9 research outputs found

    Transition magnon modes in thin ferromagnetic nanogratings

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    This work presents micromagnetic simulations in ferromagnetic nanogratings for the full range of directions of an applied in-plane external magnetic field. We focus on the modification of the magnon mode characteristics when the magnetic field orientation is gradually changed between the classical Damon-Eshbach and backward-volume geometries. We found that in a specific range of field directions, the magnon mode parameters differ significantly from the parameters in the classical cases; namely, the modes are characterized by complex spatial distributions and have low group velocities. The center of this range corresponds to the direction of the external magnetic field, which gives the maximal nonuniform distribution of the static magnetization in the nanogratings

    Generation of a localised microwave magnetic field by coherent phonons in a ferromagnetic grating

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    A high-amplitude microwave magnetic field localized at the nanoscale is a desirable tool for various applications within the rapidly developing field of nanomagnetism. Here, we drive magnetization precession by coherent phonons in a metal ferromagnetic nanograting and generate ac-magnetic induction with extremely high amplitude (up to 10 mT) and nanometer scale localization in the grating grooves. We trigger the magnetization by a laser pulse which excites localized surface acoustic waves. The developed technique has prospective uses in several areas of research and technology, including spatially resolved access to spin states for quantum technologies

    Electrical Tuning of Terahertz Plasmonic Crystal Phases

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    We present an extensive study of resonant two-dimensional (2D) plasmon excitations in grating-gated quantum well heterostructures, which enable an electrical control of periodic charge carrier density profile. Our study combines theoretical and experimental investigations of nanometer-scale AlGaN/GaN grating-gate structures and reveals that all terahertz (THz) plasmonic resonances in these structures can be explained only within the framework of the plasmonic crystal model. We identify two different plasmonic crystal phases. The first is the delocalized phase, where THz radiation is absorbed with the entire grating-gate structure that is realized at a weakly modulated 2D electron gas (2DEG) regime. In the second, the localized phase, THz radiation interacts only with the ungated portions of the structure. This phase is achieved by fully depleting the gated regions, resulting in strong modulation. By gate controlling of the modulation degree, we observe a continuous transition between these phases. We also discover that, unexpectedly, the resonant plasma frequencies of ungated parts (in the localized phase) still depend on the gate voltage. We attribute this phenomenon to the specific depletion of the conductive profile in the ungated region of the 2DEG, the so-called edge gating effect. Although we study a specific case of plasmons in AlGaN/GaN grating-gate structures, our results have a general character and are applicable to any other semiconductor-based plasmonic crystal structures. Our work represents the first demonstration of an electrically tunable transition between different phases of THz plasmonic crystals, which is a crucial step toward a deeper understanding of THz plasma physics and the development of all-electrically tunable devices for THz optoelectronics

    Ultrafast magnetoacoustics in Galfenol nanostructures

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    Phonons and magnons are prospective information carriers to substitute the transfer of charge in nanoscale communication devices. Our ability to manipulate them at the nanoscale and with ultimate speed is examined by ultrafast acoustics and femtosecond optomagnetism, which use ultrashort laser pulses for generation and detection of the corresponding coherent excitations. Ultrafast magnetoacoustics merges these research directions and focuses on the interaction of optically generated coherent phonons and magnons. In this review, we present ultrafast magnetoacoustic experiments with nanostructures based on the alloy (Fe,Ga) known as Galfenol. We demonstrate how broad we can manipulate the magnetic response on an optical excitation by controlling the spectrum of generated coherent phonons and their interaction with magnons. Resonant phonon pumping of magnons, formation of magnon polarons, driving of a magnetization wave by a guided phonon wavepacket are demosntrated. The presented experimental results have great application potential in emerging areas of modern nanoelectronics