environment for the development of all types of microorganisms and contributes to the instability of this product type to the effects of environmental conditions during storage. In this study, yeast and mold counts were determined by growing cultures on the solid culture medium (Sabouraud). Pure cultures were isolated by the streak plate method. Stained and unstained microorganisms were examined by the microscopic method. Saccharolytic enzymes of the isolated bacterial cultures were identified using the Hiss’s culture media. Based on the analysis of the ribosomal gene sequence obtained by sequencing the DNA region encoding the ITS-D1/D2 rDNA region, an accurate identification of the strain was performed. The phylogenetic relationship analysis carried out using strains of closely related microorganisms showed that species Cystobasidium slooffiae was the closest relative of the studied strain. The source of Cystobasidium slooffiae was the environment. The detection of this strain indicates violations of the sanitary and hygienic condition of inventory, equipment, industrial premises, including hard-to-reach places, as well as violations of the hygiene rules by personnel; in addition, this indicates the high contamination of raw materials.В настоящее время во всем мире актуальной является проблема обеспечения и сохранения качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов на протяжении всего их жизненного цикла. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения, болезни пищевого происхождения, связанные с употреблением некачественных продуктов питания и включающие в себя группу болезней, вызываемых в том числе микробными патогенами, имеют широкое распространение во многих странах мира и по-прежнему являются основной причиной заболеваемости и смертности. В связи с этим предотвращение микробиологической порчи пищевых продуктов является важной задачей, стоящей перед всеми отраслями пищевой промышленности. Одним из путей ее решения становится проведение исследований по выявлению потенциальных источников микробиологической обсемененности продуктов, в том числе мучных кондитерских изделий. Торты — это многокомпонентные кондитерские изделия. Как правило, они являются продуктами с высокой массовой долей влаги, что предопределяет наличие в них благоприятной среды для развития всех видов микроорганизмов и способствует нестабильности данного вида продукции к воздействию условий окружающей среды в процессе хранения. В работе определяли количество плесеней и дрожжей посевом на плотную питательную среду (Сабуро). Чистые культуры выделяли методом истощающего штриха. Исследовали микроорганизмы микроскопическим методом в окрашенном и неокрашенном виде. Идентификацию сахаролитических ферментов выделенных культур бактерий проводили с использованием питательных сред Гисса. На основе анализа последовательности рибосомальных генов, полученных при секвенировании участка ДНК, кодирующего область ITS-D1/ D2 рДНК, провели точную идентификация штамма. Анализ филогенетического родства, построенный с использованием штаммов близкородственных микроорганизмов, показал, что наиболее близким к исследуемому штамму является Cystobasidium, вид Cystobasidium slooffiae. Источником Cystobasidium slooffiae является окружающая среда. Обнаружение этого штамма свидетельствует о  нарушениях санитарно-гигиенического состояния инвентаря, оборудования, производственных помещений, включая труднодоступные места, а также о нарушении правил гигиены персоналом; кроме того, это говорит о высокой обсемененности сырья

    Technology of flour confectionery products using emulsion obtained in conditions of cavitation processing

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    The idea of using the cavitation energy in food industry appeared in the middle of the last century, but due to absence of efficient machineries and developed process theory this method was not used. The attractiveness of using the effects of cavitation in the food industry lies in the possibility of a significant intensification of such most labour and energy-consuming processes as grinding, homogenization, dispersion, emulsification of food disperse systems. Nowadays, lots of works all around the world are dedicated to this phenomenon. This scientific direction has gained it's actuality with the world rate technic development allowing to create the more powerful machineries, capable to processing large volume of liquid. The development of new researching method has made the problem of using the cavitation energy – which has both hydrodynamic and acoustic nature – more attractive. The advantages of using the effects of cavitation on food media have been presented. The expediency of using cavitation in various sectors of the food industry: baking industry, meat industry and dairy industry has been proved. Specific examples have been given and the prospects of using this type of influence have been shown to ensure the stability of food emulsions. This study has shown how the change in the type, intensity and duration of the cavitation processing makes it possible to control the quality of the emulsion, test and finished bakery confectionery products. The optimal parameters of intensity and duration of ultrasound exposure have been determined: Imax = 1.24•106 cm2•s–3, t = 7 minutes, during which the maximum dispersion of all three phases (S-L-G) has been provided and the stability of the emulsion structure has been improved, which is confirmed by a decrease in the amount of undissolved sugar and formed foam. It has been established that the physicochemical effect of high energies leads not only to a decrease in the entropy of the leading processes and technological systems in general, but also to an increase in production efficiency and quality stabilization of the finished product