1,103 research outputs found
Analisis Pengembangan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Pada Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan, Dan Pelatihan Kota Semarang
Developing institutional capacity of local Government always contain an understanding of various efforts to improve service to the community. This research aims to find out and analyze developing institutional capacity in staffing agencies, education and training in Semarang. In addition, to know the driving factor and a barrier to developing institutional capacity in staffing agencies, education and training in Semarang. This research is descriptive using the type of qualitative approach. The results showed that lack of support from regulation, make the employees hardship to complete basic tasks and functions, especially in structuring the organization which has not been in accordance with the Government Regulations number 18 in 2016 about forming, and local regulations number 14 in 2016 on the establishment and composition of the regional city of Semarang can make the formation of the Officer has not been in accordance with duties and load. This factor is restricting institutional capacity building in the area of Staffing Agency in Semarang. Based on the results, it is recommended to the regional Staffing Agency in Semarang, associated with the regulations which are fluctuate, it is necessary to clarified about the rules that will be used, to avoid multiple interpretations of all parties, especially the regional Staffing Agency in Semarang
Studi Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Bos Tahun 2011 Di SMP Al Azhar 14, SMP 12 Dan SMP 29 Kota Semarang
School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) is a very important program to support education funding. This study aims to determine the BOS program implementation and to identify factors that support or hinder the implementation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by documentation and interview with a number of informants. Data analysis is implemented through data reduction, data presentation, and verification.Phenomenon is approached by a model study of public policy implementation by George Edward III in which the factors that support and hinder the implementation are; communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. There are factors that support and hinder the implementation of BOS in Semarang. This is due to the unfavorable socialization, the lack resources and the lack of competence to handle the policy. In addition there is also additional organizations involved in the implementation of BO
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Program Keluarga Berencana Di Kecamatan Pedurungan
Public participation is an important aspect in the success of the government's development program. Family planning is one government program that aims to control the number of residents with a way to control birth spacing and limiting births. Another goal of family planning is to improve the quality of future generations. In the family planning programs in Sub-district Pedurungan, public participation is a form of public awareness to share the support of one of the national government's programs in an effort to control the population and improving the quality of human resources. Technical Implementation Unit of Bapermasper and KB (UPTB) Sub-district Pedurungan which is representative of bapermasper and KB Semarang acts as a supervisor, executive and government officials who deal with matters of family planning in Sub Pedurungan. The purpose of this research is to see the form of community participation in family planning programs, the level of community participation in family planning programs and the factors that influence community participation in planning programs in Sub-district Pedurungan. The results of this research are the form of community participation in family planning programs in Sub Pedurungan is pseudo participation. Levels of community participation is at the level of tokenism and there are three factors that affect the participation of the six factors studied . Factors affecting the society is education background , gender and external factors comes from the governmen
Implementasi Program Car Free Day Di Kota Semarang
The problems such as lack of public awareness of the city of Semarang on the environment particularly concerning air pollution and lack of public participation in in the program Car Free Day would be a background of this research. This research was meant to find out how the implementation of the program Car Free Day in the town of Semarang and knowing factor - factor thruster and inhibitors in the program Car Free Day. This research using methods research qualitative descriptive. The subjects in this study consisted of six ( 6 ) informant main. The results showed that the implementation of the programme of Car Free Day in the city of Semarang have yet to demonstrate the effective implementation. The success of the goals enshrined in the rules of the Mayor of Semarang number 22 year 2011 free days on the implementation of the motor vehicle has not been fully achieved, Car Free Day programs that aim to restore the quality of the air in fact only recently able to reduce air pollution. The participation of the community in Semarang city are still without wind in the implementation of the program should be Car Free Day could be more enthusiastic and regularly follow this activity so that an open space for the public this is true can actually manifest properly. Changes in mindset and behaviour of society not Semarang City shows what kind of behavior expected by the executor. Nevertheless the executing this program already has expertise and competence in accordance with the programme of Car Free Day since leading from this program comes from the background environment. Based on these conclusions, the researchers recommend to the executing program Car Free Day this need high commitment and support from the Government as well as society Semarang city, especially the parties involved to implement the program of Car Free Day an ongoing basis in order to achieve the purpose of which is to restore the quality of the air in Semarang city
Implementasi Perda No. 6 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pajak Reklame Di Kota Semarang
Advertisement tax policy is a policy that is set forth in UU nomor 28 Tahun 2009 on Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution which has the purpose, are to organize the implementation of Local Tax andRetribution give greater authority to the regions to managed and regulated the management of taxes and charges in their area. In line with big of responsibility in the area of governance and service to the community in Semarang, advertisement tax policy implementation be regulated in the regulations of the Mayor No. 973/89 of 2012 On Establishment of Regional and advertisement Class Road in Semarang city, where the presence of the Mayor of this Regulation is expected to overcome billboard problems on local taxes all this time, the problem are: the taxpayer who does not timely pay taxes, for the installation of forbidden billboards and installation of billboards do not pay attention to the aesthetics of the city. These objectives can be achieved through the implementation of effective policies that can be seen from the appropriateness of the policy, implementing accuracy, precision of the target, accuracy and precision of the process environment. Advertisement tax policy implementation in achieving its objectives can not be released from the factors that support and obstacle. Based on the theory of Van Meter and Van Horn, supporting and inhibiting factors, are Resources Policy, Communication and Implementation Activities. Characteristics Implementation Agency, Socio-Economic and Political Conditions and Disposition Implementor. 2 Based on the existing obstacles in the implementation of the advertisement tax policy in Semarang writer give some advice are : (1) giving purpose socialization and advertisement tax policy legal basis to taxpayers, so taxpayers clearly understand the rules regarding advertising tax policy. (2) firmness in giving punishment to be imposed on the taxpayer when there is infraction, whether the fraction of the taxpayer in the form of delay in paying taxes advertisement or implementation of billboards without permission. (3) conduct data collection and monitoring on a regular basis, in order to minimize the problem of illegal billboards that are not recorded in the field. (4) increasing the number of staff and staff who handle the advertisement tax policy at the Department and in the field, also increase supporting tools such as computer
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