1,906 research outputs found

    Optical Signatures of Non-Markovian Behaviour in Open Quantum Systems

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    We derive an extension to the quantum regression theorem which facilitates the calculation of two-time correlation functions and emission spectra for systems undergoing non-Markovian evolution. The derivation exploits projection operator techniques, with which we obtain explicit equations of motion for the correlation functions, making only a second order expansion in the system--environment coupling strength, and invoking the Born approximation at a fixed initial time. The results are used to investigate a driven semiconductor quantum dot coupled to an acoustic phonon bath, where we find the non-Markovian nature of the dynamics has observable signatures in the form of phonon sidebands in the resonance fluorescence emission spectrum. Furthermore, we use recently developed non-Markovianity measures to demonstrate an associated flow of information from the phonon bath back into the quantum dot exciton system.Comment: Comments welcom

    Modelling exciton-phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots

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    We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level excitonic system to phonons leads to dissipation and dephasing, the rates of which depend on the excitation conditions, intrinsic properties of the QD sample, and its temperature. We describe several techniques, which include weak-coupling master equations that are perturbative in the exciton-phonon coupling, as well as those based on the polaron transformation that can remain valid for strong phonon interactions. We additionally consider the role of phonons in altering the optical emission characteristics of quantum dot devices, outlining how we must modify standard quantum optics treatments to account for the presence of the solid-state environment.Comment: Invited Topical Review, 26 pages, 7 figures. V2 - close to published version, 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes to text, added a few new references and two new figure

    Strong non-linearity-induced correlations for counter-propagating photons scattering on a two-level emitter

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    We analytically treat the scattering of two counter-propagating photons on a two-level emitter embedded in an optical waveguide. We find that the non-linearity of the emitter can give rise to significant pulse-dependent directional correlations in the scattered photonic state, which could be quantified via a reduction in coincident clicks in a Hong-Ou-Mandel measurement setup, analogous to a linear beam splitter. Changes to the spectra and phase of the scattered photons, however, would lead to reduced interference with other photons when implemented in a larger optical circuit. We introduce suitable fidelity measures which account for these changes, and find that high values can still be achieved even when accounting for all properties of the scattered photonic state.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Error distributions on large entangled states with non-Markovian dynamics

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    We investigate the distribution of errors on a computationally useful entangled state generated via the repeated emission from an emitter undergoing strongly non-Markovian evolution. For emitter-environment coupling of pure-dephasing form, we show that the probability that a particular patten of errors occurs has a bound of Markovian form, and thus accuracy threshold theorems based on Markovian models should be just as effective. This is the case, for example, for a charged quantum dot emitter in a moderate to strong magnetic field. Beyond the pure-dephasing assumption, though complicated error structures can arise, they can still be qualitatively bounded by a Markovian error model.Comment: Close to published versio

    Model of the optical emission of a driven semiconductor quantum dot: phonon-enhanced coherent scattering and off-resonant sideband narrowing

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    We study the crucial role played by the solid-state environment in determining the photon emission characteristics of a driven quantum dot. For resonant driving, we predict a phonon-enhancement of the coherently emitted radiation field with increasing driving strength, in stark contrast to the conventional expectation of a rapidly decreasing fraction of coherent emission with stronger driving. This surprising behaviour results from thermalisation of the dot with respect to the phonon bath, and leads to a nonstandard regime of resonance fluorescence in which significant coherent scattering and the Mollow triplet coexist. Off-resonance, we show that despite the phonon influence, narrowing of dot spectral sideband widths can occur in certain regimes, consistent with an experimental trend.Comment: Published version. 5 pages, 2 figures, plus 4 page supplement. Title changed, figure 1 revised, various edits and additions to the tex

    Comment on "General Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems"

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    The existence of a "non-Markovian dissipationless" regime, characterized by long lived oscillations, was recently reported for a class of quantum open systems (Zhang et al, PRL, 109, 170402, (2012)). It is claimed this could happen in the strong coupling regime, a surprising result which has attracted some attention. We show that this regime exists if and only if the total Hamiltonian is unbounded from below, casting serious doubts on the usefulness of this result

    Experimental demonstration of a measurement-based realisation of a quantum channel

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    We introduce and experimentally demonstrate a method for realising a quantum channel using the measurement-based model. Using a photonic setup and modifying the bases of single-qubit measurements on a four-qubit entangled cluster state, representative channels are realised for the case of a single qubit in the form of amplitude and phase damping channels. The experimental results match the theoretical model well, demonstrating the successful performance of the channels. We also show how other types of quantum channels can be realised using our approach. This work highlights the potential of the measurement-based model for realising quantum channels which may serve as building blocks for simulations of realistic open quantum systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    VPPA weld model evaluation

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    NASA uses the Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Welding (VPPAW) process extensively for fabrication of Space Shuttle External Tanks. This welding process has been in use at NASA since the late 1970's but the physics of the process have never been satisfactorily modeled and understood. In an attempt to advance the level of understanding of VPPAW, Dr. Arthur C. Nunes, Jr., (NASA) has developed a mathematical model of the process. The work described in this report evaluated and used two versions (level-0 and level-1) of Dr. Nunes' model, and a model derived by the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) from Dr. Nunes' level-1 model. Two series of VPPAW experiments were done, using over 400 different combinations of welding parameters. Observations were made of VPPAW process behavior as a function of specific welding parameter changes. Data from these weld experiments was used to evaluate and suggest improvements to Dr. Nunes' model. Experimental data and correlations with the model were used to develop a multi-variable control algorithm for use with a future VPPAW controller. This algorithm is designed to control weld widths (both on the crown and root of the weld) based upon the weld parameters, base metal properties, and real-time observation of the crown width. The algorithm exhibited accuracy comparable to that of the weld width measurements for both aluminum and mild steel welds
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