944 research outputs found

    Galaxy interactions and strength of nuclear activity

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    Analysis of data in the literature for differential velocities and projected separations of nearby Seyfert galaxies with possible companions shows a clear difference in projected separations between type 1's and type 2's. This kinematic difference between the two activity classes reinforces other independent evidence that their different nuclear characteristics are related to a non-nuclear physical distinction between the two classes. The differential velocities and projected separations of the galaxy pairs in this sample yield mean galaxy masses, sizes, and mass to light ratios which are consistent with those found by the statistical methods of Karachentsev. Although the galaxy sample discussed here is too small and too poorly defined to provide robust support for these conclusions, the results strongly suggest that nuclear activity in Seyfert galaxies is associated with gravitational perturbations from companion galaxies, and that there are physical distinctions between the host companions of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 nuclei which may depend both on the environment and the structure of the host galaxy itself

    MERLIN imaging of the maser flare in Markarian 348

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    MERLIN images of Mrk 348 at 22 GHz show water maser emission at 0.02 - 0.11 Jy, within approximately 0.8 pc of the nucleus. This is the first direct confirmation that molecular material exists close to the Seyfert 2 nucleus. Mrk 348 was observed in 2000 May one month after Falcke et al. (2000) first identified the maser in single-dish spectra. The peak maser flux density has increased about threefold. The masing region is < 0.6 pc in radius. The flux density of radio continuum emission from the core has been rising for about 2 years. The maser-core separation is barely resolved but at the 3 sigma significance level they are not coincident along the line of sight. The masers lie in the direction of the northern radio lobes and probably emanate from material shocked by a jet with velocity close to c. The correlation between the radio continuum increase and maser flare is explained as arising from high level nuclear activity through a common excitation mechanism although direct maser amplification of the core by masers tracing a Keplerian disc is not completely ruled out.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS Letters, 5 pages, 3 figures, corrections in text and figur

    Velocities from Cross-Correlation: A Guide for Self-Improvement

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    The measurement of Doppler velocity shifts in spectra is a ubiquitous theme in astronomy, usually handled by computing the cross-correlation of the signals, and finding the location of its maximum. This paper addresses the problem of the determination of wavelength or velocity shifts among multiple spectra of the same, or very similar, objects. We implement the classical cross-correlation method and experiment with several simple models to determine the location of the maximum of the cross-correlation function. We propose a new technique, 'self-improvement', to refine the derived solutions by requiring that the relative velocity for any given pair of spectra is consistent with all others. By exploiting all available information, spectroscopic surveys involving large numbers of similar objects may improve their precision significantly. As an example, we simulate the analysis of a survey of G-type stars with the SDSS instrumentation. Applying 'self-improvement' refines relative radial velocities by more than 50% at low signal-to-noise ratio. The concept is equally applicable to the problem of combining a series of spectroscopic observations of the same object, each with a different Doppler velocity or instrument-related offset, into a single spectrum with an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, uses emulateapj.cls; to appear in the Astronomical Journal; see http://hebe.as.utexas.edu/stools/ to obtain the companion softwar

    Extended Emission Line Gas in Radio Galaxies - PKS0349-27

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    PKS0349-27 is a classical FRII radio galaxy with an AGN host which has a spectacular, spiral-like structure in its extended emission line gas (EELG). We have measured the velocity field in this gas and find that it splits into 2 cloud groups separated by radial velocities which at some points approach 400 km/s Measurements of the diagnostic emission line ratios [OIII]5007/H-beta, [SII]6716+6731/H-alpha, and [NII]6583/H-alpha in these clouds show no evidence for the type of HII region emission associated with starburst activity in either velocity system. The measured emission line ratios are similar to those found in the nuclei of narrow-line radio galaxies, but the extended ionization/excitation cannot be produced by continuum emission from the active nucleus alone. We present arguments which suggest that the velocity disturbances seen in the EELG are most likely the result of a galaxy-galaxy collision or merger but cannot completely rule out the possibility that the gas has been disrupted by the passage of a radio jet.Comment: 12 pages, 3 fig pages, to appear in the Astrophys.


