171 research outputs found

    Transition function for the Toda chain model

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    The method of Lambda-operators developed by S. Derkachov, G. Korchemsky, A. Manashov is applied to a derivation of eigenfunctions for the open Toda chain. The Sklyanin measure is reproduced using diagram technique developed for these Lambda-operators. The properties of the Lambda-operators are studied. This approach to the open Toda chain eigenfunctions reproduces Gauss-Givental representation for these eigenfunctions

    Partition Functions of Matrix Models as the First Special Functions of String Theory I. Finite Size Hermitean 1-Matrix Model

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    Even though matrix model partition functions do not exhaust the entire set of tau-functions relevant for string theory, they seem to be elementary building blocks for many others and they seem to properly capture the fundamental symplicial nature of quantum gravity and string theory. We propose to consider matrix model partition functions as new special functions. This means they should be investigated and put into some standard form, with no reference to particular applications. At the same time, the tables and lists of properties should be full enough to avoid discoveries of unexpected peculiarities in new applications. This is a big job, and the present paper is just a step in this direction. Here we restrict our consideration to the finite-size Hermitean 1-matrix model and concentrate mostly on its phase/branch structure arising when the partition function is considered as a D-module. We discuss the role of the CIV-DV prepotential (as generating a possible basis in the linear space of solutions to the Virasoro constraints, but with a lack of understanding of why and how this basis is distinguished) and evaluate first few multiloop correlators, which generalize semicircular distribution to the case of multitrace and non-planar correlators.Comment: 64 pages, LaTe

    Liouville Type Models in Group Theory Framework. I. Finite-Dimensional Algebras

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    In the series of papers we represent the ``Whittaker'' wave functional of d+1d+1-dimensional Liouville model as a correlator in d+0d+0-dimensional theory of the sine-Gordon type (for d=0d=0 and 11). Asypmtotics of this wave function is characterized by the Harish-Chandra function, which is shown to be a product of simple Γ\Gamma-function factors over all positive roots of the corresponding algebras (finite-dimensional for d=0d=0 and affine for d=1d=1). This is in nice correspondence with the recent results on 2- and 3-point correlators in 1+11+1 Liouville model, where emergence of peculiar double-periodicity is observed. The Whittaker wave functions of d+1d+1-dimensional non-affine ("conformal") Toda type models are given by simple averages in the d+0d+0 dimensional theories of the affine Toda type. This phenomenon is in obvious parallel with representation of the free-field wave functional, which is originally a Gaussian integral over interior of a d+1d+1-dimensional disk with given boundary conditions, as a (non-local) quadratic integral over the dd-dimensional boundary itself. In the present paper we mostly concentrate on the finite-dimensional case. The results for finite-dimensional "Iwasawa" Whittaker functions were known, and we present their survey. We also construct new "Gauss" Whittaker functions.Comment: 47 pages, LaTe

    Unitary representations of U_{q}(\mathfrak{sl}(2,\RR)), the modular double, and the multiparticle q-deformed Toda chains

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    The paper deals with the analytic theory of the quantum q-deformed Toda chain; the technique used combines the methods of representation theory and the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. The key phenomenon which is under scrutiny is the role of the modular duality concept (first discovered by L.Faddeev) in the representation theory of noncompact semisimple quantum groups. Explicit formulae for the Whittaker vectors are presented in terms of the double sine functions and the wave functions of the N-particle q-deformed open Toda chain are given as a multiple integral of the Mellin-Barnes type. For the periodic chain the two dual Baxter equations are derived.Comment: AmsLatex, 41 pages, 3 figure

    Matrix Models, Complex Geometry and Integrable Systems. I

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    We consider the simplest gauge theories given by one- and two- matrix integrals and concentrate on their stringy and geometric properties. We remind general integrable structure behind the matrix integrals and turn to the geometric properties of planar matrix models, demonstrating that they are universally described in terms of integrable systems directly related to the theory of complex curves. We study the main ingredients of this geometric picture, suggesting that it can be generalized beyond one complex dimension, and formulate them in terms of the quasiclassical integrable systems, solved by construction of tau-functions or prepotentials. The complex curves and tau-functions of one- and two- matrix models are discussed in detail.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, based on several lecture courses and the talks at "Complex geometry and string theory" and the Polivanov memorial seminar; misprints corrected, references adde

    On a class of integrable systems connected with GL(N,\RR)

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    In this paper we define a new class of the quantum integrable systems associated with the quantization of the cotangent bundle T(GL(N))T^*(GL(N)) to the Lie algebra glN\frak{gl}_N. The construction is based on the Gelfand-Zetlin maximal commuting subalgebra in U(glN)U(\frak{gl}_N). We discuss the connection with the other known integrable systems based on TGL(N)T^*GL(N). The construction of the spectral tower associated with the proposed integrable theory is given. This spectral tower appears as a generalization of the standard spectral curve for integrable system.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    On differential equation on four-point correlation function in the Conformal Toda Field Theory

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    The properties of completely degenerate fields in the Conformal Toda Field Theory are studied. It is shown that a generic four-point correlation function that contains only one such field does not satisfy ordinary differential equation in contrast to the Liouville Field Theory. Some additional assumptions for other fields are required. Under these assumptions we write such a differential equation and solve it explicitly. We use the fusion properties of the operator algebra to derive a special set of three-point correlation function. The result agrees with the semiclassical calculations.Comment: 5 page

    Integral representations for the eigenfunctions of quantum open and periodic Toda chains from QISM formalism

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    The integral representations for the eigenfunctions of NN particle quantum open and periodic Toda chains are constructed in the framework of Quantum Inverse Scattering Method (QISM). Both periodic and open NN-particle solutions have essentially the same structure being written as a generalized Fourier transform over the eigenfunctions of the N1N-1 particle open Toda chain with the kernels satisfying to the Baxter equations of the second and first order respectively. In the latter case this leads to recurrent relations which result to representation of the Mellin-Barnes type for solutions of an open chain. As byproduct, we obtain the Gindikin-Karpelevich formula for the Harish-Chandra function in the case of GL(N,\RR) group.Comment: Latex+amssymb.sty, 14 page

    Eigenfunctions of GL(N,\RR) Toda chain: The Mellin-Barnes representation

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    The recurrent relations between the eigenfunctions for GL(N,\RR) and GL(N-1,\RR) quantum Toda chains is derived. As a corollary, the Mellin-Barnes integral representation for the eigenfunctions of a quantum open Toda chain is constructed for the NN-particle case.Comment: Latex+amssymb.sty, 7 pages; corrected some typos published in Pis'ma v ZhETF (2000), vol. 71, 338-34