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    We introduce a growing network model in which a new node attaches to a randomly-selected node, as well as to all ancestors of the target node. This mechanism produces a sparse, ultra-small network where the average node degree grows logarithmically with network size while the network diameter equals 2. We determine basic geometrical network properties, such as the size dependence of the number of links and the in- and out-degree distributions. We also compare our predictions with real networks where the node degree also grows slowly with time -- the Internet and the citation network of all Physical Review papers.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2-column revtex4 format. Version 2: minor changes in response to referee comments and to another proofreading; final version for PR

    Human dynamics revealed through Web analytics

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    When the World Wide Web was first conceived as a way to facilitate the sharing of scientific information at the CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) few could have imagined the role it would come to play in the following decades. Since then, the increasing ubiquity of Internet access and the frequency with which people interact with it raise the possibility of using the Web to better observe, understand, and monitor several aspects of human social behavior. Web sites with large numbers of frequently returning users are ideal for this task. If these sites belong to companies or universities, their usage patterns can furnish information about the working habits of entire populations. In this work, we analyze the properly anonymized logs detailing the access history to Emory University's Web site. Emory is a medium size university located in Atlanta, Georgia. We find interesting structure in the activity patterns of the domain and study in a systematic way the main forces behind the dynamics of the traffic. In particular, we show that both linear preferential linking and priority based queuing are essential ingredients to understand the way users navigate the Web.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    A Study of the Direct-Fitting Method for Measurement of Galaxy Velocity Dispersions

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    We have measured the central stellar velocity dispersions of 33 nearby spiral and elliptical galaxies, using a straightforward template-fitting algorithm operating in the pixel domain. The spectra, obtained with the Double Spectrograph at Palomar Observatory, cover both the Ca triplet and the Mg b region, and we present a comparison of the velocity dispersion measurements from these two spectral regions. Model fits to the Ca triplet region generally yield good results with little sensitivity to the choice of template star. In contrast, the Mg b region is more sensitive to template mismatch and to details of the fitting procedure such as the order of a polynomial used to match the continuum shape of the template to the object. As a consequence of the correlation of the [Mg/Fe] ratio with velocity dispersion, it is difficult to obtain a satisfactory model fit to the Mg b lines and the surrounding Fe blends simultaneously, particularly for giant elliptical galaxies with large velocity dispersions. We demonstrate that if the metallicities of the galaxy and template star are not well matched, then direct template-fitting results are improved if the Mg b lines themselves are excluded from the fit and the velocity dispersion is determined from the surrounding weaker lines.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in A

    Domain Walls Motion and Resistivity in a Fully-Frustrated Josephson Array

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    It is identified numerically that the resistivity of a fully-frustrated Josephson-junction array is due to motion of domain walls in vortex lattice rather than to motion of single vortices

    Thermoelectric performance of granular semiconductors

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    We study thermoelectric properties of granular semiconductors with weak tunneling conductance between the grains, g_t < 1. We calculate the thermopower and figure of merit taking into account the shift of the chemical potential and the asymmetry of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface due to n- or p-type doping in the Efros-Shklovskii regime for temperatures less than the charging energy. We show that for weakly coupled semiconducting grains the figure of merit is optimized for grain sizes of order 5nm for typical materials and its values can be larger than one. We also study the case of compensated granular semiconductors and show that in this case the thermopower can be still finite, although two to three orders of magnitude smaller than in the uncompensated regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of 23 Spiral Bulges

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    We have obtained Integral Field Spectroscopy for 23 spiral bulges using INTEGRAL on the William Herschel Telescope and SPIRAL on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This is the first 2D survey directed solely at the bulges of spiral galaxies. Eleven galaxies of the sample do not have previous measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion (sigma*). These data are designed to complement our Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph program for estimating black hole masses in the range 10^6-10^8M_sun using gas kinematics from nucleated disks. These observations will serve to derive the stellar dynamical bulge properties using the traditional Mgb and CaII triplets. We use both Cross Correlation and Maximum Penalized Likelihood to determine projected sigma* in these systems and present radial velocity fields, major axis rotation curves, curves of growth and sigma* fields. Using the Cross Correlation to extract the low order 2D stellar dynamics we generally see coherent radial rotation and irregular velocity dispersion fields suggesting that sigma* is a non-trivial parameter to estimate.Comment: 11 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
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